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Full Version: Odd request: identify a jpop song?
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I listen to random jpop at work, mostly because I don't actually speak Japanese its mostly white noise that doesn't detract concentration from what I am actually supposed to be paying attention to.
(Some of my coworkers in cubes close to me have astonishingly annoying voices).
So I mostly listen for some beat thats not too frenetic and the occasional singer with a sexy voice.

I was listening to everything on groovershark by the VA for Fate of Nanoha ( who evidently has a music career as well), and I have encountered a song on grooveshark thats apparently misfiled, but I want to find more by the same singer if possible. My efforts to catch specific phrases in the lyrics and run them through the googles have yielded no good results.
The song is "VII" by "Nana Mizuki" on album "000".
That should let any one find the song on grooveshark. Anyone more into jpop ( or who speaks japanese) recognize the actual singer or song?
I was rather more successful running bits of the song into Google.  It gets slow enough to identify around 2:30-3:00.
The song is actually called "VII".  It's from the anime Umineko no Naku Koro ni, and is performed by Shikata Akiko.
Want my sources? ^^

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Thanks a lot!

I tried but evidently I could not pick out enough of the lyrics to get a match.


Might also help in the future, but if you have a smartphone and can get the app Soundhound, I have found its pretty damned good at picking up ANY music, including Jpop, unlike Shazam which didnt get any jpop
There is no coincidence, only necessity....
- Clow Reed