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Full Version: It was an eventful weekend...
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Given the Spanish government's response, Rob, I'm not sure the Catalan vote belongs in the good news column.  That's a civil war not just waiting to happen, but stockpiling weapons and ammo.  Not that a USAian such as myself has any standing to talk in that regard.  

Are the pro-independence leaders more right-wing, left-wing, or sane?
I was thinking more "the vote happened despite all efforts to suppress it" rather than "it happened and we have to deal with the outcome", actually... but, yeah, not an unalloyed good-news item.

Catalonia has been looking for independence for decades (and not in the half-hearted way Quebec has). I don't know which side of the political spectrum the leaders fall on nowadays.
America led by an incompetent right wing racist.
Spain edging towards civil war.
Some dumb thing about to happen in the far east
Germany looking to the right
Britain in a useless, feckless flabble
And, of course, a world peacekeeping authority being ignored....