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From: Ladiesman77@friggarock.fen
To: [Classified disclosures]
Encrypted and Cleared: J247_08_Black
Subj: Critical Vulnerability in Roughriders Engine systems

Anika finally convinced me to release this thing to people who can do something about it. But this really, really must not go outside this group or *very bad things* will happen. It's the sort of thing that, once you read it, you can't ever tell anyone. It's a Great Justice 'Black Notice' sort of thing - the sort of thing troubleshooters will use unecessary force to stop from getting public because it is that dangerous.

Everyone who gets this has been pre-cleared to know about it, and only everyone who has. You can thank 'sis for your conscription. If you think there's anyone else who needs to be on the list, you need to propose it.

If you don't want to know what it is, you can leave right now, because this thing *terrified* me. If you do, there's a tattelate in the link below that'll load the true message from a secure server, and tell me you read it. Clicking the link is basically agreeing to be under a Black Notice for this sort of information.

If you've read that, the floor's now open to coming up with some ways of actually dealing with this. If you haven't, you probably did the right thing.

OOC: I expect Kohran is not on the distribution list for this, because (a) Great Justice knows she's a Mushroom Farmer and (b) her father's an ex-Troubleshooter.
I would've assumed the opposite - Kohran is the only person who probably knows about this beforehand, so would probably be someone Mackie included on the list. It's not really a Great Justice list - it's a who to trust list. Whether it's Mackie getting discovered by Mushroom Kingdom, or Mushroom Kingdom in operation - is up to others.

There's also a chance that some people might've scanned some of the engines built on Frigga and asked why they're Plutonium based. The difference betweeb bomb grade Plutonium and what's in those engines - is that bomb-grade Plutonium takes less time to make and is easier to handle.

There'll also be a graphic designer and a branding expert to come up an appropriatly threatening and catchy name and, and an ominously childish logo for this particular vulnerability.
From: blackrider@rr.blackbox.fen (Benjamin Rhodes - Secure Roughriders Network)
To: [Classified disclosures]
Encrypted and Cleared: J247_08_Black
Subj: RE: Critical Vulnerability in Roughriders Engine systems

Okay, I'm assuming that I don't need to tell anyone here not to panic.

Mackie and Jet have been sharing their work with me, including everything that happened with the Dragon Wagon - which I have to admit, Mackie sure as hell outdid me there for Madboy Moments of Epicness.  Jet, if you don't watch it I'm gonna wind up headhunting him for BAT's Propulsion Systems R&D.  Wink

That said, we're moving forward with the lower enrichment rates on the fuel core.  How fast is that supposed to be?  To quote a certain villain, "I triggered it thirty-five minutes ago."

No joke.

I haven't recalled fuel runs that are already outbound - that would not only inflict issues on other people's logistics, but would also be unseemly in the extreme and attract undue attention.  Granted, this will be a bit of a pain in the butt since it will require more refueling, the upshot is that we've hit a certain 'sweet spot' with enrichment rate that will make this more cost effective despite the more frequent pit stops while keeping moderated reactions moderated.

(Who'da thunk it?  That the cost to enrich nuclear fuel increases exponentially with the rate of enrichment? :V )

But anyhow, just putting it out there - Ignorance on my part is not going to be an excuse.  This is known, and we're moving on it.

-Benjamin Rhodes
Founder and CinC of The Roughriders Research, Defense, and Mercy Operations.
Owner, Founder, CEO of Black Aeronaut Technologies