Drunkard's Walk Forums

Full Version: I just had an evil eeeeeeeeevil idea....
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This would be out of continuity, of course, but imagine if you will, poor Doug somehow ending up in a body-swap with Urd, either via his probability field, that field's interaction with one of Skuld's toys, or other means. Also, presume that unlike the classic/cliche swap, *just* the bodies are exchanged--their powers/abilities remain with the mind/personality, not the body.
Now...imagine Urd in Doug's shape getting...bored.
The setting: Paradox and Doug (in Urd's body) are chilling out on the living room couch in front of the recently-repaired television, perhaps watching movies or playing video games...
A SD Doug pops up at one end of the couch.."We're tiny!"
A second one pops up at the other end.."We're tuney!"
A third one pops up in front of the couch, and is immediately joined by the other two, who chorus, "We're all just little Loonies!"
The trio merge into a single SD Doug, and then jump into the television screen..only to pop halfway out to declare, "And we're invading your TV!" before disappearing once more..
Doug-as-Urd's response? "Arrrrrrrrgh!"

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
All I get is a ? Awwww....