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Full Version: Definitely not a teaser from later
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Well, almost definitely.

I think.

Mind you, I've already given Bob permission (and a royalty-free license) to use anything I post to the forum.

"There is one thing that disappointed me, though."


"When all of you arrived for the start of the school year, I overheard some of the students talking about a Dada professor. I was loking forward to meeting him, until I realized that 'DADA' was an acronym and they were talking about me."

Hermonie gave me that look of annoyance that only a teenaged girl can reliably pull off. "Did you really think Hogwarts would have an arts department?"

"You never know." I turned on my helmet mic so I'd get a bit of reverb in my speech. "It Can Happen Here!"

(Doug's quoting "Dough for the Do-Do", of course. While that's more surrealism than it is dada, who's going to correct him?)