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Full Version: Cause some times you gotta
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Slows down, Replays a Transformation sequence, three times.

'cause some times you need to look at what is going on...
...Can't say that wouldn't be useful...
Dead link.

Which transformation sequence was it?
Video works for me -- Firefox of course. A whole bunch of random clips in there, primarily the Panty and Stocking transformation sequence. Also Mami Tomoe's henshin, OreImo's OP, K-On!'s ED, Suzumiya Haruhi's OP, a bit of Ika-musume swimming, and like 10 seconds of Railgun and friends running for no apparent reason. And other stuff I don't know like girls dancing in front of a passenger jet.

I think the implied power in OP is checking out some fine ladies in their transformation sequence.
Labster is correct the way I viewed it, a whole lot of sexy damn near Nekkid sequences, slowed down to...


Shutting up now???