I am really pleased with the ending of that one.
It's a one-shot that was written in response to a mod challenge of where would they be 25 years after the initial episode aired?
A Castle Cannon seven years in the making!
I had to wax pedantic about the difference between cell membranes and cell walls for this last chapter. That's high school biology for Ghu's sake.
Yes, you did. If you had simply said 'Batz, plants have walls, animals have membranes you idiot!' I would have remembered that simple fact and changed it. Instead, you decided to get all explainy why. Here, let me be pedantic!
This is the Merriam-Webster definition:
Definition of pedant
1a: one who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge
b: one who makes a show of knowledge
Now, wasn't that fun to learn?
No, I didn't think so either. Do not assume that the person you're correcting has no idea what you're talking about. Maybe they actually made a mistake and when being reminded of it will go, 'Oh yeah! That's right!', but pedantic explanations piss me off.