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Full Version: telepathy/mental healing: Breakthrough by Queen
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Superhero stories especially love giving a character important information and then putting them in a coma or leaving them too traumatized to talk about it, to build up the melodrama - so this is sure to be one of the more useful, if situational, songs in Doug's lineup. I don't remember if Faith is still conked out at the time he's in Buffyverse, but if so she would be a prime candidate to use it on, and that kind of thing is common enough across lots of media to have plenty of other opportunities if not.

As an aside, this video is kind of ridiculous but in a way that looks like it was just super-fun to make. Like, the A&R man said "We're going to make a video for Breakthrough, any ideas for what you want to do?" and one of the guys said "I like trains. Can we have the band playing on a stage pulled by a train? And maybe smash through a wall or something, you know, to tie it in to the song." And the record company guy was like "Yes we can totally do that, sounds awesome, the kids'll love it. This will definitely sell records!" because he'd snorted approximately five kilograms of cocaine already that morning, and didn't come down at least until the contract to charter the train was signed and by then the only way forward was (puts on sunglasses) to see it through.

While I'm talking about Queen songs, though, how about Invisible Man? Any effects beyond the obvious, and possibly bringing a second person into the effect as well given the lyrics also mention "I can see right through you?"