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Full Version: 2020 Election - Thread #5
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It's not so much a smoking gun, as an un-fired one. I think.

That said. Electronic ballot machines do need to produce *something* auditable - like a printout ballot that can be scanned against the result if there is doubt. I'd rather not use electronic balloting at all for just this reasons - it's both too easy to fiddle, and too easy to claim it's been silently fiddled.
...yeah, that strikes me as a "hopeful thing to buy time while we find other methods to keep this thing going." The thing is, the rest of the world already knew there was grift, that would have SCREAMED "hey, we're STEALING this election now," and there would have been uncomfortable conversations in government centers everywhere about what to do about it, if anything could in fact be done to minimize the damage to everyone else...
Y'know, the one person who still hasn't had a chance to have his say in front of Congress is Trump himself.

That unfairness has finally been rectified.

Assuming he decides to take that chance, and not follow in Bannon's footsteps.
Sure, in 8 weeks time it won't matter.

The opposing party always wins in the mid-terms over there. They'll block it all up like an accident on the M50 at rush hour.
That's probably why the committee brought Trump in now, actually -- the best way to get the dirt on him is to let him open his fat fool mouth and spew it out.
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