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Something that cropped up while in chat with Terrence earlier this evening. What if a university field trip to the phalanx gets a little lost. A group of students find the door to the "Impounded Supervillain Armor Storage Locker" ajar and sneak in. They try on random bits of armor, in an attempt to find what looks "cool." As they are parading around in a nearby room striking poses, a very harried official mistakes them for a new batch of hero recruits, and runs them through the registration process.

When the dust settles, they're out front of City Hall with their purloined gear and a hero registration in their hands.

The challenge: Build an SG whose members have powers and abilities that don't mesh, look like they were thrown together haphazardly, with no regard for min/max performance, or even reason. Ancillary powers that clearly don't make sense. Plus a look that just screams "randomizer button mash." This group forms an SG dedicated to surviving their horribly bad luck while they try to sort the mess out. And maybe along the way, save the world.
...Heh. My old toon "Some Random Schmuck" essentially had that as his backstory, only he got his power from a device left behind by a profoundly stupid supervillain who tried (and failed) to rob his employer (the Rhode Island Lottery, because he thought they had all that money in a safe somewhere).

I'd be up for a try at that.
That is so against my usual design specs its an amazing idea
Necro-ing because this is a fun idea:

So, the idea is no synergy between Primary and secondary, with random pools? OR making a Pool the focus of the build against reason....

Scrappermind, anyone?