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Full Version: Crossovers That Should Not Be 26 -- More bad ideas for a new era
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(05-30-2024, 12:43 PM)Jinx999 Wrote: [ -> ]When the SLDF followed Kerensky beyond the Inner Sphere, they ended up finding worlds inhabited by strange and dangerous creatures. Eventually they formed clans named for these creatures and took them as symbols, role models, guards . . . and friends.

Battletech / Pokemon.

<surprised Clan Pikachu face>
But can you pokeball a battlemech, that's the real question if you're taking the idea seeriously. And if battlemechs can even compete with a large or powerful fire-type, meaning any preteen with a bit of luck wandering around the countryside throws their whole eugenics class system out the airlock. And too, there were already a few very large Pokemon, even with Steel typing like Magnezone, Steelix, Bronzor, Metagross, or the Easter Island head one - what pokemon have developed to compete with battlemechs strength-to-strength rather than via type advantage?

For a more whimsical take, hot Omnimech on Wailord action when? Tongue
Tinker, Tailor, Sailor, Spy, by John le Carré and Naoko Takeuchi
(05-31-2024, 05:46 AM)robkelk Wrote: [ -> ]Tinker, Tailor, Sailor, Spy, by John le Carré and Naoko Takeuchi

Tinker, Taylor, Sailor, Spy, by John le Carré, John "Wildbow" McCrae, and Naoko Takeuchi.

(Let's see what kind(s) of insanity that produces! Big Grin )
North Korean rapper Lil' Kim Jong Un
(05-30-2024, 12:43 PM)Jinx999 Wrote: [ -> ]When the SLDF followed Kerensky beyond the Inner Sphere, they ended up finding worlds inhabited by strange and dangerous creatures. Eventually they formed clans named for these creatures and took them as symbols, role models, guards . . . and friends.

Battletech / Pokemon.

Kinda says something about my tastes when I was so badly disappointed when I realized this was in this thread, and not the new fanfic one. :-) Though part of me wonders how hard it would be to adapt the tabletop game to this idea...and another part is thinking of something like Gammarauders or Zoids, where the Mechs *are* giant Pokemon, with cockpits and other devices grafted to them...
(Yay Clan Vulpix, of course. :-) )
"This! Is! Sparta!"
"For me, it was Tuesday."
(05-31-2024, 08:12 AM)Tennie Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-31-2024, 05:46 AM)robkelk Wrote: [ -> ]Tinker, Tailor, Sailor, Spy, by John le Carré and Naoko Takeuchi

Tinker, Taylor, Sailor, Spy, by John le Carré, John "Wildbow" McCrae, and Naoko Takeuchi.

(Let's see what kind(s) of insanity that produces! Big Grin )

Tinker, Taylor, Sailor, Spy, by John le Carré, Wen Spencer, John "Wildbow" McCrae, and Naoko Takeuchi.

I see you and raise you Elves from Pennsylvania.
"Big Bird! Showtime!"
– Roger Smith
Call of Duty: Azumanga Ops

[Image: __mihama_chiyo_azumanga_daioh_and_2_more...69cfc0.jpg]

Minerva Meganekko
Tom Clancy's Hello Kitty

[Image: bnrtP9d.jpg]
Here's a potential crackfic idea that came to me in an admittedly weird dream that I had recently:

A Worm/Pretty Cure crossover in which human versions of the Endbringers become Pretty Cures.

Now, I just need to figure out who should comprise the villain group and what their motivations are...

(And imagine the sheer chaos that would inevitably ensue... Big Grin )
(06-11-2024, 07:39 PM)robkelk Wrote: [ -> ]Call of Duty: Azumanga Ops

[Image: __mihama_chiyo_azumanga_daioh_and_2_more...69cfc0.jpg]


before I read your caption, my first thought was "Penny from Inspector Gadget is done messing around."

[Image: NreWSwj.jpg]
[Image: QzLWcW6.jpg]
[Image: rWTjm5w.jpg]
[Image: pr6ULwN.jpg]
Bishoujo Senshi Fury Road

[Image: __tsukino_usagi_sailor_moon_mizuno_ami_a...d38c34.jpg]

Although one line will have to be gender-flipped: "I have a daughter!"

Double-size copy here
Beatrix Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

EDIT: Or, if your tastes fall toward the other extreme, Harry Callahan and the Goblet of Fire
I've been trying to come up with one for When Harry Met Sally, but the only Sallys I can think of aside from the actual movie by that title are Sally Forth (comics) and Jack Skellington's girlfriend from The Nightmare Before Christmas, neither of which suggest any crossover plotlines for Harry Potter besides the tired "kid Harry gets away from Durzkaban," or post-canon Harry replacing the nearly-nonentity husband in the comic strip and not really changing anything due to its nature.
Sally Brown from Peanuts?
When Harry Met Sully (Potter/Monsters Inc)
When Harry Met Scully, or The Dresden X-Files

EDIT: Hang on, we can actually use that title combo in My Apartment Manager is not an Isekai Character...
When Harry Met Sully (Harry and the Hendersons/Monsters Inc)
And that's 300 posts.

New thread is here
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