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The fiftieth Fic Update thread... that's some milestone.

Number 49 is here.
SCAU Worm: Within the Apple (Buffy/Potter/Addams Family/Worm/etc.).
Great Grand-Uncle Schimmelhorn's Toolbox (Worm/Papa Schimmelhorn stories), two more new installments, here and here

EDIT: There's also a new Guest Omake here.
Cross Purposes 3 (A Brane of Extraordinary Women, DC).
First Times, chapter 15: https://archiveofourown.org/works/462211.../119485753

Hermione meets Sinestro. (HP/DC)
The War Chronicles of a Little Demon (The Saga of Tanya the Evil/original setting).
Harry Potter and the Egger Route by Dogbertcarroll

A Ninja's Guide to Gotham
Weaving Force (Worm/Star Wars)

Taylor on the Edge of Forever [Worm AU/Star Trek AU X-Over]
Locked in Digital (My Hero Academia, quirkless Izuku is kidnapped and stuck inside horror video games for a year).
Hollywood Special (Gorillaz/Powerpuff Girls).

Katzedecimal Wrote:Throughout the first set of So You Wanna Be A Rock Star night, 2D had been active and engaged, helping people bring out their best, whatever their level or aptitude. He carried himself with a confidence she’d never seen before but she recognized it. It was the confidence he’d been striving for back when Ace had first joined them for The Now Now. And she understood better, now, why he had missed that mark. His only role model had been Murdoc, after all.

Noodle wondered why she had never thought about that, until now.

New chapter from Dogbertcarroll, "Joker's Wild" (Naruto with Potter aspects)
Originally posted back in 2013, now at 4 chapters. I'm linking to the first chapter, since even if you've read t before, a refresher is probably helpful

Cross Purposes 3
First Times (HP/DC) begins presenting its main character's First Royal Audience.

tealruby Wrote:Not all worlds are in outer space.

It had started with a somewhat flippant remark, then both Hermione and Arthur realising it’s something that should have happened long ago. Namely, a Green Lantern making an official visit to the civilisation that rules over two-thirds of this world. Luckily, she has some friends to help her prepare for the Court of Atlantis.


So. This had been planned to be a single chapter. Then the night before posting, it sort of exploded in a rewrite storm. Blame it mostly on Hermione’s friends, who demanded more lines of dialogue among other things. Prima donnas, the lot of them.

(05-29-2023, 05:29 PM)Mamorien Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Blame it mostly on Hermione’s friends, who demanded more lines of dialogue among other things. Prima donnas, the lot of them.


But I don't think any (certainly not most) of her friends are old enough to have formed their musical tastes before 1983? Depending on how you fudge HP timelines with crossover material, it can vary for herself and her Hogwarts cohort.


Oh, and Luke and Leia's Excellent Adventure updated too, if you've been following that. Two or three times since last mentioned, I think, but that's the most recent chapter on FFn.

Skitterdoc (Worm/Cyberpunk) has updated.
JoJo: Emerald Morioh (Diamond is Unbreakable AU).

saturnalius Wrote:Kakyoin needs a break from researching the most eternally outwardly boring killer.

Hybrid Hive: Eat Shard? (Worm/MGLN) has updated
with some cameos of other Taylors.
First Times (HP/DC) with the conclusion of the First Royal Audience.

tealruby Wrote:In the Court of the Ocean’s King.

In which Hermione learns if the preparations with her friends will pay off. A uniform becomes unique, gifts are gifted, and magical histories are revealed as her second underwater adventure comes to its conclusion.

Cross Purposes 3 (A Brane of Extraordinary Women, DC).
The Two Princes of Hogwarts (Potter crack-fic by Mister Cynical).
Looks like https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14203107/16...ns-Blazing has finished.

Can't remember the last time an update for this was posted, but From Fake Dreams updated.  Link is for the latest chapter.
Helldiver (Helluva Boss/original cosmology).
Dogbertcarroll has updated his "With Another Ring" (SI into DC with a Green Lantern Ring)

A Thing of Vikings on Archive of Our Own has become members only. (discovered when I went to see if there was a new chapter)
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