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A life and death of Julian Friez
{Julian's thoughts to himself}
Warning: This will wind up both with mature themes and rather on the dark side in some places.
The interns: could be just a one-time thing, or could happen from time to time. I figure it's reasonable that the Prof might decide to send out a call for interns once, just to see what it was like, and there are enough people in fenspace with enough curiousity that he could wind up with a fair number of takers. Eventually they're liable to get annoying, but for the moment he's enjoying having a constant captive audience/group of henchlings.
I'm actually stumbling somewhat on the section after this, partially because I have no real idea how the Professor would *treat* individual Julians, after he'd finished the first round of experiments. Catty, if you've got any clue to share, I'd love to hear it. If anyone who's running a station likes the idea of having a string of lost, unhappy Julians tromping through it on an irregular basis, feel free to chime in, and I'll happily use you for the next bit. Oh, and any bits of concrit would be much appreciated.
Deep inside one of the most feared ships in known space, inside a darkened lab, a machine about the size of a commercial refrigerator made a cheery "ding", and unlocked its output door. A short while later, the door fell open, and a form of approximately human size and shape fell out. It hit the floor and whimpered, then lay motionless.
A few minutes later, the Professor, star of numerous television shows (mostly of the fearmongering news variety) came striding into the lab, followed by a group of fascinated (and terrified) interns, brightening the place up with his very presence (Bad Things Happened to lightbulbs that did not brighten immediately at the approach of the Master. The lightbulbs that survived learned quickly.)
"Look! See! Witness, oh doubters! The machine does indeed make Julian Friez! Another victory for SCIENCE!"
{Oh, God. It's him!}
The vaguely man-shaped pile of sludge in front of the machine tried to shuffle away from the professor as best it could.
"Julian? Julian? JULIAN! Ah! there you are, Julian. What a delightful new form you have. You two! Fetch me that vat. Looks like we'll have to carry him to the table if we want to get any data out of him, and this version is *fascinating*."
{New form? This version? What is he ranting about? Why can't he just leave me alone?}
The sludgepile moaned in poorly-enunciated fear, but the various interns coralled him into into the vat and on to the table anyway. Then the professor brandished his tools, and the nightmare began in earnest.
Over the next few days, in between moments of sheer terror and deeply unpleasant probing, Julian managed to find some things out about himself. He wasn't the first Julian Friez. (His fiance's number had an unhappy message telling him to go away and leave her alone.) He wasn't the second. (His mom's number had a really vicious message from his brother telling him to not even try to get in contact any more if he valued his "sick, freakish, miserable little life".) He was some sort of horrible thing that had been made to think he was Julian Friez, and he wasn't even vaguely human looking when he stopped thinking about it.
He'd spent a few hours slumped over a bench feeling miserable when it all sunk in. Finally, he decided to just ignore it. If he remembered being Julian Friez, then he was Julian Friez. The Professor had done something really unpleasant to him, and stuck some of that goop in him, and he'd wound up freakish. That happened to people sometimes, he'd heard. It sucked, but hey - with a little effort, he didn't even have to be freakish. All he had to do was stay calm and in control, and he could have his old face, just like he was supposed to. Okay, so he couldn't keep his body looking right all over without a lot of effort, but that just meant that he needed to wear a long-sleeved shirt and jeans and boots. That wasn't too bad. He wore that sort of stuff fairly often anyway. It turned out that he could even do his old job up here. You would have thought that they'd need all sorts of fancy stuff up in space, but it turned out that plumbing was pretty much plumbing wherever you went.
{What are you *talking* about? This stuff involves water recycling and air balance and...}
{Shut up. I can understand it, right? So it's plumbing.}
{Um...er... okay.}
{Thank you. I knew you could be reasonable.}
Of course, that was looking on the bright side. On the dark side, he was still trapped in this madman's lair, desperately trying to avoid his attention while keeping the various bizarre experiments from eating him, and scavenging enough food and water to keep going. Once, he'd been desperate enough to try to steal some of the professor's coffee. It had... not gone well. Now, now he just hid, and trembled - but it was nice to have a bright side to look on, right? Right?


Well I was just going through the fenspace forums to see what I have missed and then I spotted this little gem.
I like it, though it makes the Prof seem more cruel than he really is, but that is appropriate considering whose viewpoint we are seeing it from.
The Professor isn't cruel per se, but he is often thoughtless.
As for how the Professor would treat him, well pretty much like he treats a normal person really. He'd be given a room and welcome to stay as long as he wants (which I imagine isn't very long.) Maybe there will even be a room set aside for all the Julians, depending on how often there is one on the ship.
Still I don't imagine a stay in the Sol Bianca would be very pleasant between the various experiments running amok, and the occasional being experimented upon.
I doubt he'd have to scavenge food though, even if he avoids the communal meals there is plenty of food in the kitchen, and Ryoko would probably prepare something for him that he could just warm up. Of course if he's trying to avoid the populated parts of the ship...
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."


I would be happy to have a Julian on board.
...this whole Julian Friez thing feels like an MST3K setup.
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