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Full Version: [Origin Story] Andrew Goes to Fenspace
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This is really more just a teaser of the start but I figure if I post this now it's pressure to actually get more done soon. Comments, suggestions, and criticism welcome.

I was standing out in a field that night, admiring the sunset as I waited for my ride to arrive. Yeah I admit it, I didn't build my own ship to get out here. When you talk to some people you would think handwavium flowed through fandom like chips or beer in those wild early days. But I'm getting ahead of myself. When I say I was admiring the sunset what I mean is that I checked the time and location on my GPS unit for the fifth time in two minutes. It was a cheap model, a no name model that even Fry's had seemed ashamed to stock, with a rather poor back light. Pretty soon I would need my flashlight to be impatient. I really didn't want to spend the night out in a field with nothing but a pile of boxes.
Mike told me I'd know it was him, and while I certainly hadn't expected him to show up in one of those converted junker cars I had heard so much about he still surprised me. Catching the last of the sunlight was nothing less than a double decker house boat. About two hundred feet up a pair of spotlights came on and panned about until they had found my clearing. The boat slowly dropped down until it was floating a mere meter off the ground and I could see Mike's crew toss down a pair of anchors before leaping down and quickly driving stakes into the ground to tie off more lines. I simply stood there and stared until Mike called out to me from the railing along the lower deck.
"So what do you think of my modest home Drew?"
"Your modest home is a floating house boat?"
"Well, yes. Boats are supposed to float. Wouldn't be much of a boat if it didn't."
Okay, so I did deserve the poke. It isn't like I expected him to show up in a government surplus shuttle. Still, it isn't every day that you see a hundred foot long houseboat. Let alone said houseboat drifting through the air like an airship. Okay, so technically I guess you could call it an airship. I knew he had a houseboat, he'd mentioned it in some of his old emails and forum posts, but I never had seen any pictures of it.

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
Okay, so I did deserve the poke. It isn't like I expected him to show up in a government surplus shuttle. Still, it isn't every day that you see a hundred foot long houseboat. Let alone said houseboat drifting through the air like an airship. Okay, so technically I guess you could call it an airship. I knew he had a houseboat, he'd mentioned it in some of his old emails and forum posts, but I never had seen any pictures of it. A few more of the crew helped me carry the boxes while Mike spoke.
"Welcome aboard the Cheerful Princess, my traveling home, private concert hall, and simply the best houseboat in all of space. She can make the lunar run in only six hours, Mars in three days if we kick the engines up a little. She can go faster still, but I like having enough quiet to practice. You did bring something to play I hope?
Certainly if you think you can survive what I do to my poor innocent guitar. The box with the red tape on it is the payment you asked for. Six bottles of wine and six spindles of blank CDs. Most of the other boxes I'm hoping will make for good bartering.
Anything we should watch out for?
Just don't drop the big box, that's six bags of the bovine gift that makes things grow. Most of the rest is nowhere near as ominous. Plenty of seeds, some books on hydroponics, signed copies of everything I could get hold of at the last convention. And I'm since I'm sure there are some gourmets out there, a whole wheel of parmigiano reggiano, and twelve pounds of mozzarella, can't make pizza without mozzarella, and a little of anything else I could get my hands on. Including--
A quick chirping burst of static caught my attention and a womans voice came over an intercom from a speaker I couldn't see. Topside reports helicopters coming this way, maybe twenty minutes out. Wants to know if we'd like cover.
Alright, pull the anchors and cut the lines. I want us heading up in sixty seconds or less. Sally! Double check the traffic, we'll be climbing fast. Tell 'em topside we might need their offer.

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.