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Ace Dreamer

Making Friends - 07/Jun/2012
Before Spring, 2008, UK.
Not one of Brains (he guessed he'd call himself 'Brian' for this) better skills. Making friends.  Best to take the problem seriously.
Three lists.  3Ws: "Who", "When" and "Where".  He already knew "Why", and he thought he knew "What" a friend was, so he wouldn't bother with those.
A hour later he admitted defeat.
His local friends were Mrs Jones at the local shop cum post office, and...  That was about it.  She would always find time to talk to him.  When he went out for his doctor-mandated exercise there were various dog walkers, and people working on their gardens.  Most were polite and he nodded to or greeted them in return. A few were obviously affected by his wheelchair invisibility field.  He didn't think his custom "Vote for Dan Dare!"[1] poster, on the back, would offend that many.
The other place he met people face-to-face was at conventions.  He'd been 'Brains' there for years, ever since that fortuitous spelling mistake in 'Brian S'.  The miniatures war-gamers were about as tolerant of him as the SF fans, but he hadn't bothered with media fandom since the con where they pestered him to cos-play Davros.  Doctor Strangelove would have been much more fun, even if he couldn't stand up from his chair; it fitted more with his anti-war views.
While he'd like to count people on-line he wondered if that was OK.  He was on quite a few forums under different names.  He'd once had a memorable flame war with himself - both viewpoints seemed to make so much sense.  He'd tried the MMOs, 'Sims Online', and finally 'Second Life'.  The MMOs didn't really work for him, and 'Second Life' he dumped after two weeks of 14hr days and developing pressure sores.  His doctor had been very polite about that, something which still made him wince.  Yes, doctors and other professionals - he couldn't really count them.
He guessed his agent was sort of a friend.  He handled the agencies and employers that his programming and engineering design work involved.  Even, once he found out about it, the bigger miniatures painting and diorama jobs - he'd done some painting himself, when younger.  Most employers cared more about his work than anything else, but he'd dropped one who kept sending him literature about disablement, and hinting he was good for their diversity image.
But, none of those were people he'd be able to depend on, if he went and lived on the Moon.  Though he'd still be able to commute to attend cons, and the light-speed lag wasn't going to stop him using forums.  Looked like he'd have to 'wave' friends hello, rather than wave them goodbye.
The question was, who?
Robots would likely be less inconvenienced, not needing to breathe or eat.  "Mighty Atom" ("Astro Boy" to Westerners) would be loyal and brave.  But, would be always rushing off to adventure?  Maybe his sister, "Uran"[2] ("Astro Girl"), would be a better bet.
"Robert the Robot" of "Fireball XL5"[3] might make a good co-pilot; he could rename him "Gerry".  And, if he dared, a robot version of XL5's "Doctor Venus" could see to his health needs.  He did have a weakness for French accents, and, being his doctor would help keep a professional distance; 'Space Medicine' could be useful.  Maybe base her on an independent android from ST-TOS "I, Mudd"[4], with a upgraded brain, so she has the full mind of Doctor Venus.
If he did it right then the robots could keep backups of their minds, ready to restore them if they got really badly damaged.  He couldn't see a way to take a backup of his mind, though.  Not without a 'destructive read'.  And, he wasn't prepared to commit suicide, any time soon.  Still, backups were good.
Some greenery would help him keep sane, so maybe he needed a robot gardener? Using one of the "Laputa"[5] ones would be a bit cliched, not to mention dangerous. Still, the idea of a retired war bot was tempting, though DBZ's "Android 18"[6] would be asking for trouble.  Hmm.  Best shelve that for the moment.
Wait.  He'd just make a swarm of robot ants and bees that'd do the job.  And a hive to supervise them.  Hive Mind...  Maybe not.
Time to see what material's he'd need.  While he could probably buy a full-sized Uran doll, he'd prefer to make his own.  Building human-scale models would be new for him; the most he'd done before was make cos-play costumes.  There was a model supplies dealer that could get him some damaged-in-manufacture sex dolls - useful for reference, if nothing else.
Back to the anatomy books.  He wished he was better than a hack artist...
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind

Ace Dreamer

META "Making Friends"

This follows "Moon Land".

A certain number of obscure references thrown around in this. [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind