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Full Version: Build Suggestion for Pyre Ant?
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I'm trying to figure out something to use for my concept villian Pyre Ant, which, as a fire themed character leaves me with Corruptor, Dominator, and Brute.
Fire/Fire was my initial concept, but honestly, I have massive trouble with the pacing of Brutes. I'd rather not play another.
Again, Fire/Fire. Pacing issues again. Not as bad, but it's there.
I really like Corruptors, for the same reason I dig Offenders. I like the debuf & blast angle, making this my ideal choice. One would think a Fire/Thermal would be what's called for, but I'm an *awful* healer. Actually, I'm an awful bubbler too, so the shields could be problematic. I'd like an alternate Debuff set that would make sense.
So, I guess that's what I'm asking - what debuff set could you rationalize for a Fire themed Corruptor other than Thermal?
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
"Camaraderie, adventure, and steel on steel. The stuff of legend! Right, Boo?"
The fire blasts could be an offshoot of Radiation or Kinetic powers.
If you become a monster to put down a monster you've still got a monster running around at the end of the day and have as such not really solved the whole monster problem at all. 
Fire/Dark Corruptor.
Rationalise the dark powers as smoke and noxious fumes. The Pyre Ant walks around smelling of sulphur and brimstone...
Fire/Dark's also a nasty synergy of a set, but I'm sure you know that.
-- Acyl


I'll second Fire/Dark. I have a Fire/Dark Corruptor on Freedom. It's a pretty sick combo. Tar Patch>Fireball>Rain of Fire>Firebreath>Fireball will just about wipe a group out (and it also looks pretty while doing it), and my char is only level 13 (you can have that combo by level 8 or so, too). I haven't even gotten to the really good /Dark powers, like Shadow Fall, Fearsome Stare, Petrifying Gaze and Fluffy the Dark Servant.
Global: @Jimmy Amp
"Broad-minded is just another way of saying a fellow's too lazy to form an opinion." -- Will Rogers


Also, like Florin said, Radioactive fire as a source. /Rad is also probably the best for a soloer, which is definitely you. [Image: tongue.gif]
Fire/Dark is a fun combo, though. You should give it a try at least once. The tactics of a pair of them are boggling me just thinking about it.
Open a fight by each alternating dropping Tar Patch and Darkest night, then Fireballs and Rains of Fire. Flaming Death all around!
Global: @Jimmy Amp
"Broad-minded is just another way of saying a fellow's too lazy to form an opinion." -- Will Rogers
Fire/Dark is also great for a soloer. I tried it once. May try it again.
It's in teams that I ran into trouble.
See, tar patch itself aggros... rain of fire aggros... all those AoEs... hell, even mobs caught by an anchor debuff aggro.
Now, I can handle aggro as a Fire blaster. I can handle aggro as a Dark defender.
Apparently merging the two, in the villain game without tanks, and the fact I lag a little... [Image: wink.gif]
-- Acyl
I'll try Fire/Dark. Thanks guys.--
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
"Camaraderie, adventure, and steel on steel. The stuff of legend! Right, Boo?"


Tip on Rain of Fire: It's one of the only powers that doesn't need Accuracy slotting. It's base accuracy is 175% (unlike the base of normal attacks (75%)). It only needs 3 Damage, and maybe a Recharge or an End Reducer.
Global: @Jimmy Amp
"Broad-minded is just another way of saying a fellow's too lazy to form an opinion." -- Will Rogers