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Full Version: Once again, my ISP defeats me.
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(Rant mode on) Sorry about DCing in the middle of your cape mission, Foxboy. My ISP decided YET AGAIN that I wasn't getting nearly enough downtime, DESPITE
the technician who was here THIS MORNING.

Time to go scream at them again for about the bazillionth time. (Did I or did I not say early on that I expected it to be like this ALL DAMN summer long? Well,
despite what Time-Warner would like to say to the contrary, I was DEAD ON. I hate being right all the time.)

Some people ask for prayers. I will ask for curses - on the heads of those in charge of these CONSTANT foul-ups. I'm not a nice guy under these
circumstances. I'm not evil, just not nice. I don't wish death. I wish upon them every inconvenience they've caused me, three fold. I want them to
go through their days as frustrated as I have been. I want their TVs to go out, their cars to break down. Cell-phones to constantly be in dead zones. I want
their blood pressures to boil over like mine has. I want them to get cut off from their friends and their pastimes. I wish upon them misery. Because I want
company in my own little hell of frustration.

I am not a happy camper. (rant mode off)

Obviously my internet is back up. But I don't have the patience to DEAL with this crap anymore today. I need to save my energy for the 5-star REAMING
I'm about to visit on the Customer Retention Team. (It's gotten that bad, they now have me routed to people who are paid to make me happy by promising
all kinds of deals and discounts on my service so that I won't drop them. HA! As if I had a choice in the matter. But I'll let them think I'll drop
them in order to squeeze them for everything I can get from them.)

Wish me luck. I'm about to go unleash hell.