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"Because we need to know."


"Because it's important."


Huffing in mild frustration, calm annoyance from adult to child lofted his brow pleading softy in his tones. "Just because." the final wires in place
as he pat her ash gray hair, square between the dusty pitch protrusions on either side of her head. She still wanted to know why. Why it was important that
the people in the white coats kept asking her to do stuff while they sat behind glass walls looking at glowing tvs on their desk.

A static crackle before the voice of the gent in the white coat, safe behind the glass asked kindly "Hop on up on the treadmill sweetheart." At five
she really wanted to ask him why if only to have some semblance of a conversation outside of numbers and words she didn't quite understand yet. Mortal
eyes glancing up to him as he fanned his hands to the machine from his place. "Please?" he implored of the child, ever so sweetly. Huffing in
mocking of him earlier she stammered "f-fine." and did as he asked of her.

At five years there was this calm that emanated, at five she wasn't rowdy but at five she only slept for a few hours every night. She liked that
'why' question very much but she didn't like them 'lima' beans, and she hated being locked up alone in a room like people were scared
she'd break. At five she ran at a steady pace on the treadmill while machines spat out miles of observances that screamed full clarity.

At ten the testing got a bit more complicated as did her questions toward the people in white coats who weren't telling her why she was still here. At
twelve things started to get a little more strange. Her childish grey shed the last bit of it's dark leaving nothing but a white haired, ram horned test
subject for the doctors to poke and prod. Something was screaming inside her telling her there was something beyond those white washed wall, something more to
living she was supposed to be doing.

"Zen. Stop."

That same kindly pleading tone of the same that she'd connected with since the moment she woke up here as a toddler. Greying eyes that once were blue
glancing over her shoulder through that white hair. "It was bound to happen... please, let it happen peacefully." he sighing softly as his hand
slipped over a walkie-talky at his belt. "Please." she implored with a wavering voice hardly above a whisper. His finger depressing the button at
the side as static ticked through, "She's trying to leave."

At twelve she turned back to her path and streaked down the hall faster than most could dive after her. At sight of security guards in her path she skidded to
a stop only to glance back for escape. From either side of the hall they bore down on her as truth dawned on her. Grey eyes turning downward to the hardened
vinyl floor in its sterile white. Thoughts churned amid the tiny flecks of violet and blue, ears hearing the boots approaching quickly.

I've been a prisoner for longer than I ever would have known.

Resounding. Deafening but far from defeating. She crippling softly down into a crouch while her eyes held fixed on the floor. Her heart pounding in the
quickness of betrayal. She thought on fighting back against them but she couldn't. Not them, they had been her family even if in truth they were jailers
of a different color. People, normal people trying to understand her. Making every effort to keep her entertained, to keep her happy during her stay.

"Can't stay." as her heart raced quickly enough to slow time down as security and doctors neared. For all her stress tests, for all her time on
the tread mill she was lost of breath forcing her to wheeze her breathing. Amid the voices that blended together under the rush of blood into her ears there
was a sound unlike any those ears had ever heard. Quiet despite the vast noise around as she sunk down internally.

In slow motion her eyes lifted to see nothing she had ever expected to when seeking that odd sound. It was a click and that was a gun aimed at her.

All that blood in her ears, all the pounding in her chest suddenly bottoming out almost like the power going out. Her crouch down to compose herself righted
quickly enough to put her through a drop ceiling tile. The calm silence inside of her snapped into action over top the rush of adrenalin and with her small
frame finding her way beyond the mass seemed in her nature. A miss step would lead to a tile giving way, which she did in a planned fashion landing on one
guard and shoulder checking the other in the gut with the wall.


"Because they needed to know."


"Because it was important."


"Listen" the white haired one spoke calmly with a soft smile as she ruffled up the small boy's hair, "soon as I figure it out, you'll be
the first to know. Okay?" Wrapped in reds and yellows with beads to either wrist the tanned child nodded firmly up at her, "Okay." Before
being distracted by another elder dressed not unlike himself.

"Ten years later. Ten years to the day." As she looked out across a vast expanse of land littered in mountains and valleys painted in shades of
green. A man tan as the earth itself wrapped in that same robe as the small boy drifting quietly to her side. Age and wisdom had long since painted his face
with those same ridges and valleys as the countryside she surveyed in a calm.

There was a look he gave that spoke volumes as her wholly grey eyes drifted over. Father to child that unspoken conversation left either with a knowing. A
weathered and well loved mala who's beads could speak almost on their own drifted from wizened hand to the more youthful pale ones reception. Here too had
been a place she had too long remained, just as she had in her youth. It had been no prison but an Eden outside of anything any of those doctors could have
fathomed. Again... it was time for her to leave a place she knew to be home.

Her hands pooling one to the other at her chin as she payed him high respect for the gift. The teaching and this prised thing he'd loved and cherished
since he was a small boy. His hands pooling the same as hers with a matching dip as he smiled and ruffled her hair just as she had the young monk's.
"You go find your place in this world." flustering a bit like a child she puffed her fallen hair away from her eyes and smirked back at him under the
wild look of her.

The mala circled her wrist and with a slight bow of her knees that same leap that found her escape all those years ago lofted her into the current. Higher and
higher her inner self wondered against the winds where her place could possibly be if it haddn't been there? What would make her happy in this life? What
would she do if she could do anything?

Days bled into nights, nights back into days as the landscapes below drifted and changed in subtle ways. Pausing briefly to sneak a vegetable and a well visit
she'd make her way across the land until it felt right. Two hours a night she'd curl up somewhere and dose half in and out of consciousness as she


"Because you need to know."


"Because it's important."


Palming her own forehead gruffly as tiny blues eyed up at her with a squeaky giggle before running off having successfully annoyed the adult. The palm to her
forehead smearing downward as her rump hit a folding chair like she weighed a few thousand pounds. "Try not to take them so seriously when they ask why a
billion times." A dark skinned woman smiled shoving a cup of black coffee across the table at Zen. "Funny, when I was that age I wanted answers when
I asked why." A light nod setting dark and tight curls into a delightful bounce. "Some do" as she sipped on her own coffee, "some
don't though. But seriously, have you gone to see Paragon yet?"

A light tick to her head sent her own locks into an odd sort of dance, "I'm not really the hero type Ang. You know this." lightly shrugging at
her from across the table. "Says the volunteering mutant at a family shelter." Grey eyes glancing over with a half kidding disrespected look,
"They couldn't prove that hence the years of testing." Angie lofting a brow at her for a moment, "What harm is there in just going and
seeing if-" another lighthearted shrug, "well, maybe you are the hero type?" Grey eyes drifting back over the sea of kids and mothers amid the
center all trying to be normal without homes.

A conceding nod for a moment only to point sternly across the table to Angie, "Not a word of it thought. I'll go and see if I can first then I'll
decide if I want to." A sisterly smile warmed over Angie's face.


"Because we need to know."


"Because it's important."


"What are you? Five?" in a flustered tone as a swing connected with her jaw. "You want answers? Try Jeopardy." Curling her fist as the
mechanism threw out sharp points from either of her hands, "I'll take pain and suffering for two thousand Alex." as both fists came down on the
head of a Skul sending him to the ground with a crash. "Oh lookie here- it's a freak cape." turning her grey eyes toward a horde of hellions as
they circled with chains, base ball bats and handguns, "Guess it's time for the daily double?" spitting out a laugh at her, "Cape and a
comedian, this auta be satisfying."

At first there was that pounding of her heart and the overwhelming sounds that greyed out even the smallest tones. At last there was nothing but a very calm
and strong heartbeat as fists bloodied, bones snapped and she, no matter the damage dealt to her she battled on against the numbers. One by one the Hellions
fell at her feet, those that ran away too damaged to continue got her full attention with a tuft of air that would drop them in one unconscious to the ground.

Years of imprisonment, years of encompassing freedom, years of charity, years of searching and training and thinking had lead her to this moment. This moment
in a city full of people that wouldn't give her a second glance. People that held their own unique attributes. People that didn't shrink away from
the mere sight of her. The whole of her life was instantly all too clear, in this moment.

The moment where one knows they're outnumbered but they fight for what they think is the right thing. Far from a soldier, far from a hero... all the way a

(Need a Legendary that'll work with me on this one to help me write how she wound up Legendary. Any volunteers?)
Hmmm. Well, Amber could well fit the point. I've always viewed her as a sort of Caring/Compassionate person (A lot more into it than that, but can be said
later), which could probably hit off well with someone from what I'm reading here. She could probably sympathize to some extent with Zen as well.
There's plenty to say, but I'll spare the details until you think she might go well for this.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Quote: Ankhani wrote:

Hmmm. Well, Amber could well fit the point. I've always viewed her as a sort of Caring/Compassionate person (A lot more into it than that, but can be
said later), which could probably hit off well with someone from what I'm reading here. She could probably sympathize to some extent with Zen as well.
There's plenty to say, but I'll spare the details until you think she might go well for this.
I has plan if you're volunteering any of your toons >.>
I'm open to suggestions, sure. All of my char's are open for use, as always. Just let me know what you come up with.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
~ If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? ~

The ancient koan rippled across the surface of Zen's mind as she sat next to the massive fusion generator.

While the colossal power plant was normally the calmest place in the Legendary base, today it failed to ease her into the meditative state of serenity she
needed. Even as she pushed against the humming whirl of thoughts in her mind, her ears rang again with the sound of Basinn, placing a bet on Lost Sabre as soon
as her challenge had been accepted. Over a point that wouldn't be proved or disproved regardless of the outcome.

~ It's how we play the game. ~

Still her mind wouldn't leave the thoughts and questions be. Grey eyes opening slowly with a long suffering sigh and rose to her feet.

Talos' lovely coastline would afford her some internal peace as she punched the option in the teleporter bay. A calm but heavy pace brought her past the
hustle and bustle of Wentworth's stopping at the edge of the cliff to look over calm waters. In a patient tone she reminded herself that she had no
authority nor right to judge the core of another, hero or villain.

But Basinn had asked her to step in, the same way a counselor would be asked by a concerned parent.


"It looks angry."

Childlike greying blue eyes gazing up from a rough sea to the older man in the white coat that held her tiny hand firmly in his own.

"Only on the surface."

He replied kindly, glancing down at her with a softened smile as a gust of wind played at his hair, causing her own grayish locks to whip into flight across
her face.

"We best get inside before it rains."

Those childish eyes lost themselves to the white caped waves through strands of greying hair. Her little mind was trying to figure out the puzzle in his words
as a light tug at her hand drew her away and back through those blast doors into the dark of the facility.


Now, however, the sea stood peacefully. The wind today swept her hair and her memories into flickering life. As his gently corrective reply echoed quietly in
her mind, she considered Lost Sabre.

Perhaps Lost, in time, would find herself chastising a young hero for the same mistake? Perhaps some useful insight penetrated the void of a tumultuous
surface? Perhaps Paragon would continue to hemorrhage funds to repair the devastation?

"Miss?" uttered from nearby with a mild throat clearing "Miss?"

Grey eyes turned from what had been the coastal waters of Talos in daylight, now gilded by sunset, to eye a teenager nearby holding out a small book with a pen
toward her. A mouse of a boy bravely smiling at her with stars in his eyes as he held open a blank part of the book and pen to her.

"You heroes are so awesome for protecting our city!"

Zen calmly offering a heart warming smile that settled in her eyes back at him. Her fingers curling to the pen and book in his hand and with a flourish added
her name to a book graffitied with hundreds of other heroes of this fine city. Handing the book and pen back to the young man her hand gently clasped his
shoulder, to ensure he'd sense true meaning behind her words.

"It doesn't take superpowers to be a hero."

He chuckled lightly back at her as she started to drift past him back to the Green line as he called after her in humor "Yeah, it sure don't hurt
though does it?"

"hurts like hell" she muttered under her breath as her feet hit the sidewalk. Clenching her fists just shy of the point that would release her claws
then straightening them reflexively, she crossed the asphalt and boarded the train.

She stood for the entire ride staring out at the water as the cityscape morphed from Skyway to Brickstown. The steadfast blue glow of the War Wall provided
enough light that she didn't need to look at the line map. As the train slowed for Independence Port, she was already on her way to the door.

Night in Independence port, a long stretch of town with far too few police officers to cover it. She spending her evening there on an unmonitored patrol if
only to clear her mind before dawn bled her golden influence into the cold blue light of the War Walls and moon.


A quiet, introspective evening and calm observance of the sunrise, shattered by the sudden ringing of the cell buckled to her hip. Taking a moment to check the
caller ID before tucking the phone under her white tresses.


The detective's usually careful tone snapped with tension. Zen assumed this was due to the fresh entry in the Arena listings, which was confirmed by his

"I got twenty bucks on her."

Zen slipped a soft smile onto her face with an airy momentary chuckle.

"That all? I got 40 on 'er."

Their relationship was more acquaintance than friends, Basinns wasn't all too sure of what to make of Zen as a whole let alone how to read the subtext of
her words. Basinns knew heroes, hundreds of them would come and go day and night for assignments. The general consensus was that they were quick to anger,
arrogant and self involved. He also knew there were some that weren't and that Zen was one of those few. Rational when angry, humbled and self sacrificing.
His tone shifted, holding a more concerned overtone.

"You planning on throwing it or are you thinking she might actually win?"

Grey eyes seemed to loose their focus as again she looked over the coastline, her tone softening drastically

"I'm no more a hero than you are, Detective."

A long moment of silence before Basinns blurted out in earnest "Good luck, Miss Hart." The disconnect drew a slow, confused blink from her as she
popped her phone closed and slid it back into place on her hip.

"On the surface, it's calm but underneath" a light lean forward as the club card granted her request for transport "there's an
unpredictable tide."


The D was quiet this early on a Friday, with only a few patrons and dancers milling about as she slid onto a bar-stool in the upstairs of the club. She slid
into a meditative state, staring into her virgin strawberry daiquiri, as friend and foe alike wandered through this upstairs lounge. Few people disturbed her
as she meditated her way through the day, the bartender silently refilling her when she indicated, used to the strange ways of hero-kind.

"What's a pretty little hero like you doing sitting alone in a place like this?" The smarmy tones shattered her calm and grey eyes shifted to a
random male villain at her side. A raised eyebrow brought a wide grin from the villain, excessively white teeth in his narrow, weasel-like face.

"Minding my own business."

The grin fell off his face and he turned away, muttering "heroes" like it was the darkest of profanity as he wandered off to find easier prey.

Her glass idly spun spun slowly on it's coaster between her thumb and pointer finger until her eyes wandered to the clock behind the bar and she finally
slid off the stool. Tipping the bartender more than he thought she should, she strode to the Arena terminals on the side of the lounge.


The D was busier now; Zen let the audible chaos roll over her. The monkeys in their Arena, the dancers and drinkers in theirs and the music over it all.
Eventually, Lost streaked into the lounge, rebounding off the Arena terminals on the far wall to come to a stuttering halt in front of Zen. An internal point
awarded in her favor simply for showing up but mention of that would have to come much later.

"Event up."

Lost all but squealed, and Zen eyed her carefully, like a gambler sizing up a dealer she suspects of stacking the deck. The taller girl bowed, and as the
klaxon sounded, the fight began.

As the light flashed off the edge of Lost's blade, Zen kicked into overdrive, slowing time and pumping adrenaline into her system to allow her to dodge
preternaturally fast. The long green blade flashed light again on it's way down, and even in combat overdrive, Zen was nearly knocked to her knees at the
force and accuracy behind the blow.

Zen managed to maintain her outwardly calm demeanor, but her eyes flamed with shock and fury.

~ She's going to win. ~

Spoke the traitor voice in the back of her head, as she backed onto her heel to avoid the follow-up.

~ Not without a fight, she's not! ~

Was the conscious reply to that internal defeatism, Zen forcing herself to spring forward, back in range of that absurdly heavy-hitting blade. Heartbeats
later, she clicked into the zone. The sweet, singing, flow of adrenaline and will, strike and counter, sustained her through hits that would have floored her
cold earlier.

Time slowed as the fight drug on into what felt like an eternity.

Finally, Lost drew back to deliver another punishing overhand blow. The glare from the overhead lights caught the arc of sweat spattering off her and a tiny
gap left in her guard by her fatigue. Zen shot through the hole, the Headsplitter never landed, Lost instead crumpling to the floor and medported out.

Zen's eyes closed briefly as she took a deep, centering breath before hitting the exit button herself. The last shot had nearly decided the fate of the
battle in Lost's favor. Her breathing evened as her equilibrium steadied, she exited the arena with a click.

Lost stood with a slight furrow at her brow and Zen could nearly hear the demand for a rematch in the adrenaline fueled heaving of her shoulders. Zen
didn't wear the victory in her stance or on her face, instead she stood reserved, with a sensei's placid demeanor. Few words were shared, none of them
involving any truly deep counsel from either party.

Zen offered an oddly reverent nod to Terrence as Lost babbled about needing to improve her stamina. While "whupping more ass for longer" and
"standing up to those sapping Malta deviants with the blue buzzy guns" wasn't precisely what she was hoping to teach. The look Zen gave the
excited youth spoke volumes. This wasn't the end of it nor were her admitted flaws the true heart of the matter though Zen excused herself silently.

She'd walked in to the ring with Lost thinking she'd throw the fight but when that first hit landed with a searing shock she knew she couldn't. Had
she, Lost would have learned a lesson she already knew far too well. Hitting harder than the other guy is not what matters, downing groupings of antagonists
who's salt is worth less than that of a hero that chooses to combat them.


Zen's salt, the core of her being was good natured and kind but all she could see in Lost was quick, hard hitting and careless. Careless enough to leave a
civilian they had been sent to protect lost, alone in the dark and fearing for her life. One day Lost would be starring down the likes of Lord Recluse and his
underlings who's salt is of the same heroic caliber. They believe, with their whole selves that they are right and that they will be the victor. Careful
planning and over cautious preparation would be called for.

Only time would tell if Lost would fail or adapt but for now Zen learned all she needed.

Basinns was going to have much more paperwork in his future with Lost's name on it. Civilians would be lost then found again, objectives would be
completed, albeit haphazardly planned and rather impetuous. Lost was every bit a hero if only for not giving up when she was equally matched.

** Special thanks to Wire for playing editor.

*** Edited to fix formatting.