A note, first: I spent a good chunk of today on the road, and did a lot of thinking about this project.
'Macross City', I think, would be done by adding micron-scale internal partitions to what's left of the original crew barracks, which had identical floorplans on two adjacent decks. Since the barracks blocks in question are at the very core of the hull, it's decided that the risk of pressure-loss this deep is minimal and there's little reason
not to cut away most of the decking in between, leaving balconies and flying bridges three stories up in a six-story space. Bringing the original plumbing system back into service lets it act as central water and sewage for the apartment blocks, which put apartments along the walls of the original bunkrooms and turn the central area into communal courtyards, while the old corridors between those blocks get a mix of more apartments and what civilian businesses can manage to operate under the SDF-1's system of rationing and martial law.
A lot of the transients who were on Tinian that day end up getting drafted and trained into whatever was needed at the time, but most of Tinian's permanent population was directly or indirectly associated with the rebuilding of the Macross, and hence has a massively disproportionate number of people skilled at shipbuilding, heavy industry, etc, etc - in other words, exactly the skills needed to set up your own armarments industry.
Erm. I also had a thought about how, while I'm still determined to replace the canon Super on the grounds that it's a stupid execution of a good concept, there very well might have been plans for less extensive FAST packs in existence before the war started. So, my timeline for the development of these booster packs is:
Pre-war: Back-and-thigh packs modeled after the canon Super set and the VF-5k's unit, with a space use set, a general atmospheric weapons pack (with quantum power and air for remass, the VF-1's atmospheric range is literally limited only by how long the pilot can stand to be in the cockpit, rendering the 'fuel' part of FAST moot), an ECM unit and maybe an orbital booster set in stock and ready for use.
Early-war: Engineers aboard the Macross design the Assault and Support single-mode booster armor sets to let Valkyries step into some of the combat roles being filled by the SDF-1's strictly limited number of Desdroids.
Late-war: Some clever person comes up with the idea of the Super set, giving a Valkyrie extended endurance along with most of the firepower and armor of an Assault set
without removing the transformation ability. The Super and its quickly-designed complement, the Strike, provide Skywatch with a critical edge in individual unit strength in the last stages of the conflict.
Post-war: The more Earth-focused issues of the Reconstruction era cause the adaptation of the Super for atmospheric use, creating the Ultra set.
Katsuro and Kyllikki fight a bigass space duel and wind up fighting each other to a standstill inside a zentreadi ship. After the rescue crews pry Kyllikki out of her suit she sneaks Katsuro away in her pocket and gets to know him. Later, she manages to get Katsuro reverse-micronised (macronised?) and they both defect together to rejoin the SDF-1.
I've seen neither of the mentioned films, actually. ^_^;
The problems I see with the scenario you described are two: first, sort of the point of having a major character spend a large amount of time macronised is that the original series never really brought home the difference in scale, for me - 'most every time I remember seeing a micron and a macron in the same shot, it was from a distant view, making the micron seem itty-bitty rather than the macron bigger.
The other is that, at that point in their relationship, she's more likely to step on him than rescue him - they've only been shooting at each other, never even exchanging a word.
OTOH, if he bails out of his fighter and runs off to hide, then we can have them exchanging insults - and, eventually, actual discussion - while she chases him around the echoey maze formed by the cruiser's mostly-empty supply storage.
Hmm. If he gets away, then they have another couple of mostly-inconclusive encounters, then
that might make her mad enough to really justify her getting herself micronised for an informational infiltration mission.
Er, thought/possibility - it'd make sense, to me, for the last Maker or the first Zentradi commanders to institute a special corps of Zentradi to deal with 'cultural contamination' problems - infiltration and internal affairs - and after Joukahainen and Louhi have both failed, it'd make sense for Ukko to assign one of these bully-boys to command of the terran mission. So they set up a factfinding effort, but then Kyllikki bullies her way into the slot...
And meets Katsuro, cue knife duel, screaming match, hot make-out session and Really Impulsive Life Choice, in that order.
She spends several episodes on the SDF-1, learning and thinking about her options, then
goes back, makes her report... and starts laying the groundwork to defect openly and have the
entire Meltran force follow her. With the full knowledge and support of the SDF-1's intelligence people, and a terran backup team that's been snuck in to help.
And when she does, and Ukko's specialist orders them strung up by their toenails, Joukahainen and his people - who have spent, by this point,
years chasing the SDF-1 and listening to its civilian broadcasts, including, in more recent months, the 'Fortress Rose', who does her shows
in Zentradese - tell him to do something anatomically impossible with himself and follow.
Cue endgame.
Ja, -n
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."