Mm. Lots of people expressing the very same feelings and conclusions I had, in some cases most eloquently.
And hey wow, we got an indirect mention in the comments on the second link:
Nick Gaston Wrote:And on a related note, and speaking of the Creative Commons licence relocation—some of those same anti-deletion tropers recently archived the complete listing of trope articles, including the deleted ones salvaged from various sources, and made them available as a torrent download.
Part of this was to gather material for a (so far) prospective censorship-free TV Tropes alternative site, should the TvT situation not improve, but the download is free for all to use for themselves. A little searching should be able to turn it up. (I’m not sure if it’d be “cool” for me to link to it here, directly.)
Thank you, Nick, whichever member or lurker you are.
ETA: My only complaint is maybe you should have mentioned that those intrepid tropers got banned by Fast Eddie for doing so -- suggesting very clearly that it's not the ad revenue but control over content that's the real issue.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
In other news, the rape tropes are back. I'm under the impression that there's supposed to be a post form FE about it, but I can't actually find it.
Kind of interesting timing.
Yup. Having the light of day -- and the attention of the Net at large -- focused on the matter was a critical development. This is what I was hoping would happen when I suggested we contact various outlets back at the start of this.
One upshot is that the bloggers and net.journalists are going to be alert for more censorious shenanigans by TVT in the future, and will not take nearly as long to react when the next squickpurge urge seizes FE.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Don't let it stop the creation of some mirrors, even if those tropes are back. TVT needs the competition and the scrutiny.
Ideally, when the next squickpurge arrives, not only will it hit the news faster, there will be a number of sites that can say, "Hey, here we are, we do the same content, but we don't get squicked."
I'm still not going back to TVT, though. That Fast Eddie was so... flippant about the rape tropes grates on me more than any other thing that happened. It's his site, he can do what he wants with it, but one should still not treat rape so casually in terms of "easier to eliminate it than fight".
"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor
Agreed. I definitely think a competitor wiki with a "no censorship" pledge is a must-have, even if FE's backed down on the most recent deletions.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
It's in the works. That's all I'll say for now, but I've already put a few hundred lines of code into the project. When I have something that looks remotely wiki-like, I'll let you guys know. Hopefully this week.
I've been pretty head down into the coding aspects of this project, but I'm going to need serious help with the community building. I wouldn't want the wiki to be my personal property, after all.
-- ∇×V
Understood -- that's part of the problem over at TVT, after all. Fast Eddie considers it his personal playground that he lets other people into, and not a community that he guides and maintains.
I have some ideas for a very visible pledge and "terms of service", but I haven't put them down on paper/electrons yet. When I do I'll put'em up here for the folks at large to kick around and refine.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I'm happy to help however I can. Please, keep me in the loop when you're ready for help. Code, setup, whatever. I'd even be willing to float a little cash towards defraying hosting costs, I think, if it came to that.