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Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - Printable Version

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Re: Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - katreus - 05-05-2007

The Sum of their Parts Ch. 50.--

[Image: lindseyhardingsig3oh2.jpg]

More going native - Jinx999 - 05-06-2007


Re: Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - Sweno - 05-06-2007

Secrets: A Father Goose Tale-Terry
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint Exupery
"Luge strategy? Lie flat and try not to die." - Carmen Boyle (Olympic Luge Gold Medal winner - 1996)
Mary Sue's theme music
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy

Re: Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - katreus - 05-07-2007

Denarian Renegade 17.
500 Miles 50: the epilogue. --

[Image: lindseyhardingsig3oh2.jpg]

Re: Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - Herr Bad Moon - 05-08-2007

Viridian's Harry Potter and the Nightmare of Futures Past Chapter 33 is up.---------------
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
The population density of Wyoming is very low, but that doesn't mean the people there aren't also out to kill you.
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"

Re: Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - Necratoid - 05-08-2007

Soul Voice 19

Re: Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - Bob Schroeck - 05-08-2007

Lord of Caer Azkaban by Rorschach's Blot, Chapter 32.
The Man With No Name, Chapter 11.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.

Re: Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - Disruptor - 05-08-2007

Nightmares of Future Past
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor

Re: Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - M Fnord - 05-08-2007

The Sum of Their Parts, chapter 51 and the end:
Mr. Fnord
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"

Re: Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - Disruptor - 05-09-2007

Bungle in the Jungle
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor

Re: Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - katreus - 05-09-2007

Chosen of Olympus 3.
Soul Voice 18.--

[Image: lindseyhardingsig3oh2.jpg]

Re: Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - Necratoid - 05-09-2007

Wild Cherry Blossom
The guy has been updating daily... and I did that Soul Voice update.

Re: Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - katreus - 05-09-2007

Sorry. Didn't notice. --

[Image: lindseyhardingsig3oh2.jpg]

Re: Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - deadpan29 - 05-09-2007

I may be the only person here who has been following this dimension-hopping HP fic, but A Stranger in an Unholy Land has wrapped up, and apparently it will be the first in a trillogy.
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad.  In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.

Re: Still Another Updates Thread: Extreme Edition - Herr Bad Moon - 05-10-2007

Chris Dee's Cat Tales #51 part 8 Relativity and epilogue is up.---------------
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
The population density of Wyoming is very low, but that doesn't mean the people there aren't also out to kill you.
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"

Yet more Father Goose - Jinx999 - 05-11-2007


And more Martian Manhunter - Jinx999 - 05-11-2007


Re: And more Distant Relation - zojojojo - 05-11-2007

linky-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.

Re: And more Distant Relation - katreus - 05-13-2007

Denarian Renegade 18.
Meciel finds her coffee. --

[Image: lindseyhardingsig3oh2.jpg]

A few Twisting the Hellmouth updates - Werehawk - 05-13-2007

Lmouse updates Unseelie with chapter 9.
Vogon guard updates The Vor Slayer with chapter 10.
My mom's brief take on upcoming Guatemalan Elections "In last throes of preelection activities. Much loudspeaker vote pleading."

ZOMG Eldritch Asylum update - VladimirTherin - 05-13-2007

Everyones favorite Ranma/Hp/Cthulhu mythos crossover.

Re: ZOMG Eldritch Asylum update - aeroprime - 05-14-2007

"Its alive! ALIVE!!!!" *CRAKADOOOOM*
I'm damn glad that the good doctor decided to finally work on this beast again. It one of my all time favorites. Hopefully the next update won't be as long in coming this time.
"I would love to engage in a battle of wits with you but you appear unarmed."

And the updates go rolling along... - M Fnord - 05-14-2007

The Man With No Name, chapter 12.---
Mr. Fnord
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"

Re: And the updates go rolling along... - HoagieOfDoom - 05-15-2007

Chapter 18 of Academy Blues is up, and we get to see Laura's device.
Now, I have to wonder what would (will?) happen if Laura is forced to use all six cartridge holders simultaneously...*********
Touched By His Noodly Appendage

Father Goose: Secrets 17 - Jinx999 - 05-15-2007
