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Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - Printable Version

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- Bob Schroeck - 05-24-2017

They've been around for quite a while, but they definitely deserve a flag-waving.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- Norgarth - 05-24-2017

I'd previously been completely unaware of them.  I first discovered Desperately Seeking Ranma via someone linking to the story itself (probably here on DW forum) and had never thought to see what else the author had written before.
Also, 2 other prequels for DSR

http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9710573/1/Aftermath, Kasumi's POV, set immediately after the failed wedding (2 parts) and how Aiko, Tamiko, Fumiko and Misaki became Magical Girls (1-shot)http://www.fanfiction.net/s/11269529/1 ... The-Museum

"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin

- Bob Schroeck - 05-24-2017

Aftermath is actually the original story to which DSR is the sequel. And yes, both are good.

Oh, and if it's of any interest to you, All The Tropes has a page for DSR.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - classicdrogn - 01-08-2018

TheEndless7's Letters has been complete for a while, but picked up another bonus epilogue this past christmas eve. It's pretty good, a Harry/Fleur romantic piece that wraps up the Voldemort plot in the graveyard like it always should have been. I already closed the tab and forget the word length, but the main story and epilogue are ch19, followed by an au-epilogue, then a couple more bonus, canon ones in 21 & 22.


RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - classicdrogn - 02-10-2018

Her Kingdom As Great is a really nice Labyrinth fic, about Sarah growing into the power she claimed as hers when she confronted Jareth and the relationships she was struggling with, with the stepmother, her little brother, and with Jareth as well. There's a few tangential crossover elements mentioned at the end, and a nice follow-on snippet set in Stargate SG-1 too. I forget already, but I think it was twenty to thirty thousand words? It may have been mentioned here before, but if so it bears seconding the rec.


It might not actually be complete; the last update was only in December and it's not marked as such, but it feels like it.

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - Matrix Dragon - 02-25-2018

And as of 30 minutes ago, Queen of Blood, a Castlevania/Worm crossover, is complete and can be posted here.


RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - classicdrogn - 03-12-2018

esama's Wizards IN SPACE! is set fifth year, with Lee Jordan and the Weasley Twins discovering that the Room of Requirement is a bit more versatile than Harry or anyone else had thought. At first, they think the "spaceship" form is just a cool mockup, but it becomes more and more clear that the Room is actually acting as a gateway to one long abandoned in the asteroid belt, as the DA members fix it up and get more and more things functional. Sure, the Ministry is being awful and Umbrige is just as much a raging obnoxious toad, but who cares when they have a spaceship to explore and mess around with, far away from all that? For most, it's the most exciting thing they've had a chance to be a part of, for Harry it's a place of calm where he can relax, and even if people expect him to be in charge of things as the "captain" it's still just so peaceful. His scar doesn't even bother him there!

It's nominally a Stargate crossover and the ship is recognizably Asgard if you know the series, but there's not a hint of anything else related to that setting in the work as it exists. Sadly, that's just during 5th year and a sequel over the summer hols, but both stories are marked as complete and haven't been added to in a couple years so it's probably all we're apt to get knowing esama's writing. Still, what's there is very good, and there are at least enough bits about plans and predictions for the future that imagining how it works out is not too hard of an exercise for the reader.


RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - Norgarth - 03-23-2018

Grimm Mother (Worm/RWBY)

A family trip stops in Ellisberg at a bad time.
Complete at 7 chapters (including Epilogue)

EDIT to add:
a follow up thread with several scenes showing events in the years after the end of Grimm Mother. some heartwarming, some badass, some funny.

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - ECSNorway - 04-24-2018

Drakensis' "Davion & Davion (Deceased)" has concluded, and is now much worthy of inclusion in this list.


RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - SilverFang01 - 05-02-2018

I don't think this has been recommended before.
A Man of Iron - A Song of Metal and Marvels

Quote:Antony 'Tony' Stark is the arrogant cousin of Ned who made his fortune crafting weapons for the lords of Westeros. He leads a joyful life, doing what he pleases and leaves the politics to others. But when violent attack nearly ends his life, Tony decides to take action and creates a hero for the people to rally around: a knight known as Iron Man.

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - Bob Schroeck - 05-02-2018

Oh, where is that image macro I had which photoshopped Tony Stark in front of Winterfell?

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - classicdrogn - 06-06-2018

It's really an original web-novel, not fanfiction, but Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society is a fun "MC becomes the protagonist of a dungeon crawler RPG" read however you slice it, at least after the first couple of chapters where the MC is desperately stupid. (As backed up by his stats, since he starts as a stereotypical minmaxed Olympic champion STR but 50 IQ physical fighter.) More importantly, he's an actual sympathetic character unlike the asshole MCs rampant in xianxia and even if he still tends to think with his fists until the mid-hundred chapters it's nowhere near as bad as the wallbanger moments in, say, The Gamer manwha where you (or at least I) just want to grab Jee-han by the neck and shake him while screaming "COMMON SENSE, MOTHERFUCKER! DO YOU HAVE IT?" (No. No he does not.) Even better, while some power ups or items may be attained and not mentioned for a while, they aren't just forgotten about in favor of the next shiny object as seems to be so common in long running WNs/LNs.

Link is to the English translation on WuxiaWorld, which is as the thread title specifies, complete. The linked page itself and all the chapters I've read so far are worksafe if occasionally laced with flirting and innuendo, but other works on the site may not be. Not sure about word count, but it's three hundred fifty two decent length chapters, each roughly between two and nine thousand characters in the original Korean judging from the author's notes and translator's tearful complaints.


RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - SilverFang01 - 06-06-2018

(06-06-2018, 07:25 AM)classicdrogn Wrote: It's really an original web-novel, not fanfiction, but Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society is a fun "MC becomes the protagonist of a dungeon crawler RPG" read however you slice it, at least after the first couple of chapters where the MC is desperately stupid. (As backed up by his stats, since he starts as a stereotypical minmaxed Olympic champion STR but 50 IQ physical fighter.) More importantly, he's an actual sympathetic character unlike the asshole MCs rampant in xianxia and even if he still tends to think with his fists until the mid-hundred chapters it's nowhere near as bad as the wallbanger moments in, say, The Gamer manwha where you (or at least I) just want to grab Jee-han by the neck and shake him while screaming "COMMON SENSE, MOTHERFUCKER! DO YOU HAVE IT?" (No. No he does not.) Even better, while some power ups or items may be attained and not mentioned for a while, they aren't just forgotten about in favor of the next shiny object as seems to be so common in long running WNs/LNs.

Link is to the English translation on WuxiaWorld, which is as the thread title specifies, complete. The linked page itself and all the chapters I've read so far are worksafe if occasionally laced with flirting and innuendo, but other works on the site may not be. Not sure about word count, but it's three hundred fifty two decent length chapters, each roughly between two and nine thousand characters in the original Korean judging from the author's notes and translator's tearful complaints.


Just read the prologue and a bit of the first chapter and it hooked me. Is there a way to get the whole thing for offline reading?

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - classicdrogn - 06-06-2018

(06-06-2018, 12:01 PM)SilverFang01 Wrote: Just read the prologue and a bit of the first chapter and it hooked me. Is there a way to get the whole thing for offline reading?

I used the DownThemAll firefox extension, told it to allow all links in the filters, and then went down the list manually turning off the dozen or so on either end since that's faster than selecting three hundred and some. This grabs all the HTML pages, which while I haven't tried should be able to be concatenated in Calibre into a single ebook relatively easily if you don't want to just read them as-is in a browser.

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - SilverFang01 - 06-06-2018

Times like these I miss Wget in Linux and the fact that I cannot install a distro anymore on Virtual Machines unless my computer bios has the "Enable VT-x/AMD-V" option, though I think there is a Windows version.

Will give that a try anyway. Thanks.

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - classicdrogn - 06-08-2018

Holy cow! I'm gonna double down on recommending ICDS, for no other reason than that after hundreds of chapters of oblivious and then waffling harem-protagonist type behavior, the MC actually makes a choice about which girl to pursue a relationship with. He even manages to dissuade a couple of the others! Such events occurring in a story is like a pearl beyond price!

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - Cobalt Greywalker - 06-10-2018

Build your wings on the way down (FMA) was probably recommended a while back, but had been stuck on one chapter for years.  Imagine my delight when I checked and not only had it updated but completed with five chapters.

Where the loss of ignorance is more valuable than the knowledge gained, and Edward figures out the source of alchemy a lot sooner than before.

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - classicdrogn - 06-11-2018

(06-10-2018, 10:11 AM)Cobalt Greywalker Wrote: Build your wings on the way down

Eeeh... It's decent, but the shipping really feels like it was shoehorned in just for the sake of it, and dat age difference yo. It would have been a stronger story without adding non-canon romance, but I still give it about 6.5/10, well above the "average published novel" waterline. Mildy seconded.

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - Shepherd - 06-12-2018

Found in Translation (Jurassic World, minor Harry Potter elements).

Summary: Owen Grady speaks Raptor, but it's a language he learned through immersion, the same way his girls learned English. Owen Grady also speaks Parseltongue, but that's because he's a wizard passing as a muggle. It doesn't change a lot about his work, until it really, really changes a lot about his work.

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - SilverFang01 - 06-14-2018

From the 'I never thought someone would actually do this crossover' file:

Quote:Part one of a three-part trilogy: A crippled but ruthless space huntress comes to Earth to collect a retirement prize: the head of Sailor Moon! To assist in her quest, she has 'enlisted' the help of the galaxy's most formidable & fearsome headhunters - the Predators! Kindly review if read.

It's a little clumsy in places but this is so out there that I have to give him points back for entertainment value.

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - Norgarth - 06-16-2018

a Dresden Files one shot

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - classicdrogn - 07-22-2018

Kaantur-Set has posted the Epilogue for A Past, But No Future, a short, sweet KanColle fic about Salt Lake City's unconventional return. Nominally an SI but that's a very, very minor aspect, which basically only amounts to the MC knowing what a shipgirl is and expecting to find more of them than herself, and a vague awareness of having had a life as a human without really remembering more than emotional impressions. Link is to the first post on SpaceBattles.


edit: Not that short, actually, it's decently into novel length at 65,000ish words.

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - ECSNorway - 07-23-2018

(07-22-2018, 02:11 PM)classicdrogn Wrote: Kaantur-Set has posted the Epilogue for A Past, But No Future, a short, sweet KanColle fic about Salt Lake City's unconventional return. Nominally an SI but that's a very, very minor aspect, which basically only amounts to the MC knowing what a shipgirl is and expecting to find more of them than herself, and a vague awareness of having had a life as a human without really remembering more than emotional impressions. Link is to the first post on SpaceBattles.


edit: Not that short, actually, it's decently into novel length at 65,000ish words.

Gotta second this recommendation. Darn good stuff.

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - Black Aeronaut - 07-23-2018

Same here. The existencial crisis is real, but also realistic.

RE: Completed Fanfiction Recommendations - NifT - 07-24-2018

Don't remember if this ever got rec'd, and a quick search turns up no results, so...

The Taken Queen by The MMR (Worm/Destiny)

Due to shenanigans, instead of her canon power, Taylor instead inherits the power of Oryx, the Taken King. Knowledge of Destiny lore is not required, but helps.