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Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - Printable Version

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RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - Happerry - 08-21-2020

We Chase the Stars and Steal the Moon, wherein Obi-Wan Kenobi and Hondo Ohnaka team up to steal the Death Star.

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - nocarename - 08-21-2020

R2-D2 engages in shenanigans. Crack. As yet unfinished.
R2-D2 Saves the Galaxy (Okay, so Obi-Wan helps a little)
The tag list shows Kenobi/Jango Fett, but that hasn't happened so far. We do have this small gem from the most recent chapter-
Quote:Master Yoda was nodding seriously. “Yes, abduct me you must. A shame it is, that abductee’s syndrome will I quickly develop.”

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - SilverFang01 - 09-03-2020

Defying Divination (HP) by multiple authors.

Lily believed in making her own path, and had no time for destiny or foretelling the future.
Which made the influence of Divination in her life particularly annoying.


RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - classicdrogn - 09-09-2020

I fined I quite enjoyed what there is of aerium's Responsibility, a Spider-man reincarnation fic on SV (and apparently FFn from the author's comments.) The MC is surprisingly rational, not in the HP&TMOR way but in terms of having believable reactions to the situation, and more importantly so does everyone else. It's ten parts, 22k words, and has only just gotten through his first day at Midtown High, meeting teachers and Flash and MJ, but as I say it's pretty fun so far even with the only super-shenanigans being that Tony Stark has been missing in the Middle East longer than MC thinks sounds right to his years-old MCU memories, and briefly crossing paths with Dr. Emma Frost, child psychologist.

As a new author writing in a fandom that's not the current new hotness, it's getting a sad lack of traffic, so here I am doing my part Smile

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - batzulger - 09-13-2020


Teletubbies have never been more terrifying...

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - ECSNorway - 10-11-2020


"Salvage, Sarcasm, and Submarines!"

USS Georgia is an Abyssal Princess. She is also an Ohio-class SSGN. (That means she doesn't have ICBMs, just conventional-warhead Tomohawks and a bunch of SEALs.)

And having woken up with the memory of a normal human (less than an SI, more than an OC) she has zero fucks to give when it comes to the whole "rar, abyss, angry, mean, kill humans" deal.

The first thing she does upon waking is find herself in what was recently a battle scene, coming across a sinking shipgirl with her legs blown off. So she rescues the poor kid, salvages a freighter loaded with supplies, and starts looking around for more shenanigans to shenaniganate.

It just sort of snowballs from there. (Though I would love to get hands on the video of her singing karaoke in Phnom Penh....)

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - Rajvik - 10-11-2020

Ah, one of the OMFG class, that would be neat

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - ECSNorway - 10-14-2020

Cloudy, With A Chance Of Shipgirls

This is a cute little slice-of-life-y story set in the now-ish world where the Abyssals started mucking about in 2017, COVID-19 showed up on schedule, and the world is generally humming right along as best it can.

Our Protagonist, Gordon Hawkins, is a work-from-home IT guy (SQL wonk, mostly) who lives in an apartment building that the Navy has just taken over to turn into a shipgirl dorm. Unfortunately they failed to notice that he isn't a renter, he actually owns his unit... and they didn't even notice that he hadn't moved out with the other residents when they assigned the Japanese destroyer Ariake to (what they thought was 'formerly') his apartment.

So Gordon comes home from the grocery store one day to find this destroyer-girl standing in his living room wondering who this guy who's just barged into her apartment is...

And things move on in pleasantly slice-of-life-y manner from there, as our heroes suffer the incompetence of bureaucracy, get to know each other, and generally carry on as best they can under the circumstances.

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - classicdrogn - 11-04-2020

Tanks for Nothing is a not-NaNoWriMo-but-similar-idea original fic, which broadly speaking is about a young female knight of Light magic affinity, her new freind the technically undead "possessed armor" in the form of a WWII L3-35 tankette/AFV, and the various hinjinx that ensue from being at large in a not-so-generic-as-it-first-looks high fantasy setting. I've only gotten a few chapters in, but it is hilarious by turns with heartwarming and mixed with a good dose of action to keep things popping. Strongly recommended so far.

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - classicdrogn - 11-08-2020

While she hasn't appeared (to my knowledge, though it's not like I'm keeping watch or anything) on SB/SV in quite some time, I discovered Crimson Square had done a little GIrl Genius fic on AO3 a while back (as in, still a couple years ago) in which Agatha meets Gil and Tarvek earlier, when she goes with Dr. Beetle as TA to Paris for a semester as a guest lecturer. Hijinx inevitably ensue.

Series page link, as it's organized as multiple short one-shots rather than one story.

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - aku - 11-08-2020

(11-08-2020, 08:34 AM)classicdrogn Wrote: While she hasn't appeared (to my knowledge, though it's not like I'm keeping watch or anything) on SB/SV in quite some time, I discovered Crimson Square had done a little GIrl Genius fic on AO3 a while back (as in, still a couple years ago) in which Agatha meets Gil and Tarvek earlier, when she goes with Dr. Beetle as TA to Paris for a semester as a guest lecturer. Hijinx inevitably ensue.

Series page link, as it's organized as multiple short one-shots rather than one story.


RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - classicdrogn - 11-21-2020

Percy, Take the Wheel is a rare Percy Weasley-centered HP fic, in which an explosive accident the summer before what IIRC would be the first (e: Nope, second) year of canon leaves Molly dead and Arthur comatose, with the loss of his income requiring Bill and Charlie to stay in their overseas jobs in order to support their younger siblings. I've only just gotten through the first chapter myself, but it is so far very, very good. 205k words in 24 chapters, started in 2016 and last updated in April.

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - classicdrogn - 11-27-2020

Triumphant, the Dreamer by Shadowblayze hasn't updated in a few years, but ends on a decently positive and forward-looking note as it stands. The link is to the third chapter, because the first two are "SI wakes up, realizes she's a baby, panics, and falls asleep" over and over, literally enough to have several lines where that is almost a direct quote. It builds up some decent momentum pretty quickly from there, though, and is technically proficient throughout, so while it's not the most original premise ever (SI is Harry Potter's older twin sister, diplomances Petunia into making things not suck, hijinx ensue) it is an enjoyable read, and the supporting cast all feel pretty close to original flavour, without undue bashing or whitewashing unless you count Petunia being able to be reached by logic. 215k words in 44 chapters.

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - classicdrogn - 12-03-2020

Got another Potterfic for ya - in No Competition a combination of magical effects and circumstances makes Harry emit an aura that feels nicely homey to various dark creatures, leading them to instinctively like him.

Once again I'm going to recommend skipping (most of) the first chapter, because it's a long and rambling summary of the premise and plot framed as the Death Eaters reporting what's gone on before his resurrection to Voldemort, spoiling the plot in the most boring way possible with the only redeeming feature being the bit at the end, after Voldie dispenses a bit of therapeutic Malfoy cruciation, then mic drops and walks off into the interior of Riddle Manor. (Perhaps return for it at the end, since it's only 69k words, doesn't even get Harry to Hogwarts, ends on what would otherwise be a cliffhanger, and hasn't updated in three years? The summary report bits get repeated at the beginning of some chapters as well... Probably best to skip past them there too, to the end of the italic text.) I rather expect it was added onto the end of a "silly fic ideas" version of the rest of the scene upon deciding to go ahead with it as a full story.

Note that the story does assume Christianity (though not their holy bible per se) is more or less literal truth and features Lucifer and vampire Judas Iscariot as recurring, mostly sympathetic characters, so if that's going to offend you better to give it a miss.

Ch2 on FFn ->
Ch2 on Wattpad ->

As far as I can tell the story is identical on both sites, but the author's other stories on each are not cross posted between them. Haven't read any of the others yet, so I can't give opinions, but a couple of the summaries look interesting.

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - Bad Moon - 12-03-2020

(11-21-2020, 06:33 AM)classicdrogn Wrote: Percy, Take the Wheel is a rare Percy Weasley-centered HP fic, in which an explosive accident the summer before what IIRC would be the first (e: Nope, second) year of canon leaves Molly dead and Arthur comatose, with the loss of his income requiring Bill and Charlie to stay in their overseas jobs in order to support their younger siblings. I've only just gotten through the first chapter myself, but it is so far very, very good. 205k words in 24 chapters, started in 2016 and last updated in April.

I tried reading this and while enjoyed it at first, the weird obsession with the ghoul that lives in the attic and the sudden super power of hedge magic caused me to jump ship as I'd seen things like this become tiresome quickly a thousand times before.

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - classicdrogn - 12-03-2020

Fair, though I will say that those things fade back from the fore once they've been properly explained and the school year starts up.

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - SilverFang01 - 12-04-2020

The ones I have been reading recently and want to recommend are:

The Lioness Molly Weasley as more developed character and showing why she could kick Bellatrix’s ass on the last book.

No Fate - by the author of The Ghost of Privet Drive. Harry loses his trial at the beginning of OotP and has his wand snapped and mind obliviated. Now back from a tour in Irak, Corporal Potter has an encounter with Death Eaters and is saved by a mysterious woman who knows who he really is. Tags have a bit of a spoiler though.

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - drakensis - 12-05-2020

I'm going to be shameless and report that I am now posting my nano fic, which is in the Exalted setting.

Reincarnation: May Come With Teething Problems

[Image: 66wm26z.png][Image: L4V1p8S.png]

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - classicdrogn - 12-05-2020

Yay! (immediately pops a new tab open and bumps it up to #3 in the reading queue)

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - ECSNorway - 12-09-2020


“I Hate it Here”. A fascinating Worm AU in which Brockton Bay is isolated in the mists of Nowhere, the GODS-THAT-WERE are dead, and eldritch weirdness is the rule of the day.

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - classicdrogn - 12-10-2020

In The Black Family's PR Nightmare, it's November 1981 and the future is looking bleak, with all the direct heirs dead or imprisoned and the rest of the direct line too old to produce more, while the closest remaining viable candidates - Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter - would both result in the end of the family name as that heritage would be rolled into their own. Well, Cassiopeia Black (famed if somewhat reclusive magical researcher) isn't having any of that; she sets out on a scheme to get her squib twin reinstated and his granddaughter Hermione formally named heiress by blood and magic. ~116k words, as of this morning's update.

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - Drenivian - 12-17-2020

I've got one for you all that i found of SpaceBattles this morning.  An Old Man's War (Worm / City of Heroes)
Yes, you read that right, City of Heroes.  The base context is that instead of Statesman falling to Darren Wade in the Who Will Die story line he is thrust out Paragon City and falls into the Wormverse, with a power reduction.  So far, i like it and am quite waiting for the next chapters


RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - drakensis - 01-17-2021

Don't Know What You've Got Til It's Gone (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)

The history report is over and there's nothing left to do but to drop everyone back in their own time periods and give the booth back to Rufus. But now that it's almost done, Billy the Kid realises he's not ready to say goodbye just yet.

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - Matrix Dragon - 01-24-2021

By Mutual Consent

Taylor Hebert is contacted by an extradimensional alien entity that grants superhuman powers. However, this one believes in informed consent. A Worm/City of Heroes crossover where a Warshade finds the infamous locker.

RE: Fanfic Recommendations Go Hawaiian - aku - 01-26-2021

(01-24-2021, 05:52 AM)Matrix Dragon Wrote: By Mutual Consent

Taylor Hebert is contacted by an extradimensional alien entity that grants superhuman powers. However, this one believes in informed consent. A Worm/City of Heroes crossover where a Warshade finds the infamous locker.

This reminded me that I have not seen Timeo Eldraeos et Dona Ferentes: Beware of Space Elves Bearing Gifts here yet.
Taylor gets her powers from the Eldraic Transcend (Context: EldraeVerse).
And yes, they ask nicely.