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Douche bags from Canada! - Printable Version

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Douche bags from Canada! - Ayiekie - 08-13-2007

The original essay was posted in the New York Times, thus making Canadian politics relevent!
To those who don't follow Canadian politics, the guy who wrote this essay, Michael Ignatieff (Ig-naughty-eff - "you" on the end is optional) was almost the leader of the Liberal Party, which made him almost the undeclared King Of Canada. Believe it or not, he was like a rock star for a couple months there. Mostly because we all wanted Pierre Trudeau back and if you looked at Ignatieff and squinted when he was saying something condescending, it almost seemed like... well... never mind.
I didn't support him during his race for the Liberal leadership, mostly because I didn't like several of his political positions and was dubious how well an academic that spent most of his life outside Canada would fare hopping into federal politics almost instantly upon returning. Thus making me almost as smart as a bus driver! I feel so proud.

Re: Douche bags from Canada! - Fidoohki - 08-13-2007

..okay my excuse was lack of sleep, what was the writers excuse?!? Tongue