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Virtue Wiki Character Page Template - Printable Version

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Virtue Wiki Character Page Template - Bob Schroeck - 04-26-2007

Okay, some notes on the template and the coding. I'm not a Mediawiki maven, so this is just what I picked up in the last couple days.
Firstly, the editor window on the wiki has a row of formatting buttons along the top, so a fair amount can be done without you absolutely having to know how to do it.
Secondly, you can use HTML in the entry text, if you're more comfortable with that. (angle bracket)I(close angle bracket) for italics is a bit more intuitive for some folks than ''text''.
Headlines are coded by putting them on their own lines and surrounding them with equals signs, anywhere from one to four; the more equals, the "lower level" the header is. For example, =Big Headline= is a top-level section head, while ====subtopic==== is a deep-down subheader. =Title= and ==Title== also generate a horizontal line under the title, and a section-specific edit button. Oh, if you have at least three top-level headers, a table of contents box is automatically generated for you as part of the page layout.
If you want or need a list, put each item on a separate line with an asterisk in front of it:
* Item 1
* Item 2
Simple line breaks -- say for an unbulleted list -- are handled with the HTML "break" tag -- (angle bracket)br/(close angle bracket)
Links are handled with square brackets. (There are also edit buttons to do links, if you prefer to use them.) A simple internal link within the wiki is handled by putting two square brackets around the word or words:
[[Looney Toons]
Add a vertical bar and a phrase to turn that phrase into a link:
[[Looney Toons|that freaking bozo]
would make the phrase "that freaking bozo" a link to the page about Looney Toons.
User names and their pages are in a different "space" than the wiki content, so if you want for some reason to link to your personal page on the wiki, you need to prefix your name with "User:":
[[User:LooneyToons|Bob Schroeck]
Links to stuff outside the wiki use *one* square bracket and no vertical bar. I don't know why:
[http://p202.ezboard.com/fdrunkardswalkforumsfrm27 my discussion area]
Once you register as a wiki user, you can upload images and display them in your pages. There's a link to the upload page in the sidebar.
Once you've uploaded an image you can put it on a page with the tag:
If you want to get a little fancier with images, you can specify the size and rough horizontal positioning (left/right/center), add a caption, and even set up automatic thumbnailing, just by adding terms to this markup. For instance:
[[image:Overhead_Floorplan_view.jpg|thumb|150px|center|Entire Base Overview]
is the markup that puts a 150-pixel-wide thumbnail of the base floorplan (which links to the full size picture) halfway across the page, and gives it the caption "Entire Base Overview". You can include or leave out any of these as you see fit except, of course, the name of the image file.
(Be aware that the positioning is a little broken on Internet Explorer. If you have more than one image on a line, the images to the right will be in the right places horizontally, but not necessarily on the same line as the image on the left.)
Finally, character pages have a kind of "summary box" over on the right edge. This is handled by a subtemplate called "HeroBox" or "VillainBox". The template below uses a HeroBox, but you can find the VillainBox in a couple places on the Wiki if you need it. The HeroBox has a couple of idiosyncracies which I will explain below.
At the very end of the page are a set of category tags which help the wiki organize and display your page with others of its type(s). To a large degree, these are user-defined -- if for some reason you wanted to start a category for left-handed archers with green eyes, you would just add a tag at the end reading
[[Category:Left-Handed Archers With Green Eyes]
Finally, anything in the template in ((this format)) is a comment or explanation from me, and can be safely deleted and/or replaced with real content.
The template itself starts below this line.
| image = ((just a filename, not a full image markup: pic.jpg))
| caption = ((optional))
| name = ((the character's name))
| player = ((Use your COH account name, the one you get global messages at. It's a good idea to make it a link: [[User:LooneyToons|@LooneyToons])
| archetype = ((From this point on, any item not filled in defaults to "confidential".))
| origin =
| level =
| realname =
| aliases =
| species =
| age =
| height =
| weight =
| eyes =
| hair =
| nationality =
| occupation =
| birthplace =
| hometown = ((This displays as "Base of Operations:". Paragon City for all, I'd think.))
| marital =
| relatives =
| powers = ((See main sections below for what these last four hold.))
| abilities =
| equipment =
| footnotes =
((capsule description or intro to the character here. End with two
carriage returns to space it a bit from the table of contents that
will be generated immediately below it.))

Supergroup: [[The Legendary] (Rank: Rumor)
((Include a bulleted list of other characters whom this character
deals with regularly; make them links. The subsections below are
((Overview or synopsis of your character's powers. Followed
by a more specific breakdownSmile )
==Primary Set==
((Rename the heading here to the name of the character's primary
powerset, and describe your character's selected powers.))
==Secondary Set==
((Likewise for the secondary set.))
==Additional Powers==
((These can be anything that is part of the character but doesn't
belong to a specific power set or pool. Sands of Mu from
Veteran's Rewards or stuff from Accolades should be listed in
this section, along with your origin-specifc gimcrack power
(throwing knives, apprentice charm, etc.).))
((Again, rename the heading. Repeat section if necessary.))
===Power Pool===
((Do you have powers from another pool that doesn't give you
a travel power? Rename heading again. And repeat this section
as necessary.))
((Non-super abilities the character possesses, even if only in
your concept or characterization -- skills and talents. This is
where you plug in that paragraph or two you wrote back in the
"Other Skills" thread last fall.))
=Weaknesses and Limitations=
((Not usually a game mechanic thing, obviously, so this is
optional. But sometimes stuff comes out in play: Eva will run
out of endurance quickly in a big combat without a buff, so I
included that as a weakness. If you always seem to get nailed by
stun or sleep attacks, you can list that here. Or if there's any
particular attack type your powers *don't* defend against --
Eva, again, can shrug off almost every attack type except
((I've been including the GvE jump pack and Pocket D VIP card
here. If you've got the Undead-Slaying Axe, Nemesis Staff or
that funky wand from the Veteran's Rewards, or Conspiracy
Theorist's ice pistol, they go here, too. Any temporary stuff
you like, too, like the stealth suits and other toys you can
buy at the bar in Pocket D's mini-arena area.))
=Character History=
((Just like it sounds.))
=Battle Cries and Catch Phrases=
((Anything that didn't fit anywhere else.))

((Tags follow. Modify as appropriate.))
[[Category:Character] [[Category:Hero] [[Category:Scrapper]
[[Category:Magic] [[Category:Female] [[Category:The Legendary]

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.

Re: Virtue Wiki Character Page Template - Morganite - 05-07-2007

While going to visit the wiki and see if anything interesting had popped up, I noticed that this thread didn't have a link to the wiki itself in it.
Maybe I should do something about that.
-Morgan."This continuity is now a Princess of Darkness crossover."
"... They're all going to die, aren't they?"
"Yep. Popcorn?"

Re: Virtue Wiki Character Page Template - Evil Midnight Lurker - 05-13-2007

Image file names are case-sensitive, even the extensions. Took me a while to figure that out. >.<
"This is graveness."

Re: Re: Virtue Wiki Character Page Template - Bob Schroeck - 05-14-2007

Good catch. Thanks for adding that.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.