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My rallying cry - Printable Version

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My rallying cry - Logan Darklighter - 09-07-2012

Okay. This is a post I made to the COH boards when we got a sliver of good news
Quote:[Admin] Alpha Wolf: Sorry guys but I don't have any new update. I know
Paragon management is having discussion with ncsoft and investors.
Continue get people to sign online petitions, post on game forums, and
just continue to make noises so ncsoft cannot ignore players.

And the people on the boards pounced on it. Because it was the first good news we had had directly from a Dev since Friday.
Anyway, some people wanted to be negative, and say no way NCSoft will ever release the IP or not shutter the game. And others were pointing out differences in the situations involved and how our community organizing might be the difference.
This was my rally cry. I know I went overwrought and overboard with the caps. But I was emotional, and I'd just recently watched Aragorns Rally at the Black Gates so I had a lot of THAT going through me.
Despite it's weaknesses, I think I have some small reason to be proud of it. I wanted to share it with you.

Quote:Originally Posted by jfp2004
[Image: viewpost.png]

Agh, this is just like that week
following the end of Mass Effect 3. It hit me hard enough that it threw
off everything. I kept bouncing between 'did that really just happen'
and 'it can't end like this' to cautious optimism that things would
change. Not entirely the same as what's going on here, but similar

I'm hoping things end up working out in everyone's favor. The last thing
I want is for the game to go away. I've been playing it for years, and
it's become a part of my life.

As I've said in the game - hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Thank you for reminding me of Mass Effect and what the fans accomplished there!

There are those who say that petitions and letter writing compaigns
never, ever work. That NCSoft has never done anything but shutter MMOs
and kill them without selling them.

Those people who say that... they keep using the word NEVER.

I SAY...


Look at HOLD THE LINE and the other Mass Effect 3 protests and what THEY accomplished!

They forced... FORCED - EA/Bioware into releasing the Extended Cut DLC
when all indications are that the personalities at the top of EA and
Bioware had no intention of giving in - at least at first.

True - Extended Cut does far less than most Mass Effect fans had hoped.
For many, it simply made the ending - acceptable. Not great. Not epic
like it should have been. Just acceptable.

But that's MUCH better than it was!

The fans and organizers of Hold the Line and others SHAMED Electronic
Arts... EA... THE VERY DEMON of the Gaming World... Into actually
BUDGING even that far.

I don't think you realize just how HUGE that is. Take a moment to think about it.

Mass Effect fans were nowhere NEAR as tight knit as our community. They
were scattered. There were fan groups and fanfic writing communities,
but nothing centralized. Until enough of them realized that they were
ALL pissed off. It took about 2-3 weeks - almost a month before they
really started to move.

But move they did. And LOOK at what they accomplished!

Can we do any less? Can we AFFORD to do ANY LESS THAN THEY DID?

We can do MORE.

We are UNITED from the START. It hasn't taken us WEEKS to get moving. It's only taken DAYS. Maybe even HOURS.

We are collectively a JUGGERNAUT.

And we are ALREADY up to steam and moving forward!

Yes - it is wise to keep in mind we could fail. We could devastate
ourselves emotionally if we do not acknowledge the simple fact that the
odds are not in our favor.

But is that any reason not to have hope? NO!

We have every reason to believe that WE CAN DO THIS. IT IS MORE THAN POSSIBLE.

There is no more determined fighter than one who fights for their home.


Dig your feet in. Take a breath. Pop an inspiration or two if you need to...


And the gates of all possibility will FALL BEFORE YOU.