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VODKA!!!! RAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: VODKA!!!! RAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!! (/showthread.php?tid=6915)

VODKA!!!! RAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!! - David Lewis - 03-13-2010

Okay, I found this one less than three minutes ago, and I
just HAVE to post it. This one is so ridiculously catchy that I will bet you
the interwebz that you’ll be unable to get it out of your head before tomorrow
lunchtime at least. Fantasy-Metal-Meets-Electric-Fiddle-FTW!

Korpiklaani - Vodkaa - 3:00





Vodka, you're feeling stronger

Vodka, no more feeling bad

Vodka, your eyes are shining

Vodka, you are the real MAN

Vodka, wipes away your tears

Vodka, removes your fears

Vodka, everyone is gorgeous

Vodka, yeah vodka!

Drinking is good for you,

Soon you are unconstrained

Drinking is good for you,

Here comes the womanizer

Drinking is good for you,

Not anymore lonesome

Drinking is good for you,

And you will feel awesome!!

And you will feel awesome!!

Out of respect for nature,

Our vodka and drinkers.

Promising, that the vodka

We reserve, is as pure as it was

Thousands of years ago

Out of respect for nature

Our Vodka and drinkers!!

Vodka, you're feeling stronger

Vodka, no more feeling bad

Vodka, your eyes are shining

Vodka, you are the real MAN

Vodka, wipes away your tears

Vodka, removes your fears

Vodka, everyone is gorgeous

Vodka, yeah vodka

Drinking is good for you

Soon you are unconstrained

Drinking is good for you

Here comes the womanizer

Drinking is good for you,

Not anymore lonesome

Drinking is good for you,

And you will feel awesome!!

Drinking is good for you,

Soon you are unconstrained

Drinking is good for you,

Here comes the womanizer

Drinking is good for you,

Not anymore lonesome

Drinking is good for you!!

Ooh yeah


Vodka, you're feeling stronger

Vodka, no more feeling bad

Vodka, your eyes are shining

Vodka, you are the real MAN

Vodka, wipes away your tears

Vodka, removes your fears

Vodka, everyone is gorgeous

Vodka, yeah vodka

Drinking is good for you,

Soon you are unconstrained

Drinking is good for you,

Here comes the womanizer

Drinking is good for you,

Not anymore lonesome

Drinking is good for you,

And you will feel awesome!!




Power - I see this going two ways. Either drinking Vodka will instantly
turn Doug up to eleven, making him a shining, energetic, REAL MAN version of
himself for the duration, with inexhaustible physical and mental energy and
strength, plus possibly removing any wounds or melancholy he's suffering from,
Or, a mass compulsion for people in AOE to start drinking ludicrously. Or
thinking about it, some mix of the two, like anyone who drinks Vodka in AOE to
turn into superhuman versions of themselves.

- Bob Schroeck - 03-13-2010

I'm sorry, I can't take this song seriously, I really can't.

But I suppose any of those effects would work.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

- David Lewis - 03-13-2010

I expected as much.

- Bob Schroeck - 03-13-2010

Oh, and don't forget the heavy metal accordion.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.