Drunkard's Walk Forums
[Con] [Anime Central] Call for Fanfiction Panelists - Printable Version

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[Con] [Anime Central] Call for Fanfiction Panelists - DocMui - 10-02-2013

It's that time again!  No, it's not time to spin the Wheel of Morality (TM), it's time to select panelists for the Anime Central 2014 Fanfiction Panel!

Anime Central (www.acen.org) will take place on May 16-18 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare in Rosemont, Illinois.  If you're going to be attending Acen and you're interested in being on the panel, please send the following information:

1.  Your name or preferred handle.

2.  Your real name, if different.  By that I mean full, real name, including first and last names for the panel review board.

3.  A list of your preferred works, including any you may have written in the past year.

4.  The URL of your website, if any, or where your works can be found.

5.  If you've been on a fanfic panel before, and if so, where.

6.  (OPTIONAL) Why you'd like to be on the panel.

Please private mail me at pmui1@NOSPAMPLEASE.prodigy.net by December 1 if you're interested.  The panel will be selected shortly after that.

(I'm sure you know what to remove--it's in capitals.) 

Hope to hear from you soon!

--Pearson "Doc" Mui