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Promoting Family...
Promoting Family...
You know, I don't think I've ever done something like this before. The clip below is of my Uncle Arthur, who is monumentally talented. He is one of
those very important people in the music business whose names you never learn (and has, as far as I know, nothing to do directly with the RIAA). The clip is
from a show he did in Atlantic City several years ago -- he got the rights to do a revival of Spike Jones' City Slickers Orchestra, and by god did it
right. I just stumbled across it this morning and figured, you know, why not share it?

The woman who introduces him at the beginning, btw, is Linda November, who is sorta-kinda my aunt (I don't think they ever got married, but they've
been together over twenty years now). I can guarantee that the American and Canadian members of the forums have heard Linda's voice before, because
she's probably the single most prolific singer of commercial jingles in the business. She's the original "Meow Mix" cat voice, for instance
(something that delighted Peggy's maid of honor Lisa no end when she learned about it at our wedding reception -- Lisa chased Linda down and got her to
sing "Meow meow meow meow" for her!).

There are more bits from the Spike Jones show as well as other appearances by both of them among the "related" links that pop up at the end of the
clip. Enjoy.

And thanks for letting me indulge in celebrating my family a little.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

When he hit the change up around the 2 minute mark and went into hyperdrive, my jaw dropped, and stayed dropped till the end. That's some DAMN fine work
Hyperdrive's right if it weren't for there being no audio Chipmunks, I'd be thinking that someone had hit Fast Forward on
those bits. Note to self: don't get into a game of Ping Pong with Artie Schroeck. which is part of
the youtube channel recs also recommends the first vclip.

Hot damn, that's incredible! I half expected the xylophone to spontaneously combust from the sheer speed of his playing.
Oh yeah, he's great. He plays... um, you know, I don't know how many other instruments he plays. A lot. He's an amazing musical talent.

And he passed it on to his kids. My cousin Shem has also played with Kenny Loggins (as well as Christopher Cross and a few others), and released a CD some years back (called "Son of Arthur"). He's now breaking into opera as "Shem von Schroeck". (Here's his blog, and here's an interview with him.) His younger brother Jason is also a musician, going under the name Jason Rath ("Rathbun" is the family name of our shared paternal grandmother). Their sister Joelle is now "just" a housewife in California, but she was an amazing violin prodigy as a child. She performed on Shem's CD, so I know she hasn't abandoned all that talent (and she passed it on to her daughters, apparently).

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
As someone who used to play orchestral percussion (which included Xylophone/Bells/etc) I am truly impressed.
...and you can also see what branch of the family got the looks.

Being adopted sucks sometimes.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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