robkelk Wrote:Since they're calling Coruscant, the first response is likely to be a group from either Red Squadron or Blue Squadron - somewhere between six and twelve fighters, flown by pilots who have yet to be named. (Red Squadron flies X-Wings; Blue flies Y-Wings.) But that's the Warsie response, and not necessarily the "official" Patrol response unless the Patrol says it is.I was looking for a detective... a crime has been done and the implications that they targeted an unarmed but important Daneverse are bad... so someone will have to start looking at the evidence to look for the bad guys.
[Story][Season 2]The gas station (finished)
Arthur Nkomo seems to get stuck too often for his tastes with dealing with the 'Danes... he would be a N-7 (or even approaching N-8) rank at the end of the decade, but it is an important situation, so a high ranking detective may be apropiate.
Inspector Tenjo for the actual investigation, with Nkomo as her dane 'interpreter' maybe?
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky? That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry- NO QUARTER!!! -- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
I am fine with either of them, as long as you give me a few hints how they are...
![]() There will be 2 persons coming up from Earth to be part of this investigation, one from Europol and one from the Japanese police, so someone experienced in dealing with Daneverse law enforcement would have an advantage. *G* Star Ranger4 Wrote:Inspector Tenjo for the actual investigation, with Nkomo as her dane 'interpreter' maybe?I can see: but the wiki doesn't seem to help me with "Inspector Tenjo", nor does a general Google search. Have I just failed my "popular culture" roll again? [grin] -- "It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Wait a moment... Arthur Nkomo is "Great Justice", not Space Patrol... right?
or are both organizations a little bit mixed at the top? HRogge Wrote:Wait a moment... Arthur Nkomo is "Great Justice", not Space Patrol... right?Maybe. Or maybe I completely forgot this minor organizative problem. Nah, it's more likely that they are a bit mixed, yep. That's my story and I am sticking to it. Rakhasa Wrote:Wait a moment... Arthur Nkomo is "Great Justice", not Space Patrol... right?Yes, sounds not unlikely. or maybe someone will decide they want GJ involved in the investigation... using Arthur Nkomo has the advantage that I have at least a little bit of "source material" to work on... and an author to ask questions about him. ![]() Ace Dreamer Wrote:Only partly. Turns out she's a Senshi more than a member of the Patrol or Great Justice:Star Ranger4 Wrote:Inspector Tenjo for the actual investigation, with Nkomo as her dane 'interpreter' maybe?I can see: Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky? That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry- NO QUARTER!!! -- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Maybe two investigators from the Fen plus one from Europe and one from Japan?
Greenwood has two frigates on loan to Space Patrol at this point, with their good Fen/Dane relations they might get pulled in for this.
Probably the GSS Scipio Africanus, if you want to use one. -- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Eric Hunt blinked a few times, trying to make sense of the colorful things in front of his eyes. His sight was getting better every minute until he finally managed to recognize the ‘thing’ in front of him.
“That’s Saturn... and there are the rings.” he thought, concentrating to clear his head. “I am... I am floating. What has happened?” He still remembered working on the surface of Pan, trying to fix a problem with the anchor of the fusion reactor module they had brought to the Moon. Suddenly he recalled a bright flash. “An accident. A malfunction?” he murmured, the adrenalin rush hitting him like a hammer. What was that red flashing nagging at his peripheral vision. Something had to be damaged, he realized, feeling sick. He reached for the diagnostic panel on his wrist, but stopped as a sharp pain shot up his arm like a bullet. “Hey!” he called out, hoping the communicator. “Hey! This is Eric Hunt. I’m out in open space I need help! If anyone can hear me, please respond!” He waited... a minute? A second? His head swam with dizziness. “Mr. Hunt, please remain calm, we are currently in the midst of the recovery process.” a female voice on his right side announced. “Are you hurt or in immediate danger?” The left speaker crackles. “My suit seems to be damaged and my right arm hurts when I move it.” He grimaced as another bolt of pain stabbed him hard “What happened? Where’s the rest of my crew?” An Exocomp popped up in front of him, searchlights ablaze. He shielded his vision with his good arm, struggling to figure out what it was carrying in it’s jaw. “A roll of duct tape” Eric murmured as he felt something touching his helmet. “Mr. Hunt, we just found you. We are moving you to our station, you will arrive any moment” the voice tried to reassure him. “Please try not to move at all!” Finally he saw the edge of one of the catgirls space station’s airlocks. A catgirl in a suit became visible in his view, pointing a miniature pocket lamp to his face. “He is still consciousness, get him inside immediately!” He felt a light touch of gravity as he was lowered onto a stretcher and moved through another airlock. A catgirl carefully opened his helmet and fresh air rushed in. “Please keep down. Your arm is broken, we have to get you out of the suit.” a catgirl with a Red Cross batch around the arm told him. “As soon as we have secured your arm you can move again.” All around he could hear other dialogs between catgirls and his crew members. Finally they managed to cut him out of the suit and he felt something hardening around his arm. Something was pressed against his shoulder and he felt the pain ending. “Thank you” he said, looking at the hypospray injector. “Again, what has happened?” “Someone has attacked your construction site with a long-range weapon, that is all we currently know. Serina managed to hit the projectile moments before it impacted on the moon, unfortunately not early enough.” The catgirl looked at the injector. “Just something against the pain, no handwavium involved.” “Is my crew okay?” Eric asked, trying to imagine a reason for someone to attack their unfinished base. “We are still getting them all in but I fear that a few of them were hurt badly,” the catgirl answered. “Fortunately no one was killed.” Just as if her words had been a bad omen, the airlock to the room opened again and Eric could hear a woman screaming in pain. “Someone get me an anesthetic... and something to seal of a major wound!” a catgirl shouted and several Exocomps rushed towards the airlock. “And a Blood Orange group AB! Quickly!” “I hope she knows what she is doing” Eric said and stood up to get to Sarah Brown. He couldn’t fail to notice the large pool of blood below one of her legs. “Sarah... what has happened to her?” The catgirl just ignored Eric and continued scanning Sarah Meier carefully with a device. She stopped for a moment and stared on her scanner while listening to something, then she grabbed one of the closeby catgirls. “Get the machine over here quickly, we might need it” she whispered into her ear and the catgirl ran out of the room. “Where is that orange?” she called loudly, just as an Exocomp with the large fruit arrived at her side. She quickly began to set up a blood transfusion, then she looked up to Eric. “I had a six month medical training at the Kandor City Hospital last year” she said and looked back to her scanner. “Unfortunately this is... this is be beyond my abilities.” “What are you telling me?” Eric shouted and the catgirl flinched. “Mrs Brown has lost a lot of blood. I managed to stop the bleeding at her leg, but the scanner tells me she still has lots of internal bleedings.” She hit a button on her scanner. “I fear she will be dead before we can get her to a real hospital at Coruscant. Unless...” “Unless what?” “Handwavium might be able to save her, but she will not look the same afterwards.” The catgirl sighed. “We never would do this against someone’s will, but she is already unconsciousness and will be dead before we can get more help. You are her commanding officer, it is your decision.” “You mean...” Eric gulped at the thought, but he forced himself to stay on the topic. “You are sure this is the only way to survive?” “I am reasonably sure she will survive the procedure” the catgirl answered. “And I am nearly certain she will die before we can get her to Coruscant. Say no and we will put her in the fastest vehicle we have, but decide now... time is running out!”
Excellent story!
A cliff-hanger - you are cruel! [grin] -- "It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
A new chapter, adapted to the fact that the convention on Mimas is within less than a month. *G*
######### The Fleet Control room had been designed in 2011 to direct the coming fleets of the Galactic Republic on their missions through the galaxy. The plans had been updated multiple times during the war against the Boskones, but unfortunately there hadn’t been time to implement them. When the war was over, several Senators argued that the design was oversized for the peacetime fleets of the Republic and that most warships would be integrated into Great Justice organized fleets anyways. The Fleet Control room had been downsized to a more ‘reasonable’ design and was renamed Traffic Control. “Commodore, there is a holocall from Pan, a catgirl called Cathy. She says its really important and she has to talk to you right now!” Commodore Gavin Amstrad looked up to the Lieutenant who had just entered his small office. “Does she has told you a reason why she has to talk to me instead of going through the normal channels at Traffic Control?” he asked quietly and the Lieutenant shook his head. “No, she has not. But she said it was very urgent, Coruscant might be in danger” the Lieutenant replied. “I checked her name, the Great Justice database marks her as ‘on call’.” Gavin nodded. “I will take the call Lieutenant, thank you.” The Lieutenant left his office and a hologram of a catgirl appeared on his desk. Gavin listened to her message, his eyes becoming wider and wider. Finally the call ended and Gavin stood up. “Shit... not even a month until the Convention and suddenly hell breaks loose and someone is bombarding civilian targets” he murmured. “And no guarantee they won’t hit Coruscant too.” “Okay, everyone listen!” he said loudly as he stepped out of his office. “There has been a kinetic attack on the Daneverse construction site on Pan from beyond sensor range. We will make sure Coruscant will not be hit next!” He pointed to the officer at the large monitoring display. “Lt. Commander Delso, you and your team will bring every sensor online we have placed on and around Mimas. If it can look at the sky, I want it up and running now!” “Lieutenant Simons, I want a list of all ships in the Saturn subsystem we know about.” He continued as he turned to the communication consoles. “Name and type of the ship, flag of record, current destination. If we have anyone unwilling to talk to us, tell me at once.” “And you Lieutenant Vau, you will call Blue Squadron and tell them to launch immediately. When we find an unknown or unwilling contact, I want to have a few fighters to check it out immediately. In addition to this they will look out for incoming kinetic projectiles and anything suspicious. Tell Red Squadron to stay on hot standby so they can launch any second. I will contact General Dana Maeter and get the okay to activate them too.” Gavin sighed, sometimes the regulations were a pain in the ass, but without the agreement of an Admiral or General, he wasn’t allowed to send both squadrons away from Coruscant. “Tell them what happened on Pan and that I cannot give them a launch order at the moment.” He stepped back into his office and dialed the General’s holophone number. The General’s aide appeared on his screen. “Good Morning Commodore Gavin, General Dana Maeter is not in her office at the moment. Maybe you want to leave a message?” “Where is she? I need to speak with her at once!” Gavin shot back. “I am sorry Commodore, but she is in a closed Senate session. You know, preparation for the upcoming Convention. ” “Thank you for this information” Gavin said and ended the call, already thinking about the easiest way to contact the General without bumping into a dozen bureaucratic barriers first. A display on his left showed him that both Red and Blue Squadron were already taking off into the sky. He grinned.
Would 'Daneverse' be the way someone would refer to the expedition? I'm afraid it doesn't sound quite right, to me.
If they were really concerned, would Traffic Control ask for sensors feeds (and accurate locations), as real time as possible, from all the habitats and ships in Saturn space, so as to integrate those with everything they could get from their own sensors? If the hardware was designed to handle "the coming fleets of the Galactic Republic" they might well have the comms capability to handle this. I think that even if the Warsies are less enthusiastic about big AIs, they would have one in SSTC (Saturn Space Traffic Control), even if it is just massively parallel with sub-human intelligence. Called "Sustuk"? [grin] -- "It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind Quote:“I had a six month medical training at the Kandor City Hospital lastThere is med tech around in Fenspace, by this date, which can be used by a person with that level of training, and will pretty safely drop a non-biomodded person into safe suspended animation, 'on ice', for later attention. You could deal with this issue in a number of ways, including saying such tech is patchy in its distribution across Fenspace, possibly due to its expense, and that a catgirl med tech would be mostly equipped for treating catgirls (who all count as biomodded) so might not have the version which works on those who aren't biomodded. -- "It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Just because it exists, doesn't mean it's available.
Actualy....where is that available? ________________________________ --m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig? Dartz Wrote:Just because it exists, doesn't mean it's available.There've been attempts at such treatments from quite early on, as it's an obvious way of getting badly injured people to advanced medical facilities without them dying on the way. A drug injector which did this, on detecting almost certain death, featured in at least one Space Opera tabletop RPG. In some of my stories: ... erenityCon unreliable version here: ... Department A reliable version was certainly being sold, by late 2013, by: ... m_Supplies I think I remember something like this being used in someone else's story. But, I could be wrong! [grin] -- "It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind Dartz Wrote:Just because it exists, doesn't mean it's available.The usual suspect for medtech is A.C. Peters... Cobalt, does A.C. have this yet? -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012 Ace Dreamer Wrote:There is med tech around in Fenspace, by this date, which can be used by a person with that level of training, and will pretty safely drop a non-biomodded person into safe suspended animation, 'on ice', for later attention.I don't think cyrogenic storage is that ubiquious and common in Fenspace Season 2... Catgirl Industries never needed a medical team with that good, because all of their biomods have a very strong regeneration. Thats why they send someone to Kandor to get some training when they made the contract with ESA. In addition to this, I think that "progress will make trained personal unnecessary" is not really a way we want to go. ^^ Quote:You could deal with this issue in a number of ways, including saying such tech is patchy in its distribution across Fenspace, possibly due to its expense, and that a catgirl med tech would be mostly equipped for treating catgirls (who all count as biomodded) so might not have the version which works on those who aren't biomodded.And finally, having a "cannot die, will never be in danger" medical tech everywhere available is boring. ![]() I do not think that the woman would have needed a biomod or would have died if the accident had happened on Prometheus Forge... but it did not happen there. Ace Dreamer Wrote:Would 'Daneverse' be the way someone would refer to the expedition? I'm afraid it doesn't sound quite right, to me.My idea was that 'Traffic control' is more concerned with "inter-planetary" traffic, not with the one on Mimas itself. They have that much to do in 2018... how many people living on Mimas at this time, maybe tenthousands? Most of the traffic will be local, so that you can deal with the rest of it easily. Of course the whole thing will expand in the future. HRogge Wrote:It isn't cryogenic storage, it is (arguably poor) slang for a metabolic stasis effect (or at least dramatic slow down).Ace Dreamer Wrote:There is med tech around in Fenspace, by this date, which can be used by a person with that level of training, and will pretty safely drop a non-biomodded person into safe suspended animation, 'on ice', for later attention.I don't think cryogenic storage is that ubiquious and common in Fenspace Season 2... There isn't any freezing involved, it is more like a drug effect which mimics natural hybernation, to the extent that metabolic processes slow down to a crawl. This prevents tissue being damaged by lack of oxygen, or longer term lack of nutrients. We already use effects like this on the operating table to give surgeons more time to operate on the heart. Quote:Catgirl Industries never needed a medical team with that good, becauseYou'll always need trained personel, the question is what you do, on the spot, in emergencies, with just paramedics. I wouldn't trust someone's life to untrained people, no matter how allegedly "idiot proof" it is. Quote:This tech doesn't mean people "can't die", it just increases the possibility that you can help injured people. The odds are that there are people who are allergic to this treatment, or that it interacts badly with certain other drugs, possibly ones used to treat chronic conditions. I'm sure that there are a wide range of medical conditions or injuries that it would be useless for.Quote:You could deal with this issue in a number of ways,And finally, having a "cannot die, will never be in danger" medical tech everywhere available is boring. If you want 'magic' med tech, you're looking at something like an Auto Doc tank, that basically takes over control of someone's metabolism. A bit like an ECMO: that also handles metabolic shock, and includes a full analytical and drug dispensing set-up. Not cheap and definitely something you want skilled personal for. Edit: I'm not implying such a machine exists in Fenspace, I'm just extrapolating existing hard tech. -- "It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
She was floating, somewhere in a dark place. Sometimes she thought she could hear voices, but they were just a distant whisper among the continuous pulsing in the background. But there was this smell. She couldn’t recognize it, it was just strange.
‘I do not care’ she thought, ‘it is warm and comfy, it is okay.’ Comfy? How could this darkness she was floating in feeling comfy? Slowly she became aware that she was laying on something... or under something? ‘A bed, I am laying in a bed!’ flashed through her mind as she tried to remember. ‘The explosion, the flash! They found me in time!” Sarah carefully opened her eyes, blinking many times until she got used to the light in the room. It took her a moment to recognize Eric Hunt sitting on a chair besides her bed, his arm fixed by an unfamiliar bandage. “Sarah” he said and smiled, “welcome back among the living... I thought we had lost you.” Sarah looked at him with suspicion. Did Eric felt responsible for what happened? “What happened on Pan? I just remember some kind of explosion that hit me” she asked and shivered. “I do not remember much after this point.” “Be grateful about this, when they brought you to the station your leg looked like the Thor Heyerdahl had rolled over it.” Eric took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. “In fact you would have died if I had not allowed the Fen to use their... their magical stuff.” Sarah stared at him for a moment, then she looked down to her legs... or better her leg. Even now she could felt her other leg itching, but she could see that there was only one leg below the blanket. She pulled out her arm under the blanket and twitched. “What... FUR? HOW?” she cried with wide eyes. “WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?” --- The door suddenly opened and a catgirl rushed in. “Cathy! CATHY!!! We found it, we really found IT!” Cathy slowly stood up from the communication terminal she had been using to talk with Coruscant a few minutes ago. “Calm down Alice, the attack is over and we have more than enough time to breath” she said grinning. “Now sit down and tell me what you found.” “No, you have to see it yourself” the other catgirl replied hectically, grabbed Cathy’s hand and pulled her up towards one of the corridors. ‘Keep calm, no reason to throw her around’ Cathy thought, trying to keep her martial arts training under control and stumbling along with Alice. “So what is so important that it cannot wait?” “You remember we launched all of our drones for a sensor perimeter?” Alice asked while they both ran towards Jengas control tower. “We also sent one along the path of the projectile to backtrack it. It just reported back a minute ago!” “So you found some evidence who shot us?” Cathy shot back. Suddenly she was a lot more interested in what Alice told her. “No, we did not... but we found something else!” With this they both reached the room of Jengas second holo-globe. Cathy could so a lot of small holographic dots floating in a roughly spherical configuration. “This is a huge cloud of small and large pieces of matter, distributed over nearly a lightsecond diameter” Alice explained. “They are all moving outwards outwards from a common center... and their movement started the moment the projectile was there too.” “We need the coordinates and vectors of each of the parts as precisely as possible” Cathy said, looking at the holographic image. “THIS might be the only evidence we have at the moment, maybe we can reconstruct what it was!” Alice grinned. “Cathy, we are not amateurs... we already have sent more drones there to get a real good sensor image of each part, and a group of Exocomps who will collect all the small part. They will arrive soon! Don’t worry, we have thought of everything!” --- It took Eric nearly thirty minutes to calm down Sarah a bit. Finally he leaned forward and grabbed her at both shoulders. “Sarah, look at me... LOOK AT ME! You were minutes away from DYING. Whatever they did, they SAVED YOU.” he said, looking directly into her eyes. “Don’t let me down now, you have to calm down.” Sarah just stared at him silently for nearly a minute, then she slumped down into the bed again. “So thats how it ends” she whispered as Eric took her hand. For more than ten minutes neither of them spoke a word. Then someone knocked at the door and opened it. A catgirl with a Red Cross batch entered the room, carrying a tray with food on it. “You are finally awake!” she said with a smile, “I am Taja, you gave me quite a shock when they brought you in. I worried we wouldn’t be able to save you.” “Thank you for saving me” she said and sighed. “Our mission busted, ESA will fire me as soon as they learn about this and I am crippled. Just great.” The catgirl looked a bit puzzled and showed her the tray. “You shouldn’t be so negative... I am sure your mission will continue and ESA will surely not fire anyone until the mission is over.” Taja said. “Just eat something, you must be very hungry.” “I am not really in the right mood to eat” Sarah said and shook her head. “Just give me something against the damned itching of my missing leg!” “Oh, that is just your leg regrowing, the itching should go away in a few hours when the leg is finished. Now get something to eat!” Sarah blinked a few times. “Wait... WHAT?”
Gah... OK, now I have a little time I'll put in my opinions.
Cryogenics - There are systems which would do something approaching suspended animation, but the main problem is that you would need specialist chemicals to prevent the No.1 problem of 'freezing' a person which is ice crystal formation in bodily tissues rupturing cells. So no, full on suspended animation is not something A.C. has. And what she does have wouldn't be transportable. I would have thought the Jenga girls would have had an Automed Pod or two. While it wouldn't have solved the problem, they are remote controllable, so with the Interwave system Jenga has a fully trained doctor would heve been available for treatment. However, given the state Sarah was in it would have probably have been used to trigger a biomod anyway. If she'd been luckier, maybe an amputation would have worked, and she could have got a cybernetic replacement.
It's worth nothing that even if no one else is looking (unlikely), cryogenics -to be exact, "freezing in carbonite"- is something that quite a few Warsie Mads will have spent quite a lot of effort researching -it does not mean that is will be easy, or easily available once (if) they discover the way, or even that is can be done in normal humans without accidental biomods, but the research will be there
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