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[RFC] The Catgirls of Silence
[RFC] The Catgirls of Silence
The Catgirls of Silence is contemplative religious order.  Contrary to the name they do not only admit catgirls, but those admitted must be female.  The order grew out of attempts from a number of directions to help people who had suffered as a result of the Catgirling Machine.  While creating a catgirl-only society seems to work for some, others seemed to need a different path.
This is a silent order, which allows speech for very few reasons and in certain emergencies.  Speech is also allowed in private counseling sessions, where such problems as self-image, and personal identity are covered, as well as issues like self-worth, leading a meaningful and valuable life, and anything else needed to help find a personal balance.  A number of contemplative techniques are taught, including meditation, prayer, slow exercise like tai chi, and various forms of visualisation.
When seen in public the catgirls are dressed in neat and respectable black nun's habits, and in general are not supposed to draw attention to themselves.  They are allowed to communicate by writing or typed text, but are not supposed to do this to excess.  Nothing stops catgirls leaving the order at any time, but if they do so without good reason, and generally consultation, they will likely find it difficult to re-enter later.
Some people have regular 'silence holidays', for example a month a year, and say that this helps them keep the problems of life in perspective.  Many spend a few months, even a year or so, then leave, as they have found a way to live with themselves.  Some enter the order for life, and stay.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
I'd be interested in suggestions as to where this order might be based.

It would, I think, want to be somewhere with quiet and privacy, but also not too isolated, so catgirls can be eased back into society.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Mars look a bit ignored... What about a monastery in some spectacular location on the canyons of Valles Marineris, possibly carved inside the cliff?

Valles Marineris has many settlements -New Adelaide, Guestton, Grunthal, Syrinx, Nosuinus-, so civilization is close, but given its nature of a labyrinth of canyones and valleys, you can pick an isolated place very easily.
Does this Order has normal "personal" who take care and council the other members? I mean not talking about your problem and shutting everyone out might not be the best plan... ^^
Quote:Rakhasa wrote:

Mars look a bit ignored... What about a monastery in some spectacular
location on the canyons of Valles Marineris, possibly carved inside the
That sounds workable.
Quote:HRogge wrote:

Does this Order has normal "personal" who take care and council the
other members? I mean not talking about your problem and shutting
everyone out might not be the best plan... ^^
Yes, otherwise you can't get something like this going.  Some will be religious, some will be councillors, some doctors, psychiatrists and anthropologists - all under a common purpose of rebuilding or building a life, helping create structure and meaning for those who stay there.  In the longer run, some the catgirls might join this group.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
[RFC] The Catgirls of Silence (2nd draft)
Catgirls Of Silence - 23/Sep/2012
The Catgirls of Silence is contemplative religious order.  Contrary to the name they do not only admit catgirls, but those admitted must be female.  The order grew out of attempts from a number of directions to help people who had suffered as a result of the Catgirling Machine.  While creating a catgirl-only society seems to work for some, others seemed to need a different path.
This is a silent order, which allows speech for very few reasons and in certain emergencies.  Speech is also allowed in private counseling sessions, where such problems as self-image, and personal identity are covered, as well as issues like self-worth, leading a meaningful and valuable life, and anything else needed to help find a personal balance.  This includes (virtual and practical) education up to degree level.  A number of contemplative techniques are taught, including meditation, prayer, slow exercise like tai chi, creative biographical and other writing, and various forms of visualisation.  More generally, if any catgirls are sufficiently interested, they are taught how to work with, counsel, and help others.
The Order was started by "normal personal", who took care of, and counselled, the other members.  Some of these were  religious, some counsellors, some doctors, psychiatrists and anthropologists.  This was all under a common purpose of rebuilding or building a life, helping create structure and meaning for those who stay there; any research findings from the work were and are carefully scrutinised as to whether to be 'locked' for a privacy period.  In the longer run, some the catgirls joined this group.  All of these were and are women, though you could argue about gender being a matter of choice for the AIs involved in the Order, or about those not of originally human origin.
When seen in public the catgirls are dressed in neat and respectable black nun's habits, and in general are not supposed to draw attention to themselves.  They are allowed to communicate by writing or typed text, but are not supposed to do this to excess.  Nothing stops catgirls leaving the order at any time, but if they do so without good reason, and generally consultation, they will likely find it difficult to re-enter later.
Some people have regular 'silence holidays', for example a month in every year, and say that this helps them keep the problems of life in perspective.  Many spend a few months, even a year or so, then leave, as they have found a way to live with themselves.  Some enter the order for life, and stay.  There is available a carefully managed process, for those (catgirls) who want to leave the Order, to ease them back into greater society.  Note that there are carefully designed and tested procedures (with reviews) to check that no one gets abused due to being part of the Order.
The Order was initially just located in a spectacular location on the canyons of Valles Marineris, Mars, carved inside a cliff, but there grew daughter orders elsewhere in Fenspace.  There have been a number of more or less successful attempts to create orders which might be considered the male equivalent.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind

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