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The Melancholy of Mackie-Chan
RE: The Melancholy of Mackie-Chan
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?For all you new women out there.
In: Boards ? Social ? Biomods ? Gender
The All Seeing Eye (Guiding Hand) (Original Poster)
Posted on April 4th, 2013:


Since the Senshi medkits got adopted throughout GJ more and more guys are waking up to discover that they’re now very much gals. There’s plenty of tg stuff online sure, but all of it sort of assumes a little bit of familiarity with the feminine condition, and some pre-transformation preparation,

While us guys sort of get dumped in at the deep end and expected to get on with it.

So, lets get on with it.

The Haynes Manual for Women: Basic hygiene. Basic biology. Basically how to keep yourself in good health – and the important differences which might catch you out.
To hell with fashion: How to find clothes that actual fit and will actually be comfortable to wear. How women’s sizes actually work, or are supposed to anyway. And Lingerie. With plenty of photographic accompaniment to a visual glossary.  
Sex and sexuality: With yourself? With women? With men? With toys. A quick how to primer of how everything down there and up here is supposed to actually work. And how not to hurt yourself.
Dealing with friends and colleagues: Some anecdotal advice for dealing with family, friends and coworkers. Some stories. Some good. Some bad. Some funny.
We’ll make a woman out of you: The Oath of Venus, prerequisites, how the ceremony works and how to choose if it’s right for you.
Identity issues: How to get the correct ID card printed actually identify yourself according to the standard metric and what effects this can have on your privilege rating and annual dues. It’s a complex minefield (Millenium focused) that can cost you a lot of money if you get it wrong.

The P-word: Unwanted or unplanned, or otherwise. What normally happens, and your options going forward. Note: Discussions on termination require mod approval after one too many idiots. But yeah, it’s your choice and only your choice on this one. There’s no right or wrong.

Help Directory: Please. If you get into trouble, talk to someone here. Anyone.

The unspeakable: The statistics on this are becoming disturbing lately, even in the Crystal Cities. How to take precautions, and advice on staying safe out there. Self-defense classes

Originally by LongKnight98

1) This is Your Body. The only person who’s permission you need to try anything, wear anything or do anything is your own. You don’t need to ask anyone else. If it feels right, do it. It is your decision.
2) Don’t be afraid to try new things. Really. You’ve gone through a big change and now you’ve got a chance to step out and actually try all those things you promised yourself…. Or whatever makes you curious. Yes, those silk Chinese dresses feel great. Don’t wall up. You’ll be miserable.
3) Things will matter more. Things might seem awful. Or they might be amazing. It can be a wild ride. Don’t be afraid of showing it. It feels better to let it out. Guys hold it in far too much.
4) You can do it. Always remember, that 50% of all human beings ever born have managed to live full and happy lives with this condition. Anything you ever wanted to do, you still can. Nobody’s going to stop you.
5) Trust your feelings Your relationships with your friends and family will be in flux. Old friends might suddenly feel awkward to be around, and distant relatives might turn into close confidents. Friends might become lovers, lovers might become friends. Trust your feelings – they’ll probably be right.
6) Trust your instincts too. They’ll probably be right too.  If you get a bad feeling around someone, make your excuses and leave. Or call for help from a friend. I hate to say it, but there’re plenty of guys out there who’ll want to be more than friends…. If something feels wrong, it definitely is.
7) Always carry spare tampons. Always share if asked. There is a special place in hell reserved for people who don’t. Even your worst enemy will help you on this, so never be afraid to ask if you get stuck.
8) Hygiene is your god. No matter how bad or awkward it feels, take some time every day to take care of yourself. Don’t just slob out in misery A good shower daily and a regular shave will make you feel a lot better about yourself day to day(Of course, you did these anyway, right?).
9) But otherwise, don’t worry about passing – you won’t. If you want to go in heel-boots and all, be my guest. Attitudes towards the ‘New’ women vary. Most people are kind, but some can get very militant. Watch out for idiots who’ll forever see you as ‘tainted by male privilege’….. they give trans people a problem too.
10) You have the right to be happy. If something feels right to you, and it makes you feel better about yourself and who you are Nobody has the right to
11) You always have options. There will be bad days when it really hits you and you want to tear yourself apart. There will be good days too, when everything feels perfect in a way you can’t place.  Please, call someone if the bad starts to gain on you.

EDIT 3: Catgirls now have their own forum here.

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? Herriot  
Replied on Jan 02, 2025:

Look. All I see are a bunch of wannabees in their hugbox trying to prove that something awful happened to you.

None of you have ever had to actually prove yourselves to anyone? Nobody’s ever questioned that something happened to you.

Sure what you see in the mirror feels wrong, but you know why…. So quite pretending we’re the same.

? Stocious_One  (Moderator)
Replied on Jan 02, 2025:

And Locked after two pages. That’s far enough.

EDIT (And back after 1 weeks.)

? Habufan_87  
Replied on Jan 08, 2025:
It’s been nearly six months since I got out

There’ve been good days and bad days.

Some days I can almost feel normal. Somedays I feel like I’m playing the biggest prank possible on everyone around me and they don’t even notice. They just smile and I’m like a cookoo in the nest.

I go to work. I fly. I shop for underwear. I’ve cosplayed and that was a great weekend. I can get through that time of the month and it almost feels ordinary – like a funny nosebleed. I do the shit I used to like. I do some different things. I begin think I’ve beaten it.

And then something happens – maybe I catch a tit with the inside of my arm without expecting it, or I’m under the shower and something just feels wrong.

And then it just hits like a punch to the face and it all the progress from the last few years just collapses and it’s like I’m lying on that hospital bed again all over again bawling my eyes out.

? LongKnight98  (Contributor)
Replied on Jan 08th, 2025:

The good days outnumber the bad.  That’s the main thing. Always remember that

? Habufan_87  
Replied on Jan 08th, 2025
True. Dat.

But some days it’s harder to remember than other.

? Blacksun_Patron  
Replied on Jan 09th, 2025

So, to get back to where we were before. In the end the decision was made for me.

I’m all ready and lined up to tell everyone that, yeah, I’d much rather just go through with it and get some resemblance of myself back again and everyone’s all supporting me and agreeing that hey, it’s for the best.

Except for 2 year old Becky who wandered up and put on her most innocent smile.

“Is there something wrong with being a girl?”

And now, I’m standing in front of her mother, her aunt, her sister, and they’re staring. It’s that stare that just warns you to be careful what you say. God it was good to feel like that again

“Oh, no sweetie.”

And this is the right answer and it’s good an correct and I’m released from the evil stares.

“So, why do you want to be a man again?”

And now, I can try and explain the whole concept of self identity to a two year old girl and hope she understands it well enough. Or I just spin a little wad of bullshit and hope.

“Because I don’t know how to be a girl and I’m a bad one,”

Becky seals my fate with a smirk. “That’s fine, I’ll show you how”

And while her parents are trying to explain it’s not the sort of thing you can be shown and it’s breaking her heart, I can’t help but say yes, just to make the poor thing feel better about herself.

So, now anytime I see her she insists on giving me lessons on the things she thinks I’m doing wrong, and how a real princess should do it, and this is a tea ceremony.

It is utterly hateful.

But I love her to bits. I just can’t help it. And I’ve secretely been taking her out to my favourite things to…..   Beckey’s quite happy to muck in on the tools and gets a kick out of doing ‘mens’ work.

The rest of the family are being supportive – like, really. No you’re one of ‘us’, like I passed some secret test.

And in a weird way, I feel better about this than I have for a long time. Do it for her, I guess.

? Habufan_87  
Replied on Jan 09th, 2025

Dude, that is actually badass. Like, properly. Nothing is more manly…..

? [PONY] Geigermatic  
Replied on Jan 09th, 2025

Or more maternal…..

? Blacksun_Patron  
Replied on Jan 09th, 2025

Oh shut up.

? [PONY] Geigermatic  
Replied on Jan 10th, 2025

Join ussssss…..

It’s really not so bad. For the first few months anyway. Then the sickness starts as the parasite grows, expanding inside and robbing you of your very dignity and continence, until finally, it decides to emerge from its gestation screaming and covered in blood after breaking your back and leaving you in agony.

And you just can’t help but love the poor thing.

The screaming, mewling, shit-stinking, suckling little gentle ball of…

….you got sick on my nipple.

? Ork_Lives_Matter  (Shadowrunner)
Replied on Jan 10th, 2025


The idea still gives me nightmare… it’s like my entire stomach turns just thinking about it.

? [PONY] Geigermatic  
Replied on Jan 10th, 2025

Used to be the same tbh,

It’s part of the deal. Nether of us really wanted it to happen but we’d just sort of both gotten out of therapy together and we’d been friends for a while and the whole relationship sort of started out of shared misery of being in someone else’s body and a little curiosity and then went from there.

FYI, my significant he used to be a she…… so I had a lot more support than I expected.

If you want the gory details, click here... Remarkable helpful response, all told. Better than my 'husband' got.

? Steel_Eye_Blackbird  (Animo et Fides)
Replied on Jan 10th, 2025

I still remember when my grampa found out what happened. And he’s a complete died-in-the-wool, anyone born after 1950 is a moron generation conservative type and we have to break it to him gently. Now, he’s the sort of old white guy who’ll ask for a nigger-brown coat in a Fubu.

“So, when are you giving me great-grandchildren?”

Basically, everyone just turns on him as they usually do and I’m just standing there thinking, wait, what, I can do that and they’re like, well, d’uh, we just showed you how to use a pad, so either you cut yourself honey or you’re good to go…..

I probably never will. I can barely handle mornings, let alone kids.

Fortunately, it’s unlikely my girlfriend will ever get me pregnant.

? Blacksun_Patron  
Replied on Jan 10th, 2025

Congratulations, Geigermatic.

I guess.

? [PONY] Geigermatic  
Replied on Jan 10th, 2025

Thanks dude.

? XVR_Traveller  
Replied on Feb 18th, 2025

Tomorrow I take the Oath.

It's only taken five years.

? Blacksun_Patron  
Replied on Feb 18th, 2025

Another one lost from our proud Frarority

? Checkride-chan  
Replied on Feb 18th, 2025

This isn’t the end.

I got ‘lucky’. I got the whole hog. I woke up that morning and didn’t even realise I had a problem when I looked in the mirror. Yep, that’s me, red hair and all.

My wardrobe was the first clue. My friend’s reaction was the next.

I’ve had boyfriends happily. I know what I am when I look at myself in the mirror. I feel all perfectly fine and normal. I get on with the girls at work and I can almost feel like I’m one of them. I took the oath. As far as Venus is concerned, I’ve been female since birth.

Until they start talking about things that happened when they were teenagers or kids and I don’t have anything. It’s like I missed out on all of that…

I can get everything but I just can’t be one of them.

I don’t know if that makes it harder or not.

No matter how far we go, we’ll never be one of them.

? TheSecondKnight  
Replied on Feb 18th, 2025

Trust me. After spending the last 4 years aged fifteen.

You’re not missing out on much.

Also. Teenaged crushes really, really screw with office politics.

My ID card says 40.

But nobody ever feels comfortable with it. And I don’t really feel comfortable with the ones who do.

? Steel_Eye_Blackbird  (Animo et Fides)
Replied on Feb 19th, 2025

That must get incredibly frustrating.

? TheSecondKnight  
Replied on Feb 20th, 2025

I can deal.

One good thing about being fifteen. It’s harder to feel ashamed about acting on your frustrations. It’s just a thing you need to do.

? Steel_Eye_Blackbird  (Animo et Fides)
Replied on Feb 20th, 2025

Oh I stopped feeling ashamed a long time ago.

Whether it feels like it or not. It’s my body. I’ll take whatever enjoyment I can out of it

? XVR_Traveller  
Replied on Feb 18th, 2025

>>I’ve had boyfriends happily.

I’m not sure whether to be frightened of this or not. It's taken this long to sort my feelings out about myself.

But it is done. G:F-F. 

? [PONY] Geigermatic  
Replied on Jan 10, 2025

Technically by the standard metric I’m Bi, I guess. You see my post above. ;P It weirded me out at first but then I was like, ‘Ooh, that’s what that was….” Once I figured it out, it just took a little nerve and someone in the same situation….

Inspite of the results. I don’t regret it.

If it feels good, it probably is good.

? Steel_Eye_Blackbird  (Animo et Fides)
Replied on Jan 20, 2025

That’s the justification I use when I masturbate to the woman in lingerie in the mirror masturbating….

….and if anybody says they haven’t done it they’re a damned liar.  

Edit: After 2 days, no takers?? Jesus I killed it again.

? XVR_Traveller  
Replied on Feb 23th, 2025

She isn’t always wearing Lingerie….

? Nexus_Origins  
Replied on Mar 28th, 2025

When it comes to things like that I’ve gotten into the habit of slipping into KoFen anytime that hits me, just the ground myself in who I used to be like

? LongKnight98  (Contributor)
Replied on Mar 28th, 2025:

That’s really not recommended dude. Even the tg people say not to do it too often because it can make the dysphoria much worse by jumping like that…..

? Chinese Roomate (AGZ: Genaros)  
Replied on Mar 28th, 2025

The biggest mistake I made was keeping my old avatar on the metaverse because, at the end of the day I could just sort of slip back into myself again and feel normal. It got to the point where work was just the part I played during the day so I could become myself later.

Eventually it sort of screwed my job and I lost it so I just dived permanently into it and lived there as myself like, right up until my savings ran out and I lost my premium subscription….

To cut a long story short I did something dumb to pay for it, spent some time behind bars and, well…..

A year in prison does clear the head, and they did have a program to help.

I’m still seeing a therapist for it.

But I’m doing better. I get it really bad, but I’m ok.

? Nexus_Origins  
Replied on Mar 28th, 2025
There is a surgical option. They not offer that?

? Chinese Roomate (AGZ: Genaros)  
Replied on Mar 28th, 2025

My homeostasis is so bad I can’t even trim my nails or cut my hair. I’m stuck as fuck.

? Steel_Eye_Blackbird  (Animo et Fides)
Replied on Mar 28th, 2025

Keep you head up man…. I saw you at the last meet and you were looking so well. I knew you found it hard but I’d no idea you were that bad. You should’ve said something….

? Chinese Roomate (AGZ: Genaros)  
Replied on Mar 29th, 2025
I’m pulling myself together. Just started a job in rainwater maintenance. Must be the only person on Genaros without a metaverse account. I got my exercises for dealing with it.

And you know how it is, asking for help.

? LongKnight98  (Contributor)
Replied on Mar 29th
Look, we’re here for you if you need it. There’s the help directory in OP.

? Chinese Roomate (AGZ: Genaros)  
Replied on Mar 31th, 2025

Thanks mate.

? TheNewKidofSpeed  (New User)
Replied on Apr 8th, 2025
Thanks for OP.

It’s been less than a week for me and I’m sitting here and reading something that, at last, isn’t trying to convince me to hate myself and actually gives practical advice…

? Steel_Eye_Blackbird  (Animo et Fides)
Replied on Apr 8th, 2025

> convince me to hate myself
Today I learned I used to hate X about myself. Today I learned I like X about how I am now.

Ah, the official guidebook. Carefully produced by a committee to provide firm, but gentle guiding hand towards a Stepford happiness.  

Welcome to the club. Also. Send Nudes.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?

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RE: The Melancholy of Mackie-Chan - by Dartz - 07-29-2019, 01:06 PM
RE: The Melancholy of Mackie-Chan - by Dartz - 08-12-2019, 06:12 PM
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RE: The Melancholy of Mackie-Chan - by robkelk - 09-21-2023, 06:50 AM
RE: The Melancholy of Mackie-Chan - by Dartz - 09-21-2023, 01:52 PM
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RE: The Melancholy of Mackie-Chan - by Dartz - 04-02-2017, 06:40 PM
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