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Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabihito
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabihito
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"I'm terribly sorry, but I have to kill you quite horribly now."
Re: Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabihito
Touched By His Noodly Appendage
Re: Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabihito
Fucking. E. Z. BOARDS.
Ja, -n

"I'm terribly sorry, but I have to kill you quite horribly now."
Re: Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabihito
(captured chat for Valles)
[The Legendary] valles: So, I downloaded the fansubs of Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabihito.
[The Legendary] Horned Dragon: Hi, Valles.
[The Legendary] valles: Heya!
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Hi there
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: hi everybody
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Which one is that?
[The Legendary] valles: So far, I rather like it. It's wierd as hell, but not in a 'freak you out and make you cry on purpose' way like, say, Lain or Boogiepop Phantom.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: The horror murder mystery thing?
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: No, that was Higurashi...
[The Legendary] valles: That's BP, iirc. I didn't watch more than a couple of episodes of that...
[The Legendary] valles: Yami is the one with the dimensionally traveling lesbians and the Obscenely Funky Hat.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: *puts it on the list*
[The Legendary] valles: Little wiseass chicken-sidekick thing.
[The Legendary] valles: Episode opens with our apparent heroine, one Asama Hatsuki...
[The Legendary] valles: ...angsting about the fact that her MPP, HatsuMI, has apparently got herself a boyfriend.
[The Legendary] valles: Confronting her about it leads to an accidental cut with a letter opener, so Hatsuki freaks out like 'OMFG I HURT HER WAAAAAHH!'
[The Legendary] valles: ...and bolts. Plucks up her courage, comes back a few hours later...
[The Legendary] valles: ...and Hatsumi vanishes in a flash of light at exactly midnight.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...Eep?
[The Legendary] valles: After muttering Hatsuki's name, when she'd apparently been mute all her life.
[The Legendary] valles: A little talking marshmallow peep thing shows up a few seconds later, muttering about how he 'missed catching up to Eve'
[The Legendary] valles: Hatsuki grabs him and says, 'Take me with you.'
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Good for him Smile
[The Legendary] valles: Ken-the-Peep says, 'No way!'
[The Legendary] valles: And then, since he's the -size- of a marshmallow peep as well as looking like one, she starts to squeeze him to death.
[The Legendary] valles: Doesn't say a word.
[The Legendary] valles: 'o...kay...' he gasps.
[The Legendary] valles: She lets go all at once and he flutters away.
[The Legendary] valles: -Still- doesn't say a word.
[The Legendary] valles: I [The Legendary] valles: Cue commercial break.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Do NOT mess with the panicked schoolgirl
[The Legendary] valles: Her expression was more, 'Deadpan psycho schoolgirl', but it's still sound advice. ^_^
[The Legendary] valles: We flash back in to... something -completely- different.
[The Legendary] valles: Like, James Bond meets Murder on the Orient Express during the Russo-Japanese War.
[The Legendary] valles: Except Hatsuki's on the train, too.
[The Legendary] valles: No explanation why.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: I'd like to see that, now that you mention it
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: hmm... Jame Bond had a big train scene in Dr No, didn't he?
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: *James
[The Legendary] valles: Dunno. I only saw that one the once, lo, these many moons ago.
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: he had a big fight scene with Robert Shaw as a russian assassin
[The Legendary] Jimmy Amp: on the train
[The Legendary] valles: So, as everybody's boarding the train to leave, we get these Legend-of-the-Galactic-Hero style identicard popups.
[The Legendary] valles: Mr. Psycho-Swagger-Stick counterespionage type.
[The Legendary] valles: Mr. Young and Sincere Mad Bomber Spy type.
[The Legendary] valles: Mr. Old and Sm00th Spy type.
[The Legendary] valles: Miss Young Hot White-Trenchcoat Badass type.
[The Legendary] valles: Mr. Apparently Useless Drunk Guy type.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Yeah, I have to watch this... just as soon as I get through the first season of Nanoha Smile
[The Legendary] valles: And Hatsuki, Ken, and a girl in a frilly shirt and a six-foot jester hat, who's apparently with them.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Then in through the door came the Girl in the Hat!
[The Legendary] valles: Psycho-man storms through the train, bothering people, looking for the bomb. Eventually bursts into Miss Badass's room.
[The Legendary] RevDark: Must have been a tall door - or she ducked.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: ...How tall is the girl, and how much headroom is there in the train?
[The Legendary] valles: Gets the drop on her, since she's being polite, pulls a knife, cuts her coat open - thereby confirming what I'd only until then suspected...
[The Legendary] valles: ...cue rape scene setup.
[The Legendary] valles: Cue end credits.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Ack
[The Legendary] valles: And that's episode one.
[The Legendary] Evil Midnight Lurker: Definitely next on my list
[The Legendary] valles: The hat is kinda a two-tailed witch's hat thing.
[The Legendary] valles: It's only about maybe two-feet tall, but the brim is l1k3 t3h w04h and the tails end up curling around about floor level.
[The Legendary] valles: We saw her sitting on a crate ina cargo car, though, so.
[The Legendary] valles: Overall, she was pushing the Renaissance Fop Witch Chick thing.

ETA: By "good for him" above, I of course meant "good for her." Smile
Re: Re: Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabihito
Figured that. And, I apparently dropped a word for one of those character descriptions - Youko, the girl In Dire Straits at the very end of the episode, is also a spy, specifically sent to support some more experienced agent.
Thank you, Lurker!
Ja, -n

"I'm terribly sorry, but I have to kill you quite horribly now."
Re: Re: Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabihito
I remember watching this way back when.
It's not high art, but it's pretty, and there is something vaguely resembeling coherency in it.
Fun to watch, I semi-recomend it.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

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