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Other Heroes in need of saving
Other Heroes in need of saving
DJ Amethyst and DJ Nexus of The Cape Radio are close to being homeless.  Please help your fellow CoXers if you are able.
They're good people and need help. I'm not able to send money myself right now. But I know some of you are Cape listeners and I figured I'd spread the word here. Even if you aren't, click the link and help a nice married couple who play COH and have given so much to the community in the form of great internet radio shows a hand with a few dollars to help them pay their rent for this month?
From the Chip-In site at the link above:
Quote:We've been trying desperately to avoid starting this Chip In. But
unfortunately we are now in a situation where we literally have no other
alternative. A little background on our situation for you.
Nexus lost his job in February of this year. Stacy/Groa/DJ Amethyst lost
hers in May. Both of us were able to successfully file for unemployment.
Our roommate lost his job in June, and due to his being new to the state
was unable to file for unemployment. Steven's unemployment ran out
in August and we are still attempting to reinstate it. Both Steven
and Stacy have cashed in their 401(k)s and that money has already gone for
bills and rent and living expenses. We are habitually struggling to keep
a positive balance in our checking account and have been living on
pretty much ramen and grilled cheese for weeks on end and still are
months behind on every bill that we have. One side of the family is
unwilling to assist us, the other is unable to. Thanks to a friend that
has bought us groceries we have a supply of food in the house for a few
days, but that won't last for long.
The pressing issue is this. September rent is past due, and late fees are
stacking up daily. If we do not pay September's rent by the end of the
month, we will all three be evicted, and none of us have anywhere to go.
We don't have family that is able or willing to take us in, which leaves
us literally homeless if we cannot somehow find the money to survive
until we can turn our situation around.
It absolutely kills us to have
to ask you, our friends, for help, but we literally have nowhere else to
go,and time is running short. We have until the end of the month
to raise $874 to pay our outstanding rent. We then need to come up
with $724 to pay for October's rent before late charges start being
added to it. And our utility bills need to be paid as soon as
possible before things start being shut off.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.

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