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[RFC][PlotBunny] Final Fantasy VII - Adventures in Babysitting
[RFC][PlotBunny] Final Fantasy VII - Adventures in Babysitting
Yep.  The boys and I sure cooked up a doozy this time.  We had to fiddle with the ages a bit to get this to work, but everything else, we think, is purely plausible.  Ideas welcome
Cloud    9/8
Tiffa    9/8
Yufi    7
Aeris    15/16
Zack    15~17
Nanaki    36 (psychologically 9)
Yuffi, on yet another expedidtion (read: escape) from her home town, passes through Niblehiem.  On the way she encounters Cloud and Tifa and press-ganged them into her service so that she can make them hunt for treasure with her.
First stop is Shinra Mansion where they somehow find Vincent.  After momentarily waking him, Yufi makes off with his gun, Cerberus.  Vincent, simply wanting to get back to sleeping like a dead man, doesn't notice for the first week or two.
Then, along the way, they manage to rescue Nanaki from Shinra.  Nanaki keeps his mouth shut, but talks only when he and Cloud are by themselves.  The two quickly wind up developing a Calvin and Hobbes raport.  (At times, Yufi becomes the Suzie Derkins to their Calvin and Hobbes)
Eventually, they wind up out by Northern Crater by stowing away on various boats and airships.  (How, you may ask?  Beacuse it's Yufi.)
Meanwhile, Zack, a newly minted Third Class SOLDIER, is on his first solo milk run to the Icicle Town to retrieve a package when he runs into these three kids somewhere out by North Crater.
The wildlife being what it is, a big monster pops up just as they meet.  Without hesitating, Yufi whips out Cerberus and blows it away in one shot, but winds up breaking her wrist in the process.
Taking charge of the group, Zack confiscates Cerberus, heals Yufi, and brings them back to Midgar.  He has no idea where the hell Nibbleheim is, and it's not a good idea for him to bring Yufi back to Wutai village on his own.
Since he can't bring the children to Shinra HQ (he'd lose all his credibility) he convinces Aeris to watch after them.  Yufi, Cloud, Tifa, and Nanaki naturally make life hell for the young woman.
Naturally, over the three days it takes for Zack to make arrangements for the children to be sent home, word gets to Angeal from the Turks about the strange goings on at the church and what it may have to do with Zack.  Troubled by this turn of events, Angeal discusses the problem with Sephiroth and Genesis.  Eventually, the three decide to go investigate together.
When the three arrive at the church, Cloud fan-glomps Sephiroth, who takes it with a bit of bemusement.  Fangirls he can't stand, but a kid is another thing and entirely forgivable.  Of course, he cranks the snark up to eleven and implies that Cloud is Aeris' son.  That goes over like a lead balloon with Aeris.
Its around here that Genesis notices that one of his pockets is feeling a bit lighter.  And then Yufi hits them all with the Stop materia that she just stole from Gensis, and takes off with Cloud, Tifa, and Nanaki
Ideas for how else things can go wrong?  Wink
When does Vincent discover his lack of Cerberus, and what does he do then? (ie, what wacky hijinx ensue when he tries to retrieve it?)

- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Oh, I forgot that part. He shows up just after the kids take off. Since he knows Lucrezia's son on sight this is gonna be a bit of an awkward moment for him. Once the entire group takes off after the gang of rugrats, Zack shows up only to find an empty church. Cue panic mode as he takes off, trying to salvage an already bad situation. Smile
Have to wonder if this is in anyway related to the 5th Act and its lesser after stories.
You know, it probably makes sense that Yuffi ends up stealing a vehicle at some point... probably an experimental one the Turks are trying out.  That or one of the laughing executives manages to annoy Yufi by mocking and or annoying her then she steals their McGuffins.  That and/or they manages to activate the emergency lab incineration system and obliterate Jenova completely by accident... probably by random button pressing trying to get Red 13 out.
Ooohhh! Thanks Necratoid. The Boys are gonna appreciate that tip-off.

And on that note, the working title is now "Final Fantasy VII: Adventures in Babysitting or How Yuffi Saved The World!"

And yes, this is partly inspired by The 5th Act - very good story - only here there's no messing around with time materia (except where Yuffi slips away from everyone).

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