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This one probably gets filed in Doug's "Do Not Open Except In Case Of World-Endage" folder, but....

Quote: What's packed in my hold

Is dearer than gold

Revenge is my cargo this day

Ya' think you have won

But when my job's done

The fury will force you to pay

My people weren't strong

They'd done ya' no wrong

They just happened to be in your way

You take what you seek

Contempt for the weak

And your battlefleet came yesterday

Like the coward you are

You strike from afar

And death is the harvest you reap

For all we were brave

No warning you gave

My people ya' slaughtered like sheep

Alone in the dark

I lay near to my death

With hate in my heart

And with my final breath

To whatever gods

That would listen I prayed

That they witnessed your crimes

And they forced you to pay

On Tera, long dead

Old gods it is said

Created the furies to fly

Grim justice to seek

And revenge for the week

On those whom the law had passed by

Those gods heard my plea

And granted to me

The means of achieving my goal

Oh I think they are just

For to do what I must

The fury they placed in my soul

Transformed by her hate

Now I am your fate

The Gods chosen weapon of right

The fury inside

Will not be denied

And I seek my vengeance this night

I've stolen this ship packed

With weapons of war

So you will not profit, as you have before

Eluding you fleet

Past your sentries I slip

And the fury has guided me straight to your ship

She steadies my hand

Her tool to command

Accounting you will not deny

Your ship is in sight

Of my fury lead flight

And the fires of my vengeance burn high

What's packed in my hold

Is dearer than gold

As dear as my people who fell

When I ram in your side

At the end of my ride

This fury will send you to hell, to hell

This fury will take you to hell!
Effect: Summons the Three, in their incarnation as the Furies; Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megeara.

And he'd better have a Damn Good Reason For It.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
where's the band, title, and youtube link?

the freaking lyrics made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, I want the rest of the package!
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Mercedes Lackey, "Magic, Moondust, and Melancholy". It's performed by Leslie Fish.

I don't know if it's on youtube.

Amusing note: David Weber wrote a novel with an almost identical plot (Path of the Fury, recently much-expanded and slightly-revised into In Fury Born) some years later. Both he and Misty steadfastly deny that either was aware of the other's work before the similarity was noted by the fen.

And yes, it's right up there with "March of Cambreath" for I-Want-You-Dead-So-I-Can-Jump-On-The-Gnarly-Bits RAGE.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
The effect I envisioned for it -- back when I said I didn't even want to think about the possibilities (purple rhinoceri,
anyone?) -- was that it turns whatever vehicle Doug's piloting/driving into a kamikaze, with way more explosive power than just the fuel tank blowing up
could produce, and even if the fuel can't blow up. Maybe equivalent to a nuke or total-conversion weapon; possibly adjustable
power to guarantee it'll kill any enemy. But Doug's gonna die too.

The exact title, by the way, is "Eumenides." Magic, Moondust, and Melancholy is available on CD from Firebird Arts and Music. And Leslie
Fish's grating voice is perfect for the rage in this song.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Sorry for the thread necro, but since Bob never chimed in, I feel like I can add my own idea (related to, but different from, DHBirr's). It has a condition: an enemy Doug can attack must have killed one (or more) of Doug's allies. Doug only needs the tiniest speck of mana to use this song, even for its full length. At the beginning of the song, all of Doug's injuries are healed and his reserves of stamina become effectively bottomless. Over the course of the song, Doug and his Improbability Field both become more and more powerful and vicious. His field might start inflicting transformations (potentially horrifying transformations) on people who get too close, for example. Doug will become stronger, faster, and less careful. During the last verse, Doug can make a person save or die (or possibly just die) just by touching them. The moment the song ends, Doug dies. (Or needs to save or die, or otherwise becomes Only Mostly Dead. Whatever Bob deems best.) The trick is that the initial heal and stamina boost, and most of the mana to maintain the song, comes from the Three-as-Furies. They're not actually getting summoned, so they won't be quite so ticked as with ECSN's idea, but Doug still had better have a Damn Good Reason.
Definitely an "only as a last resort" song, either way...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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