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Yo Ho, Hero
Yo Ho, Hero
Call it a Dynamic Entry with A bonus towards The Opponents being surprised

Two minutes to get your hero into position, then every body else has to make a fortitude check to just have a hangover instead of being drunk.
"We got the funk without the Parliament"? Whoa. Talk about a reference likely to go well over the heads of the intended audience. And surprisingly subtle for a Christian-themed song. I can just barely see where you get your power idea... might work, might work.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Bob Schroeck Wrote:"We got the funk without the Parliament"? Whoa. Talk about a reference likely to go well over the heads of the intended audience. And surprisingly subtle for a Christian-themed song. I can just barely see where you get your power idea... might work, might work.
I started catching the 'subtle' references at "we got the coconuts poured."
The whole song reads like "the Marks party all day, meanwhile, the hero has found weapons (Where'd you put the toys), and "strategic locations", before he goes into action.
My dry cleaners usually has a local Christian station tuned in during the mornings when I drop stuff off, and the genre is supposedly CCM -- but, I swear, the people they play seem to think they're writing the soft (almost gooey) rock version of mid-19th-century hymns. They're both blatant and unimaginative, and end up all sounding alike; something like this, though, has wit and style and a light touch without compromising its values. I can listen to it without having the Christian "message" smack me in the face like the finally of the fish-slapping dance.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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