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Brain-Hurting Fanfiction Pairing Generator
Brain-Hurting Fanfiction Pairing Generator
Thought you all might get a kick out of this one. Enjoy!

Or not... This might sting a bit...

Brain-Hurting Fanfiction Pairing Generator

Here's just a few that came across my computer screen.

Anne (A Little Night Music)/Aunt May (Spider-Man)

Apollo (Greek mythology)/Toby (Labyrinth)

Champ Terrace (Cupid)/Kowalski (SG-1)

Clea Duvall/Jack Foley (Out of Sight)

Eriol (Card Captor Sakura)/Jean Valjean (Les Miserables)

Gerald "Eggman" Robotnik (Sonic the Hedgehog games)/Jack McAllister (Jack and Bobby)

Getafix (Asterix)/Shoukichi (Heisei Gassen Tanuki Ponpoko)

Hanson (21 Jump Street)/Homer (poet)

Julia Sugarbaker (Designing Women)/Enid (Ghost World)

Kagura (Azumanga Daioh)/Irvine Kinneas (FF8)

Kosh I (Babylon 5)/Tarzan

Lance Bass/Eboshi (Princess Mononoke)

Lord John Marbury (The West Wing)/Nabeshin (Excel Saga

Nelix (ST Voyager)/Talia Winters (Babylon 5)

Pee-Wee Herman/Fleur (HP)

Ranma (Girl-Type)/Fred Burkle (Angel)

Sam (The Lost Boys)/Cliff Buxton (The Dish)

Sharpner (Dragonball Z)/Harmony Kendall (Buffy/Angel)

Stephen Maturin (Master and Commander)/Sienna (Phantom Brave)

Typhoid Mary/Shampoo (Ranma 1/2)

Some other amusing ones, not necessarily from the same batch...

Up Arrow (Dance Dance Revolution)/Lord John Marbury (The West Wing)

John Connor (Terminator 3)/Tony Dinozzo (NCIS)

Older Pete (The Adventures of Pete and Pete)/Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes)

Trance Gemini (Andromeda)/Saionji Kyouichi (Revolutionary Girl Utena)

Cirdan (Lord of the Rings)/Lone Star (Spaceballs)

Lt. Saavik (ST)/The Toaster (Red Dwarf)

Chakotay (ST:Voyager)/Torg (Sluggy Freelance)

Gordon Tracy (Thunderbirds)/Arnold J. Rimmer (Red Dwarf)

Ling Ling (Steam Detectives)/Jar-Jar (Star Wars) I have no idea who Ling Ling is, but the match sounded funny, when read aloud.

Buster (Mythbusters)/Daniel Boone There must be a myth that needs busting, somewhere...

Fingolfin (Silmarillion)/Kate (Lost)

Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes)/Griffith (Berserk)

Gary Hobson (Early Edition)/Leto Atreides II (Dune) I wonder who would win the "I can see the future" off.

The Ring (Lord of the Rings)/Pansy Parkinson (Harry Potter)

L (Death Note)/Cedric Diggory (HP)
Fighter (8-bit Theatre)/Anita (ROD the TV)
Pontius Pilate (Jesus Christ Superstar)/Sabretooth (X-Men)
Willie Wonka (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)/Aya Natsume (Tenjou Tenge)
Dave Lister (Red Dwarf)/Derek Zoolander
Wile E. Coyote/Luke Duke
Alan (Thunderbirds)/Babs Bunny (Tiny Toons)
The Cowardly Lion (Wizard of Oz)/Counselor Troi (ST:TNG) (this one just writes itself...)
Cordelia (BtVS)/Mother Theresa
Aaron Burr/Gonzo (Muppets)
Hyatt (Excel Saga)/Ma-Ti (Captain Planet)
Dawn Summers (Buffy)/Desire (Sandman) (c'mon, she fits with the "starts with D" naming convention!)
Gaius Baltar (Battlestar Galactica 2004)/Carmen Sandiego (Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?)
Jeannie (I Dream Of Jeannie)/Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
Marie Antoinette/Chairman Kaga (Iron Chef) (the secret ingredient is... cake!)
Tomo Takino (Azumanga Diaoh)/Dana Scully (X-Files)
Dr. Quinn (Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman)/Piccolo (DBZ)
Remy Lebeau (X-Men)/Zelgadis Greywords (Slayers)
Mirelle (Noir)/Stan Shunpike (HP)
Space Ghost (... Coast to Coast)/Sora (Kalediostar) (and not in an interview, right?)
Unicron (Transformers)/An Orc (LotR) (bonus marks if that random orc wins...)
Baltar (Battlestar Galactica)/Hermione Granger (Harry Potter) (not Gaius Baltar - this would be John Colicos' character)
Hotaru Tomoe (Sailor Moon)/Emma Peel (Avengers) (actually, this one could work... no. Bad Rob. Finish your other fanfics first.)
The Archdean (Illuminati University)/Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Illyana Rasputin (X-Men)/Seven of Nine (ST: Voyager)
River Tam (Firefly)/Don Quixote
Jem (Jem!)/Barbarella
Axel Foley/Ikari Shinji (NGE)
Kari Byron (Mythbusters)/Jimmy Olsen (Superman)
Mustrum Ridcully (Discworld)/Mara Jade (Star Wars)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
The first one I got:

Elizabeth Bathory/Ohtori Akio (Shoujo Kakumei Utena)

"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

I think what hurts the most is that so very many of them are same sex pairings. Though some I can see work bizzarrely... and I guess it didn't actually
say romantic pairings.

I mean have Calvin end up in Berserk in his Spaceman Spiff guise and totally screw up the Eclipse by dragging a collapsable transmogripher out of his saddle
bag and setting it on Kaiju.(...Actually the Godhand doesn't have rules about if the sacrifices take out the entire hoard)

Also, I'm kind of curious what a Jem (Jem!)/Scotty match up would look like or what Sakura (Naruto)/Mooby the Golden Calf (Dogma) would be like... though
it could be the first Fat!Sakura tag ever.
Adam (BtVS)/Sasshi (Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi)
Biff (Back to the Future)/Piper Halliwell (Charmed)
Buster (Mythbusters)/Gomez Adams
Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)/The Cigarette-Smoking Man (X-Files)
Furura (Pokemon)/Baron Unterbheit (Venture Brothers)
Hal Sparks (I Love the 70s/80's/90's)/Michael (La Femme Nikita)
He-Man/Robin (Batman)
Jar Jar Binks (Star Wars)/Joan Girardi (Joan of Arcadia) (God sure loves to mess with her.)
Jordan Sullivan (Scrubs)/Guido Orefice (Life is Beautiful)
Lex Luthor/Sofia Curtis (CSI)
Mia Wallace (Pulp Fiction)/Beverly Crusher (Star Trek)
Mrs. Smith (Mr. and Mrs. Smith)/Mary Shelley
Queen Victoria/Johnny Smith (Dead Zone)
Richter Belmont (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)/Friedman (Joan of Arcadia)
Rover (The Prisoner)/Pyro (X-Men movieverse)
Sherlock Holmes/Cassie (Buffy)
The Archdean (Illuminati University)/Taro Kagami (Death Note: Pilot)
The Bursar (Discworld)/God (Bible)
Tom Berensen (Animorphs)/The Devil (Brimstone)
Tony Rodriguez (NYPD Blue)/Gabe (Penny Arcade)

The very very scary thing about this list is how many of these work well if there's no romance involved.

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