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Star Trek Online - To Beta? Or not to Beta?
Star Trek Online - To Beta? Or not to Beta?
At 3:44PM Today I received an e-mail with the following subject line:

The Foundry for Star Trek Online Closed Beta Test

Here's a screengrab of the email:

(And you may be wondering why I'm breaking an NDA by showing you this? Well, read on. The next part of this is the FUNNY part. ^_^)

[Image: STO_Invitation_To_Beta.jpg]

I haven't played STO in months! I was wondering why in hell would they invite ME to this Beta?!? I couldn't figure it out! 

But... In the midst of uttering phrases describing divine excrement over and over, I noticed another e-mail next in queue from 4:03PM: 

[Image: STO_Invitation_To_Beta_DENIED.jpg]

ARGH... Gee THANKS guys! Way to build up my expectations for nothing! 

Actually I was laughing my ass off at this whole scenario, really. Yes, I was disappointed. But REALLY now? There's no way I could've been in the Beta except by mistake. 

I was expecting another shoe to drop and most assuredly it DID drop! And here it comes from high orbit! A colony drop right on my head! BOOM!

Anyway, since I am NOT bound and did NOT sign any NDA agreement, I thought you guys would be amused to see this. 

But there is one iiiiinteresting element here. STO apparently is going to get something akin to the Architect system in their game in the not-too-distant future. What about CO? I can't say, cause they haven't made the mistake of sending me an erroneous beta invite. But one has to wonder if something like that is in development? Or not?
if you didn't of joining the beta, they have claim to make.

And since you couldn't it's moot anyway, a funny moot, but moot none the less.

Only the people who want to be in the beta can't talk about it Smile
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy

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