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Magic Night!
Magic Night!
Come one, come all - the Facets of the Yrmaw are going to try and hit the town with a blast! Saturday night, 10:30-11 pm, PST! Welcome to the shining road!

"I'm terribly sorry, but I have to kill you quite horribly now."
Re: Magic Night!
Wow, that's a great idea. If only it was Sunday, I could join in, but today, I won't be in my home and, so, won't have access to CoH.
You know... this reminds me how much fun Lloelie is to play. Ok, it's official, Sunday evening, I'll be doing a marathon session with the fairy turned human. Anyone who feels like joining in, feel free.
I spoke to Horned Dragon today - I understand this is a regular thing now? o_o
Well...frankly timing is kinda tricky for me. I understand there's something going down tonight, 9-11 EST. I probably will be able to be online for some of that time, but not all of it, sleep being a necessity.
Since that's 2-5 am for me. British Standard Time.
(edit: okay, I really can't stay up - I didn't get a chance to nap in the evening like I hoped. z_z)
(And, well. The last Facets night was impossible for me due to that time differential, if you're wondering why I didn't show - I needed sleep 'cause I had to be up early)
As a further complication, my time zone's gonna change in a couple weeks when I go back for the summer. Basically making Saturday nights (EST) totally out of the question (since that works out to Sunday morning Singapore time, and I hang out in Church and stuff). Whether I'd be able to do Sundays... possible, but that depends whether I end up getting a summer job that requires me to work Mondays - which may happen.
So I dunno. Bah. =(
-- Acyl

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