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Snippets Of The Legendary II: You Know, This Means War!
Snippets Of The Legendary II: You Know, This Means War!
Staggering out of medbay, the bedraggled Pooky paused for a moment, leaning against the lockers and panting heavily. Shoving off of the locker, Pooky staggered
onward, wending a drunken course towards the entrance teleporter, and stopped as Terrence and Emerald came out of the showers, Terrence wearing his
'default' scowl and a towel, Emerald wearing two and snapping a third.

Idly, Pooky noted Mr. Whiskers had a dishcloth wrapped around him as well, as he struggled out of his leather coat.

"Terr! 's good.. hold m' coat, plsh"

Terrence helped the staggering imp out of his coat, then boggled as Pooky reached back inside his recently-removed coat, and pulled out a massive revolver.

"Thanksh, man!" Pooky slurred cheerfully, took two big steps back, then shot himself in the head. The explosion of the revolver made the two heroes
jump. Emerald jumped behind Terrence, who merely twitched. As the echoes from his shot reverbrated about the hall, Pooky arose, the normally-golden flames of
the Phoenix shining an eerie blue-white. As he landed, Pooky knelt and picked up his hat. Examining it for holes, Pooky walked back to Terrence and took his

"No better way in the world to get rid of a hangover!" Pooky said brightly, shucking his coat on.

"Cheers!" He said over his shoulder, flying into the entrance teleporter.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
..... the hell?

The Reason En doesn't get drunk. Burn off the Alcohol. And Pookie just loves doing that Phoenix thing. Which gives me an idea...

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Hmmm... am I detecting some form of preparations for the Going Rogue expansion here?
*bursts out laughing* I was wondering when I'd see pooky use the ole RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE...with great gouts of flame stratagy to burn off all the booze
he's just drunk *grin*
Playing Games
Jade Squall set her teeth in a fierce grin as she whirled her massive sword around for another blow. The evil necromancer staggered back, his protective aura
flaring from the assault, as her companions pressed their advantage. Terrencius the mage waved his hands in mystic passes, calling down lightning, which
clawed and tore at the necromancer with vicious glee. Behind their staggering opponent, the dark and mysterious form of Leesa melted out of the shadows to
plunge twin blazing daggers into his back.

With a final defiant scream of rage, the necromancer collapsed, his body burning to ashes in the blink of an eye.

"And thus his blight upon these realms ends," Terrencius proclaimed, even as he edged towards the bookcase against the wall with an empty sack in his

"It's over, finally -- MMPH!" Leesa said, her words cut off as Jade tackled her and planted a kiss on her lips.

"You were amazing!" Jade cried, breaking off the kiss long enough to make the exclamation, then diving back in for another before the other woman
could respond.

"Wait a minute," Terrence said, scowling faintly. "I thought Leesa didn't swing that way."

"She doesn't," Lisa commented dryly, holding a grinning Rhea in her arms.

"Heh, oops?" was Rhea's reply. "I rolled a twelve for sneak attack, plus my Kiss bonus of five, that means it succeeded, right?"

"Rhea," Terrence groaned. "For the twentieth time, you don't -have- a to-kiss bonus. -Nobody- does."

Rhea pouted. "Hmph."

With a gleam in her eye, Lisa made a long arm around the redhead in her lap, scooped up some dice, and scattered them on the coffee table. "Oh,
look," she said innocently. "I failed my saving throw. Guess that means I don't resist the attack."

Terrence dropped his face into his hand as Rhea grinned and resumed 'attacking' Lisa. He peeked through his fingers, sighed heavily, and finally
decided that one game was as good as another, dropping his character sheet to the table and moving the table itself out of the way.

Mr. Whiskers, who was wearing a paper magician's hat and regarding the proceedings from the top of the TV, said nothing, and said it very well.

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
*Doubles over laughing as he reads this* Oh..My God spud..thats such a halarious Mental Image 'To-kiss' bonus...thats awesome..along with the pure
imagry of Hero sandwich Playing..D& just amuses me to no end *grin* And really...To Terr..the second 'Game' is naturaly More...Enjoyable
hehe..but still He'd deffinatly love to play More D&D :p

Anyways Kudos to that awesome snippet
I approve of Mr. Whiskers in a pointy hat, yes I do.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Terr wishs to play D&D? *looks at some notes* i think i can help Tongue

TerrBig Grinood..before I arrived in Paragon I -lived- in a reality that you might as well stamp D&D on it, with some variations mind you..but much of the same
magic and monsters and stuff Smile
GM: That's it, I'm done. Rocks fall, everyone dies.

*apologetic throat-clearing*

GM: Right, okay, sorry. Everyone, -except- Terr. *muttering* Stupid invulnerability...

Terr: Ha!

GM: ... Oh, look, you tripped and fell into Spring of Drowned Girl.


--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
hee! I'm a little late finding this, but it certainly brightened my day.

There are some saving throws you don't want to make Smile
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Quote: Sofaspud wrote:

GM: That's it, I'm done. Rocks fall, everyone dies.

*apologetic throat-clearing*

GM: Right, okay, sorry. Everyone, -except- Terr. *muttering* Stupid invulnerability...

Terr: Ha!

GM: ... Oh, look, you tripped and fell into Spring of Drowned Girl.

Aaak Nooooooooooo! Please don't bring Ranma ½ into this! I beg of you?!?!?!
Vyper, is internets... is too late Tongue



Atlas Park

Seraph Residence.

Laz sat in the garden her father built, it still seemed a bit odd that he would build a Japanese style garden in a high-rise penthouse, but she was used to
her fathers oddities now.

((Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd))

She carefully picked up her guitar and started to strum away as she went over the events that led her to this point in life. Her first memory was of walking
up on the Vazhilok operating table, then spending the next few weeks running and hiding till Gir found her and brought her home, she grinned at the memory of
meting the other Sabres and being allowed to join them.

As her mind continued along she winced, remembering the shock of finding out that half of her body matched up to girls from several missing person cases,
some of them years old. It had been a hard to accept that she had no link to her life before hand, but slowly she learned to deal with it.

Her hands danced along the strings, the memory of discovering the Crey facemaker kit installed in her face, how she and Gir had spent the rest of the day
reshaping her face in to friends and family, Laz tried to pull of the voices to match the faces, but wasn't very good.

Strumming faster, the memories coming faster now, she smiled when Gir told her that Seraph was gonna adopted them, that she would have a family and a new
home too boot. Their was a time when she struggled to find a job, even though seraph said she didn't have to, she still felt she need to pay him and Gir
back, they had given her so much.

She eventually got a job at Cryx Mix, a coffee shop in Sky way that served to the more odd heroes of Paragon, the ones that didn't fit in, the
outcast's. Laz had taken to it like a duck to water.

She played away, reaching a fairly difficult section, she had to admit, given all that had happened in her life, if she managed to snag a boyfriend,
she'd almost have a sickenly sweet rags to riches story.

She slowly wound done, the song she played coming to an end, she became aware she had gathered an audience. Seraph and Gir.

"Uh, hi… what's up?" she asked sheepishly.

Gir run over to her and dropped to her knees. "Oh my gosh I didn't know you knew how to play that was so awesome." She said in a breathless

"Um… thanks I guess?" Was the only reply she had.

Seraph grinned. "Come on girls, were heading out for dinner in a bit." He called out before heading back inside.

Gir climbed to her feet and ran in. Laz sighed and carefully stood up. "Wait up dad." She called before running inside to join them.


something that had been bounceing around in my head for the last few days.

Quote:Aaak Nooooooooooo! Please don't bring Ranma ½ into this! I beg of you?!?!?!
At least not until Icon/Facemaker lets you change your character's gender...

Cute. I like.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote: Sofaspud wrote:

Mr. Whiskers, who was wearing a paper magician's hat and regarding the proceedings from the top of the TV, said nothing, and said it very well.

Somewhere, there is a cartoon guy in a bowler hat and a white turtleneck, talking to a stacked redhead about Sex and D&D....
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
To be precise, Ebony, that would be here:

"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Quote: Bob Schroeck wrote:

Quote: Aaak Nooooooooooo! Please don't bring Ranma ½ into this! I beg of you?!?!?!
At least not until Icon/Facemaker lets you change your character's gender...

Cute. I like.
Point. -agrees on this one-
Nene stretched and yawned, leaning back in her chair and arching her back. More comfortable after the movement, she glanced at her watch.

"Lunchtime!" she announced to the array of terminals half-surrounding her. She locked her station and stood, brushing down her uniform skirt and
straightening her cuffs. She left her office and headed for the teleporter pad, detouring slightly to pass by Leon-pooh's desk for a bit of pre-lunch
teasing. He'd been too comfortable lately, ever since Robin got her claws into him. Nene needed to put him on edge again. And she could probably enlist
Robin's help... if she didn't just make it a two-pronged attack and tweak both their noses at the same time.

It would need to be planned carefully, but she thought she could pull something suitable off. As she approached Leon's cube, the rapid tapping of keys
reached her ears.

Grinning, she rounded the corner. "Hiiii, Leon-poo.. ooh?" Her greeting died on her lips as Naoko regarded her in startled amusement, perched in
Leon's chair. A quick keystroke cleared the screen.

"I'm sorry, Detective McNichol is out at the moment. Can I take a message?" Naoko teased, grinning up at Nene.

"What are you doing here?" Nene blurted.

Naoko shrugged. "I was coming down to meet you for lunch, silly. Remember?"

"I meant at Leon's desk," Nene said, exasperated.

"Oh, well, I noticed McNichol left his station unlocked when he left, so I figured I'd teach him a lesson about proper computer security." Naoko
stood and waved at the screen. Nene stared.

"You replaced his background with Hello Kitty?"


Nene grinned. "Oh, we can do better than that. Let me in there." She edged past Naoko and tapped at the keys for a moment. "There!"

Naoko raised an eyebrow. "I... didn't -know- there was a Catgirl Appreciation Society, or that they had such a... provocative mascot."

"It's the Internet," Nene replied, waving a hand airily. "Rule --"

"-- thirty-four, yes, you've mentioned that before." Naoko shook her head. "So! What's for lunch?"

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
Oh, poor, poor Leon... hopefully Robin doesn't get to his computer first!
you know once you said it, it has to happen don't you? Tongue

you know once you said it, it has to happen don't you? Tongue

Why do you think I suggested it?
I've been an adviser for a long time, and I've guided a lot of young boys and girls on the path to becoming heroes. Some of them have become true
heroes, symbols of hope and justice. Two fell to darker paths, using their talent and power for evil ends. And some have fallen, killed in battle by their

Her name was Isabelle Rankin. When I first met her, she was a week away from her seventeenth birthday. Unlike some of those I've taught over the years, she
already knew how to use a bow. She was giving serious thought towards making a career of it once she graduated, having already made district champion in her
age category. There was no magic in that talent. In fact, while she accepted the call and became a hero, she refused any magical gift from me. Everything she
did, she did through her own efforts.

For nearly a year, the Midnight Archer prowled the rooftops of Skyway, stopping gangs and criminals. She never sought fame or recognition in that identity,
taking a simple pleasure in a duty well done. I was proud of her, confident that her drive and determination would take her far, both as a hero and as a woman.

Then Reichsman came. His army tore through Portal Corp and out onto the streets of Paragon, killing everyone in their path. Isabelle was one of the many heroes
to respond. I still remember that battle... Axis America solders marching forward, a stone Tanker charging past us to smash an enemy platoon, my summoning
fresh arrows for Midnight Archer as fast as I could. She was in magnificent shape, but she'd never been in a war before. I whispered in her ear, reassured
her, promised her it would be alright.

It was her arrow that took down the twisted Positron duplicate, I'm certain of it. He was the last of the Amerika Korps still standing, and as he fell,
hundreds of heroes turned their attention to the Reichsman.

Not even a Marcus Cole could stand against those numbers, but he went down fighting. Like Statesmen, he holds the power of Zeus, and he didn't hesitate to
call down the lightning on those that would dare oppose him. I remember the light, a roar that ruptured my eardrums, then I was flying, bouncing along the hard
asphalt. For a moment, all I could see was the light-burned blur down the center of my vision, I couldn't hear past the roaring blood in my eardrums. I
closed my eyes for a moment, trying to clear the blur. Isa would need me...

... Then I saw her, leaning at an unnatural angle from the front of a car, and I realized she'd never need me again.

I got the chance to speak to her, in what lies beyond. She didn't blame me for bringing her into that life. She didn't have any regrets. But for me,
the guilt is still there. And the hatred for the twisted monster that took her from this world too soon.

He's back now. Freed, and ruling the 5th Column somehow. He's defeated Statesman, and begun another campaign of conquest. But we're moving to stop
him first. We know the secret to his power, and I've seen him fall before. And I'm not just a talking cat now. I'm Purrfect Shield, a hero. I'm
a warrior. My blade, my memories, they demand his blood.

Today, that monster will pay for his crimes. For his world. For Isabelle.

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