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Anyone got any rabit food they can lend me?
Re: Anyone got any rabit food they can lend me?
Any reason why you're not using Anita King here?
Simple: I haven't seen anything from ROD yet, but rest assured that when I do, you'll see her. ^_^; *Mentally makes a note to add that to his DL list for source materials.*
Nah - you're still a few crossovers short of being "over the top", in my humble opinion. You don't have any incarnate deities yet, for instance...
Well... There is gonna be appearances put in from the trinities seen in Tenchi Muyo and Ah! My Goddess, although what role these folks will be playing is yet to be decided (Skuld is gonna go nuts when she meets Rhodes). For certain, there will be appearances by The Powers That Be later on down the line, but that's going to be more along the lines of, "Okay, we need you to clean up this mess now," at which point, Rhodes is gonna start wondering if he killed a nun in a past life or something.
In regards to your post, Sirrocco:
There are reasons that these folks are here, though for some of them it departs from the original canon (Eyrie has done an excellent job in teaching me that, when done properly, a character's original canon hardly matters).
The overtech that powers Lain is something that is feasible - it's just disgustingly prohibitive. She was a one shot deal that the government would rather not waste any more resources on. Especially when you gotta wait for the results to, quite litterally, grow up.
That might sound like it would go good with the Spartan/Manticor project since they start with children anyways, but it wouldn't - an Evolving AI requires something at least as powerful as a full-blown positronic matrix (Dr. Soong's notes that Data provided were more than useful). Mjolnir armor won't support that, and a Manticor body can't either since there's already a human brain to worry about.
Aside from that, though, you probably want to have your Weird Stuff come from the same place, or at least a relatively simple and coherent backstory. Don't play the UF game. ("And Jedi! We should have Jedi!). It only works for them because, if you read the first story of Core carefully, Gryphon *recreates the universe*. *Twice*. Once based on the contents of the friendly neighborhood Anime FTP directory, once based on the contents of his own twisted grey matter while going mad with grief and sleep-dep. Oh, and then he carries write privs to the basic assumptions of reality around in his head with him for the rest of time.
Well... UF on Eyrie is one thing. Lost In Lost Worlds (working title) on BlackAeronaut Studios is gonna be a different beast entirely. As EMLurker stated, dimension hopping excuses a lot of things. But not all of them. I plan to keep this as feasible as possible.
That said, the back story itself is something that still needs work. However recent suggestions frfom you guys has been extremely helpful. As far as an ultimate villain is concerned, I'm trying to keep in mind that one thing the kid-video-game-tester from the 101 Dalmations movie said: "It's not the villain, mate. It's the desire to annihilliate."
Heh-heh. The Utonium Sisters are a biogenics program gone awry. It was intended to create templates of a perfect human genome so that the information could be used to repair DNA damaged by radiation exposure. It was to be packed into a retrovirus that could be administered to the radiation poisening victims. The experiment was performed on flash-clones (the perfect little girls) because they always have inherent discrepancies in their genetic code. This retro virus was called Restore-0.
Then there was a terriffic blunder - like when that Mars probe was programmed in meters but the calculations were done in miles. Someone else on the team (A Professor Mojo Jojo) was working on a side project without authorization (always bending the rules, he is). He wanted to isolate the human metagene that had been encountered on another universe and pack it into a retrovirus called Retro-X. A batch of Restore-0 and Retro-X somehow got mixed together and both were administered to each flash-clone. *BOOM*
Mojo was stripped of his position and he is now in hiding, making trouble of himself whenever he turns up. Whenever he does, the Untonium Sisters are there to put him back in his place. They do other things as well - whenever the Event Horizon is directly attacked, they usually account for about fifty percent of the missiles intercepted.
*Grins* It is, in fact, due to the unswerving sense of duty the girls have that gave the Government the idea for this project.
So...errr... not so much rabbit food as a hutch with a locking door.
A few of those might help in their keeping, but I don't think the lock is gonna work.
^_^;;...if Dairine's there, she's there for a reason. Pardon me, I should say a Reason.
They should be worried about that. ^.^
Diarine is there, along with Kit and Nita, on loan from the Powers That Be to The Trinity. They certainly don't mind because one of the perks of the job is that they have a very big 'Wizardry Expense Account' from The Trinity, so making things happen when it's needed can actually get done. It's a nice stop-gap to have while The Trinity's Chosen are all in training. The Powers That Be benefit in that in return for Dairine, Nita, and Kit, they're gonna get to call on these Chosen when the shit hits the fan on their end.
The only possible place for all those people to go to shcool together is Gunnerkrigg Court.
Well, the school itself will be... Interesting.
It will serve all grades, K-12, and even have some college prep courses for the High School grads. In fact, the whole place is like a small, but fully featured, college campus. Classes themselves are handled in an unholy combination of Japanese and American styles - Each class will remain together throughout the day, but they will go from one part of the campus to the next as they change classes. To make sure that each class stays together, they have a general teacher that moves them from class to class and assists the specialist teacher in any way possible.
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"To the commissary we should go," Yoda declared firmly. "News
of this kind a danish requires."


Messages In This Thread
Re: Anyone got any rabit food they can lend me? - by Sirrocco - 11-15-2006, 04:33 AM
Re: Anyone got any rabit food they can lend me? - by Black Aeronaut - 11-15-2006, 07:54 AM

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