forced gender dysmoprhia disorder
Lets go over than... the forced is because it alters things. Its forced simply because this is a result a legitimate issue with a female body forced on a guy.
Its also a matter of the response her one true companion and father had to the forced change. Ranma's biggest psychosis is actually a control issue and
the rest is only a matter of symptoms and niggling details. That Ranma was going to to get //4l> l337 //4r714l ar7s s|
Lets go over than... the forced is because it alters things. Its forced simply because this is a result a legitimate issue with a female body forced on a guy.
Its also a matter of the response her one true companion and father had to the forced change. Ranma's biggest psychosis is actually a control issue and
the rest is only a matter of symptoms and niggling details. That Ranma was going to to get //4l> l337 //4r714l ar7s s|