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[RFC] Going beyond simply filing off the serial numbers?
[RFC] Going beyond simply filing off the serial numbers?
The other day, I was listening to this song by The Offspring...  (Warning: NSFW for R-Rated lyrics!)

I couldn't help but think to myself that this sounds a lot like the relationship between my SI character, Ezekiel Darkwood, and the god, Raven.  Except that Raven's big thing isn't lies per say.

But what if it was?

It planted the idea in my head about filing off the serial numbers.  Which is doable.  But the thing is that I absolutely detest that sort of thing.  It feels like a grave disservice to the characters to put them behind masks like that.  And I suppose that's part of why I've become so good at characterization is that I don't simply see them as words on paper.  I see them as actual people living out their lives somewhere in the infinite cosmos of the Multiverse.  Actual people with actual motivations and actual thoughts and emotions.

So, yeah.  After that, the idea then came to mind: what if I went beyond that?  Similar situations, similar people, but often very different circumstances and removed from the characters that inspired them.


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[RFC] Going beyond simply filing off the serial numbers? - by Black Aeronaut - 03-20-2018, 12:01 PM

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