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[OOC][PLOT] The Return of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals
RE: [OOC][PLOT] The Return of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals
(09-20-2018, 04:52 PM)robkelk Wrote:
(09-20-2018, 02:55 PM)Labster Wrote: Just a small note.  While reviewing Sakura's powers for the wiki, I was reminded that The Twin made a copy of an apartment building in canon.  So if anyone's running out of space, I might have a solution.

SI-Rob looks at SI-Brent, looks at the two storage rooms converted to apartments and the half-dozen more apartments in a Washuu-supplied pocket dimension, then starts wondering whether the church just down the street from Blossom Apartments really needs that large a parking lot...

Come to think of it, The Twin managed to duplicate that apartment building without destroying any of the buildings around it... so we won't need to grab any of that parking lot. Just put the new building behind the original one.

Ottawa, ON, Canada
January 13, 2017

Rob was using the big monitor in the common room for a videoconference with the Venice apartment. "Yes the Rideau Canal Skateway will be opening tomorrow. I'd love to host everybody at once for ice skating, but we're already crowded - even with people sleeping on couches, we'll have to host visitors in shifts."

Tomoyo replied, "We do have an alternate option, Mr. Donaldson, if Sakura-chan would be kind enough to assist us."

"Yes, the Sakura Cards are quite versatile in her hands, aren't they? Are you thinking that she could use 'Little' on everyone and have our guests sleep in miniature bedrooms?"

"That is an option that I hadn't considered. My thought was to ask Sakura-chan to use The Twin on your building."

"Oh, of course! That card is certainly capable of duplicating an entire apartment building. And if Usagi would be kind enough to share the Silver Crystal with Miss Kinomoto, I suspect the two of them working together could create a permanent structure that would not draw upon Sakura's magic to remain manifested."

"That sounds lovely!" Tomoyo smiled. "I must design an outfit for Sakura-chan that would be suitable for such an undertaking."

"... and that'll give us enough room for everybody to have a proper apartment instead of something in the dimensional pocket that holds our onsen and sparring room, with a two-bedroom apartment for Accelerator and Mimi and another two-bedroom apartment for Touma and Index."

"Yay! Mimi finally gets my own bedroom!"

Rob winced at the torturous grammar that Last Order used - some kawaiisa speech patterns simply didn't translate well to English. "Right. Okay, everybody pack anything that you don't want duplicated, so we can move it outside. That definitely includes your bank cards and cellphones. Kuroko, would you be kind enough to help me move the boxes in my storage room into the dimensional pocket?"

"Certainly, just as soon as I've finished with my own packing."

As the others left to pack, Rob motioned to Rei Hino, who stayed behind. "What's wrong?"

"If this works, we're going to have a building filled - well, half-filled - with Misaka clones and Accelerator."

"And you don't trust Accelerator?"

"It isn't that; none of them really know how to live on their own."

"I think I know where this is going."

"Before you came here, you tended to an entire shrine with your grandfather."

Rei looked annoyed. "You could get Mii to move in with them."

"We asked Mii to move less than two months ago, to give Usagi and Mamoru the two-bedroom apartment. It isn't fair to ask her to move again."

Rei sighed. "All right. I'll move into the new building with our child soldiers and our resident psychopath."

"He's not... no, you're right. He is a serial killer. I'm asking a lot of you, I know, but I have faith that you can do the job. We'll get Kazari to wire up a panic button in your apartment, that will sound an alarm in my office if you use it."

"And Usagi's room, and Mii's apartment."

"And the common room. But nobody's moving until after we've hosted that skating party."

Which leads to this set of notes on the wiki. Good think SI-Rob is drawing two salaries from Lord Phantomhive; he'd never be able to afford the upkeep and the food for two buildings filled with students otherwise.
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

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RE: [OOC][PLOT] The Return of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals - by robkelk - 09-27-2018, 09:22 PM

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