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A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No
RE: A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No
This one is a bit short, but covers a good deal of reaction

Chapter 6.2

Director Piggot glared at the assembled capes around the table as she walked into the conference room. “I want everyone to keep their mouths shut and their comments to themselves until after I’m done explaining the situation.” She said in a flat, no-nonsense tone. Stopping to stand at one end of the table she glared at the combined group of heroes for a moment before, when she was sure that she had their undivided attention, continued. “Yesterday morning a young woman entered Winslow High School and was subsequently assaulted, and then shoved into a locker full of bio-hazardous material. This was the culmination of an eighteen-month bullying campaign where the bullies systematically isolated, and humiliated their target, even to the point of turning the school administration against her.”

The adults all knew what had happened already and kept a blank poker face to the ranting of the director. Vista had been excluded from the meeting because of school and because of her meeting Akane and Taylor that morning, but the other Wards stared at the director seemingly in shock. “The only reason the situation did not get any worse was because a new student stepped in, knocked out one of the bullies and called emergency services while making arrangements to get the victim out. Now, do you have any questions so far?”

Browbeat, their newest probationary Ward raised his hand and Emily nodded to him. “With all due respect ma’am,” he said. “What does this have to do with us?”

Browbeat blanched as Emily smiled before she spoke. “Because it was Shadow Stalker that was the main bully, Dragon, please show the film.” The teens and adults spent the next half hour watching as the events of the previous day unfolded. When it was over Emily looked at their shocked, and in a couple of cases decidedly green faces, and spoke again. “Now,” she said, “I want to know everything that you know about Shadow Stalker, her attitude, what she did, and even things that she said that in light of this could have new meaning.”

Another half-hour passed while the teens told stories of Sophia’s attitude issues, her actions that Triumph admitted having sat on because he figured it was just her having to get used to working with a team, and Aegis offering up his leadership as a sacrificial goat over the situation. “Carlos,” she said to the teen as the rest of them stared in shock, “It is good that you are willing to take responsibility for this, but in all honesty the failure happened above your paygrade.” The boy relaxed at that and she smiled, knowing he took his responsibility seriously made her just the tiniest bit more accepting of him. “Honestly, the only upside to this whole fiasco is that the girl and her father are not holding this against us for our failures. On the other hand, if she saw half the crap that is coming out of Glenn’s office she might honestly think that we were insane instead of incompetent.”

“We’ve all had our own run-ins with public relations Director,” Armsmaster said calmly. “What are the girl’s powers?”

“Her primary power is a master class,” Piggot sighed. “Arthropods as near as we can figure, we are giving her an initial rating of seven in that field.” The table nodded almost as one at that though a few of the Wards pulled out their phones, probably to search out what an Arthropod was. “Secondary is a breaker four, thinker three, the thinker possibly to increase along with the master and the breaker is basically a copy of Shadow Stalker’s, but with the ability for the insects to also use it. She can also sense through her minions out to her range which is currently at a two-block radius. If some of the ideas that were discussed in the lab earlier pan out, then she’ll also receive a tinker and a stranger rating as well.”

“Five classifications in one person,” Kid Win said, his voice showing the awe he felt.

“Yeah, its kinda out there,” Aegis answered, “definitely something special.”

“What’s an arthropod?” Clockblocker asked, obviously having left his phone behind in the Wards area.

“Insects, arachnids and some species of crab,” Dragon answered the same time that Assault asked, “how is public relations being a problem?”

“She’s to dangerous,” Aegis answered deep in thought, “and at the same time, not family friendly enough for them to spin as a hero. What is PR’s answer for this director?”

“The Vista treatment,” Emily answered and almost the entire table groaned.

“You have got to be kidding me,” Kid Win grumbled, “this cape is joining us willingly, and PR wants to neuter her to uselessness?” She’s a combat multiplier, once she gets used to her powers she’ll be almost unstoppable.”

“The Wards were not meant to be a combat formation Chris,” Miss Militia said trying to calm the situation.

“They were also not meant to be used in a city like Brockton Bay,” Gallant replied calmly. “In fact, the problem with this city is that the PRT and Protectorate have exactly two options if everything were to go to Hades tomorrow. Either you could field the Wards as a combat unit and possibly beat down the gangs as they showed themselves, or us and the entirety of the Protectorate could cover the withdrawal of all the civilians not involved in the gangs, leaving the city a warzone until such time as the forces could be brought to bear to retake it.”

“And either way my head would be on someone’s wall,” Emily responded keeping Miss Militia from arguing the point. “Either the Chief-Director would have it for losing the city, or the Youth Guard would have it for using children as soldiers.” At that point Emily Piggot hung her head in thought causing Miss Militia to speak up.

“Director,” the patriotic themed cape said, “You’re not thinking of going with the girl’s idea from this morning are you?”

“I’m seriously considering it,” Piggot muttered, “I’m going to have to get her father’s thoughts on it though, and preferably his permission.”
Wolf wins every fight but the one where he dies, fangs locked around the throat of his opponent. 
Currently writing BROBd


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RE: A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No - by Rajvik - 11-17-2018, 06:23 PM

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