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[RFC] Going beyond simply filing off the serial numbers?
RE: [RFC] Going beyond simply filing off the serial numbers?

I did what I do best and I just started writing dialogue.

Straight up dialogue.

We don't even know who is saying what.

But this is how I tend to work out these ideas.  I just start typing and let the characters speak for themselves.

And now?

Now I think I have the beginnings of a plot.

For the following, imagine that all the gods mankind has ever worshiped have been watching the events of World War 2, and just witnessed the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki....

Quote:So that is it then. We are irrelevant.

No! There are still those that believe in us!

Are you serious!? Did you not see what they did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki!? We'll be fortunate if we can even keep them from creating their own apocalypse!

Easy there. She's right. We still have some influence. And we can cultivate yet more.

What do you mean?

You know that interesting idea they got about Avatars?

Oh! That's a good one.

What about Paladins? Those seem fun.

I think I'd settle for a Priestess.

I think we're on to something here. Paladin, Cleric, Avatar...

Someone get some food and drinks in here. I think we're gonna be in here for a long time.

Hang on! To what end do we use these people? Really, they don't need us anymore. Should we really interfere?

...Those are our children down there. Even if some of them have forgotten about that fact, it doesn't change things. To be honest, I'm glad that they're growing stronger. But I want our children to actually survive. You've all heard the stories - of how others have had their worlds torn asunder by their children as they grew restless and rampant.

You're not suggesting we assert control over them?

Of course not! I simply wish to gently guide them to a better path.

I dunno. I think those Americans have got the right idea. Hitting them with those bombs was the right call.

How can you say such a thing!

How can you stand by while they shove their own children out there as suicide bombers!?

That's enough, all of you! ...Tensions are high now. This is understandable. But that is all the more reason for us to come together on this matter. Yes, they can probably use our guidance. But we must be careful. Too much and we risk them becoming fanatical - and we've already seen what that sort of fanaticism can lead to.

Ugh, please don't remind me. Those witch hunts were bad enough!

But still, it's obvious we all have different ideas about how to go about this.

Are they really all that different? Think about it. We want them to succeed. We want them to be happy. Dropping bombs like those.... Okay, look. I get it. It was a necessary evil. They had to send a message and they had to make sure it was heard loud and clear. That they had the power to destroy them with impunity. And that, yes, they will do it if their hand was forced. BUt I still don't like that it came to that. That is why we need to be there to guide them.

Hear hear!

I still think that good fences make good neighbors. And I like that Roosevelt guy. Speak softly and carry a big stick indeed.

I don't think it really matters. Yes, we all got different ideas on how to handle this. But we all want the same thing, right?

Absu-bloody-lutely, mate.

I agree.

Me as well.

Okay then. Let's just agree to disagree. Respectfully, that is. And we do the same with our followers.

But what about fanatics?

That's why we need to have our own agents out there. Paladins, Priests, and even Avatars. A Priest to be our words. A Paladin to be our hands. And an Avatar to be our very own will.

...You know that's not going to be an easy sell for some of these people.

There are those that will accept. Gladly even.

I dunno. I'm kinda worried that some people around here might abuse the privilege.

No. This won't be a privilege, but a right. We each have the right to make our voices heard among them.

But what if someone uses their power to hurt the children? What do we do about that?

..... We do nothing. It will be a test for them. How well can they stand on their own if they cannot fight back one of us when the need arises.

I can see the wisdom in it, but isn't that more than just a bit callous?

We won't get anywhere arguing about it. It's a matter that's far too political. I say we do this on a trial basis. See how it turns out. If things are good, then we carry on. But if things start to take a turn for the worse...

....Then we let them be.

... I suppose that would be fitting. What good are we, the creators of their kind, if we actively hurt them?
How about a middle-of-the-road option? We police ourselves. Two warnings. And on the third... you're done. No more involvement.

I would prefer no warning at all.

You know that we can't do this if we don't allow for some wiggle room.

I know. And I also know that there are some of us that will abuse that rule. 

It can't be helped, though. But like he said, if they take action against the malefactor, then there will be no reprisals.

So... is that it? We can all agree on the basic framework? .... Very well then. We have a rough idea of what we want. Let us begin drafting the formal rules.

Granted, this invalidates some of my other ideas, but I think I can rework things.  This feels much better.  Much simpler.  A god with a chip on their shoulder wants their avatar to be just as jaded as they are.

And then other worlds come into play with their own gods moving behind the scenes...

Some will welcome their new colleagues.  Others will not.  There have been a few... incursions in the past.  Nobody talks about whatever the hell went down in Miskatonic County.  They don't even like to think about it.

But whether they like it or not, things are about to start changing, and they will do so whether or not they have a clutch to help them handle it.


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RE: [RFC] Going beyond simply filing off the serial numbers? - by Black Aeronaut - 02-26-2019, 06:40 AM

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