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[OOC][PLOT] The Fourth Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals
RE: [OOC][PLOT] The Fourth Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals
I kinda goofed on her name.  It's supposed to be 'Alisa' and not 'Alice', and 'Bannings', not 'Bunnings'.  She is, depending on the continuum at hand, either Alisa Lowell or Alisa Bannings.  She's a character from both MGLN and Triangle Heart.

In Triangle Heart 3...

Quote:Known as Alisa Bannings in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Alisa is a bitter young girl around Nanoha's age. She holds a grudge against all people, but somehow befriends Nanoha after Kuon has turned good. Alisa is actually a wandering spirit seeking rest after she was kidnapped and brutally murdered. In the Lyrical Toy Box game, even though she has passed to the spirit realm, her influence is felt everywhere. Nanoha meets Lindy at Alisa's grave.

In MGLN...

Quote:Alisa is an outspoken, dog-loving Anglophone and multimillionaire (sic) heiress, who gets angry when people keep secrets from her. Like Suzuka, she is a friend of Nanoha Takamachi and (in A's) Fate Testarossa. Like Nanoha with Yūno, Alisa treats an injured Aruf under the assumption that the familiar was just a big dog. She and Suzuka find out about Nanoha and Fate's status as mages near the end of A's when they witness to Nanoha and Fate's battle with Hayate possessed by the Book of Darkness. During the time frame that StrikerS occurs, Alisa is living an ordinary life as a college student. Alisa was adapted from the character of Alisa Lowell in Triangle Heart, but besides being a living being, is much friendlier and holds no such grudge against the world.

For the purposes of blending both continuities, I've combined the surnames, with her family actually having been a client of Shiro's.  I'll have it be that her family was at the event that was bombed, and nearly fatally wounding Shiro.  Once Alisa finds about about Nanoha's relation to the incident, and that she spent the entire time at her father's bedside, she became a staunch ally of the girl.

The combined surname can be easily explained by having a set of alpha-as-all-hell, but cosmopolitan parents; David Bannings and Jodie Lowell (Bannings in the source material).  (They even look the part!)

[Image: DavidBunnings.png][Image: JodieBunnings.png]

As for placement in school...  Point taken.  I'll have to write up a short where they have to deal with a clique of kids that are... well, not very bright.  (Hint: Nanoha won't be the only one.  Lotte Liese, who taught Chrono his Strike Arts, will be doing the same for all the youngins.  Including Alisa and Suzuka.)

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RE: [OOC][PLOT] The Fourth Thread of Planning for Arc 1 - Arrivals - by Black Aeronaut - 03-19-2019, 05:14 PM

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