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Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached
RE: Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached
I always remember the witchhunts of the 1950s, when quite a few millionaires used McCarthy and his fellow fanatics to target union leaders, in order to discredit and destroy the union movement. I have a particular loathing of Walt Disney for that.

(Kids, don't look to Communism as your ideal. That way lies a lot of corpses, corruption, and a bad end. Look to the union movements of the late 19th and early 20th century. Remember the days they fought for child labor laws, OHSA, sick leave, eight hour work days as opposed to eighteen... And never forget the Radium Girls.)

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RE: Irish oddsmaker gives 33% chance Trump will be impeached - by Matrix Dragon - 04-21-2019, 11:30 AM

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