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A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No
RE: A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No
“So that’s the current situation inside,” the figure that had introduced itself as Skitter, a new Ward that was still working on their power, informed them while showing a scale map with her insects. “The fun thing is that apparently Uber and Leet are also in play.”

“What are those two jokers doing here,” Battery asked.

“Right now,” Skitter said, a hint of humor in her voice. “They are guiding Sergeant Earp’s squad into position.”
Wynonna Earp looked at the two characters that were holding the exterior door open, allowing her squad into the mall’s support areas. Uber was wearing a pair of shades, tactical clothing and an ankle length trench coat with a monster pistol in one hand while Leet was wearing a set of Mjolnir armor from the HALO series with its standard carbine. Do you have a path for us?”

“Of course,” Uber said with a smile, “I will take point and clear your path to the upper level over the central court, Leet will bring up the rear.”

Wynonna nodded, “Then take point,” she told him stepping through the door with the last of her people, “I’ll be watching your back, Johnson, you’re bringing up the rear with the armor.”

A bear of a man wearing a sprayer tank and carrying a carbine as well nodded and walked over to Leet who looked at Uber and shrugged. “Alright team,” Earp called out softly, “I’m on point with Uber, Johnson is on drag with Leet. Now let’s go save some civies.”
Uber ghosted forward, the PRT sergeant close behind and damn near as quiet even without his soft soled stealth boots. When the Merchants had first hit his and Leets shop in the mall, the pair of Rogues had been able to take out the two idiots quietly. Once they had done that, the pair had locked the door to their back area and started working through the supply areas of the mall. Initially the pair had planned to deal with the druggies themselves, but the problem turned out to be that there were too many of them and they were just to spread out.
“So what do we do now Uber,” Leet asked him as they circled back to their shop.

“Well you could explain why you’re here to begin with,” an unknown voice buzzed between them. The two of them put their backs to the wall and scanned the hallway. “Oh calm down you two, you are obviously not here with the Merchants, so what is going on and why are you here?”

“Nothing on the sensors but a handful of insects bro,” Leet said in a tone that said he was about to panic.

“That would be because I’m not actually there with you,” the voice answered. “And before you panic, I’m an arthropod master, not a human one, I’m using the bugs in the area to talk to you. Now, are you going to answer my questions, or do I tell the PRT to take you down as well?”

“No,” Uber said with a sigh as he relaxed slightly. “We have a comic and game shop here in the mall, when the Merchants showed up, we thought we might be able to handle it, but there are too many of them in too many places.”

“Alright,” the voice buzzed. “Two things, first is that the PRT is already on site and need a way in that isn’t covered by the Merchants. Currently they are waiting for Protectorate assistance before coming in. Second is that if you need to get my attention, just say Hey Skitter, and then ask or say what you need to, I’ll hear and answer.”

“We can play Pathfinder for them,” Uber answered, “Can you indicate where we are to them?”

“Yes,” Skitter answered, “What is the nearest landmark to where you are going to let them in?” Uber answered and Skitter seemed to chuckle. “I’ll see if I can get the squad moving that way, be ready to wait for a few minutes though.”

“Understood,” Uber answered. “Team gamer is on the move.
“Alright,” Battery said with a sigh. “So they’re helping instead of going off on their own, do we have a plan?”

“Oh yeah,” Lieutenant Riggs said with a smile as Armsmaster slid silently to a stop at their command post.

“Armsmaster on site at Weymouth Mall,” he said as he climbed off the motorcycle, “Battery, report on the situation.
“So,” I said looking at the girl whose power I had just shutdown. “Are you an active combatant, or do you stay under everyone’s radar?”

“Active,” Katie answered with a sigh. “And I’m not one of the heroes around this town.” When she said that I lifted an eyebrow which caused her to grimace. “But I’ve started to regret quite a few of my decisions over the years, maybe the ones regarding my family the most. That said, it’s also hard to go against family, even in acts of teenage rebellion.”

Vicky and Taylor looked confused, and Amy looked a bit pensive at that comment, so I continued my questions. “Can you fight, or are you like me and more of a support type?”

“Both,” she answered with a smirk, “but in this instance, I think I qualify as a direct combatant. You give me my power back, and I’ll have a good number of these idiots pinned and unable to fight in short order.”

“Good,” Taylor said with a smile. “Amy, can I have a pen and your notebook for a bit, I think it’s time to line out the plan.”

“What are we going to do with just the five of us?” Amy asked handing over a notebook and pen. “I doubt there’s enough bugs in the mall to make a difference and unless Katie has a blaster power the most we can do is either have Vicky play frisbee with the tables, or charge Skidmark and Mush.”

“And doing that would just allow the rest of them to gun everyone down,” Taylor acknowledged. “Thing is first, it’s not just five of us in here, it’s seven. Secondly, there is a PRT squad currently moving into position to come into the mall with the other two’s help. Third, the police and the Protectorate are also on site, and all are coordinating together for this. Fourth, I’m acting as coordination and scout for all the forces so we can get the civilians out and deal with the problem.” As she had been talking, Taylor had been sketching and labelling in the notepad. “Katie, I have to ask for the plan, what is your power?”
Armsmaster looked at the list of capes on scene as the insects spelled things out beside the map that Skitter was providing. “I approve of your plan,” he finally said. “Once everyone is in position, execute.”

“Understood sir,” the mass of insects buzzed, saluting before dispersing to reinforce the map and list.
Skidmark chuckled as Mush finished his story. The stupidity of some people never ceased to amuse him and soon they would be flush with both cash and materials for sale. Suddenly, and with no warning, the buildings PA system kicked in crackling, “What the fuck?” he asked looking at Mush who shrugged. Pulling out his walkie talkie, Skidmark called out, “Ok, which of you shitstains is fucking around in the security office?”

Whatever the answer was, the voice on the radio was drowned out as a voice called out, “You ready for this?”
Uber looked down on the central courtyard from the second floor’s walkway and then looked up to watch as the PRT squad positioned themselves to take out the Merchant grunts that were surrounding the civilians. There would be no challenge, just the call of “PRT” as they stepped up and opened fire on the gang members. Off to one side he saw a knot of teens handing something around between three of them before nodding to each other, “On the bounce and with the beat people,” Skitter’s insect voice buzzed softly in his ear and he stepped up to the bannister with the PRT as Skidmark started to react to first the Public Address speakers and then the threat of Glory Girl throwing herself at him.
Skidmark’s attention snapped from the speakers to the blonde missile flying at him and he responded by standing and throwing down a repulsion field between him and the flying brute. This caused her to stop in place as she tried to force her way through to him, “Fuck off Glory Hole,” he snapped with a smirk laying down another field and throwing her back the way she had come, was that a smirk, he thought as she flew back. He didn’t have time to contemplate the issue though as he heard something metallic hit his power throne behind him, causing him to spin and catch the contents of the exploding containment foam grenade in the face.
Distraction complete, insects swarmed the gang members even as the people on the second floor started firing their weapons. Mush laughed at the shooters, his garbage armor seeming to make him immune to their fire. Rune slamming him into a pillar with a table on the other hand, was apparently done with enough force that he was either knocked unconscious or broke something serious as he went limp in response. By the time the song ended, the Merchants in this area were all down, unconscious and quickly being secured. The best part of it all, was that no one important was injured.
“Now that is how an operation is supposed to happen,” Riggs laughed as he watched the representation of the civilians being escorted out. “Michaels, Palmer, Civies are being led your way.” Turning to Armsmaster the Lieutenant smiled, “That’s a good girl you have there in Skitter, why haven’t you debuted her yet?”

“Her and her partner are getting special costumes made by someone other than Public Relations,” the tinker answered. “Though I think that they are going to have to have PR make a quick set for a likely press conference.”

“What’s so special about the costumes they’re having made?” Riggs asked.

“They’re bullet resistant.” Armsmaster answered before going to join Assault and Battery as they entered the mall.
Wolf wins every fight but the one where he dies, fangs locked around the throat of his opponent. 
Currently writing BROBd


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RE: A CYOA in Worm or I think my name is No No - by Rajvik - 07-11-2019, 07:33 PM

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